The listen that I meant= Consider, believe in.
The infidels were those Jews in Medina, who knew Mohamed was God's messenger, yet rejected him cause he is Arab.
+++Ben: - I doubt very much that the Jews of Medina or any Jew would put his faith
on the claim that Muhammad was God's messenger. A messenger from God, as far as a Jew is concerned, must be tested in the light of Isaiah 8:20. To the "Law and the Prophets" if such a messenger won't speak accordingly, it's because there is no light in him. And Muhammad could never have passed that test.
The followers of Moses are NOT infidels.
+++Ben: - Perhaps now you imply that we are not followers of Moses?
Even though this Assad does not represent Islam, he has got a point, yet the point is irrelevant to our debate here.
+++Ben: - Aha! So, Assad has got a point. It means you believe that the Jews killed
Jesus. It only shows how much ignorance of NT History you have, and how Antisemitism still exists in both Islam and Christianity.
If the Muslims you deal with are like what you described, then that is their problem...not Islam's problem, thats what i was trying to tell you about generelization.
+++Ben: - If Islam was the way you picture, we would not have lost so many Jews to Islam. Why would Muhammad kill the Jews of Medina, because they refused to recognize him as God's messenger? Nonsense! There is much more to it in there that
you either don't know or don't want to talk about.
The Quran urges Muslims to argue in peace with Christians and Jews unless they become unfair.
Quran: 29-46
''And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."
See also how prophet Mohamed PBUH used to deal with Jews.
I didn't exactly get your point here...Do you have any doubts that the Quran calls for good?
+++Ben: - For you Muslims, no doubt about it. Not to the Jews. Muslims even consider a guarantee of Heavens to kill a Jew. Be careful not to contradic me because I live in Israel and my ears are tired to hear this from Muslims.
How could you say that?...we all know that the Holocaust was masterminded by Hitler, whose intentions were far from being religious...thats why there were other victims than Jews...there were Homosexuals, handicapped, gypsies...etc.
+++Ben: - The others had their reasons to be target by Hitler. The only reason for the Jews to be murdered was the only fact that they were Jews. And mind you, Hitler had the blessing of Islam for the Holocaust. The Mufty of Jerusalem was in Germany for that very purpose: To bless the Nazis in their enterprise. I watched
the documentary, before you reply this by saying that I am lying.
It may have had an effect on Jews in terms of quantity...and ofcourse it was a horrible thing, so it had a psychological effect too...but the religion remains the same.
Did the Holocaust prevent you from practicing Judaism until this very moment?
+++Ben: - Why would the Holocaust have that effect? You don't suppose I would become a Muslim or Christian afterwards, do you?
Enlighten me
+++Ben: - There are many books with that purpose if you are interested.