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Don’t talk about the Donald!

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Warning: adult language.

I watched the whole thing, including his commentary. It was well said, and the comedian was spot-on correct: It's what free speech is actually about.

The tЯump is anti-american. Has been from the beginning, in fact. And anyone who still supports tЯump?

Is anti-american as well.


The Perfumed Seneschal
It's been said that whenever you say his name he has a massive orgasm.:eek:
So I agree.
Let's not talk about the Donald.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
It's been said that whenever you say his name he has a massive orgasm.:eek:
So I agree.
Let's not talk about the Donald.

Oh that is a most horrible thought.

My understanding is that whenever anyone mentions his name a kitten dies.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
That is beyond dysfunctional for a society.

This is just American as pie, really. We hate to be told what to do, who to like, and who to hate. Everyone wants me to hate Trump, but if anything that's why I like him. The more the media works against him the more I believe they're full of ****. It's just the fact that while Trump isn't perfect (no one is) he's certainly not as bad as they portray.

For example, in my state we've got the lowest unemployment we've ever seen. Think about how that might shift a one party state to red -- these people have literally been fighting for scraps at the food line for years, Trump gets in and that all stops. Hate the man for what? Everyone in my community is doing better -- everyone. Nothing locally changed (they vote nearly every Democrat in), so what did? Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it was Trump. The Democrats are gonna have to sweat for votes and offer something or they're screwed. A sea of emo identity politic gobbledygook does not provide incentive for anyone to vote your way. But, money in my wallet is something I can count.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
This is just American as pie, really. We hate to be told what to do, who to like, and who to hate. Everyone wants me to hate Trump, but if anything that's why I like him. The more the media works against him the more I believe they're full of ****. It's just the fact that while Trump isn't perfect (no one is) he's certainly not as bad as they portray.

For example, in my state we've got the lowest unemployment we've ever seen. Think about how that might shift a one party state to red -- these people have literally been fighting for scraps at the food line for years, Trump gets in and that all stops. Hate the man for what? Everyone in my community is doing better -- everyone. Nothing locally changed (they vote nearly every Democrat in), so what did? Well, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it was Trump. The Democrats are gonna have to sweat for votes and offer something or they're screwed. A sea of emo identity politic gobbledygook does not provide incentive for anyone to vote your way. But, money in my wallet is something I can count.
:DCan you explain in what concrete way has anything Trump has sptecifically done benefited anyone in your community, please?

Demonstrable causal links, please, stuff that happened because of Trump, not despite.


Well-Known Member
That some call him "God Emperor" is entirely enough for me to know how evil he is. The stinking swamp he's creating every day won't last. His utter lack of morals tells me that the sewage he's generating will end.

A little bit of background on that for anybody who wasn't aware: The God-Emperor is a reference to Warhammer 40k in which the Emperor is the figurehead of a totalitarian theocracy. Mix up some of the themes and imagery of Nazism, Stalinist communism, the inquisition and a hefty dose of 1984 and you're on the right tracks. The whole thing was intended to be satirical and dystopian.

So regardless of how you feel about Trump, it's really weird to call him the God-Emperor as anything other than an insult (which is absolutely how some people intend it). I was pretty surprised to see some of his supporters doing it out of genuine admiration. I guess some people just don't get irony.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
A little bit of background on that for anybody who wasn't aware: The God-Emperor is a reference to Warhammer 40k in which the Emperor is the figurehead of a totalitarian theocracy. Mix up some of the themes and imagery of Nazism, Stalinist communism, the inquisition and a hefty dose of 1984 and you're on the right tracks. The whole thing was intended to be satirical and dystopian.

So regardless of how you feel about Trump, it's really weird to call him the God-Emperor as anything other than an insult (which is absolutely how some people intend it). I was pretty surprised to see some of his supporters doing it out of genuine admiration. I guess some people just don't get irony.
Not to mention The Emperor in 40K is both Middle Eastern and explicitly atheistic, two things Trump supporters tend to hate.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
For example, in my state we've got the lowest unemployment we've ever seen.
And here in Indiana college grads still move away because this corporate friendly state is not a worker friendly state and manufacturing jobs are all the state tries to bring in despite the numerous legit good colleges in the state (we really should have our own Silicon Valley here because of Purdue).
A sea of emo identity politic gobbledygook does not provide incentive for anyone to vote your way. But, money in my wallet is something I can count.
You do realize that pretty much everything since the Declaration has revolved around someone's "identity?" Even prohibition was championed by one generation of women, and the push for the 21st was lead by the next generation of women. The end of slavery and Civil Rights is pretty clear who's identity that was about. Concerned parents have made a fuss about much, and the Religious Right pushes for their identity and religious affiliation to grant them special privileges to discriminate that were denied to another group of bigots a few decades ago. Even the NRA has taken up "gun owners" as an identified group that they say is under attack.
A little bit of background on that for anybody who wasn't aware: The God-Emperor is a reference to Warhammer 40k in which the Emperor is the figurehead of a totalitarian theocracy. Mix up some of the themes and imagery of Nazism, Stalinist communism, the inquisition and a hefty dose of 1984 and you're on the right tracks. The whole thing was intended to be satirical and dystopian.
A God-Emperor is an idea that stretches back from very ancient times (such as the Pharaohs of Egypt) to at least as recently as Imperial Japan.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
And here in Indiana college grads still move away because this corporate friendly state is not a worker friendly state and manufacturing jobs are all the state tries to bring in despite the numerous legit good colleges in the state (we really should have our own Silicon Valley here because of Purdue).

You do realize that pretty much everything since the Declaration has revolved around someone's "identity?" Even prohibition was championed by one generation of women, and the push for the 21st was lead by the next generation of women. The end of slavery and Civil Rights is pretty clear who's identity that was about. Concerned parents have made a fuss about much, and the Religious Right pushes for their identity and religious affiliation to grant them special privileges to discriminate that were denied to another group of bigots a few decades ago. Even the NRA has taken up "gun owners" as an identified group that they say is under attack.

A God-Emperor is an idea that stretches back from very ancient times (such as the Pharaohs of Egypt) to at least as recently as Imperial Japan.
Yes, but the Trumpettes have actually coopted Warhammer 40k specific artwork and such. There are other fictional God Emperors out there too, but when people use the term in relation to Trump, either disparagingly or admiringly, they seem to be invoking @The Emperor of Mankind


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You do realize that pretty much everything since the Declaration has revolved around someone's "identity?" Even prohibition was championed by one generation of women, and the push for the 21st was lead by the next generation of women. The end of slavery and Civil Rights is pretty clear who's identity that was about. Concerned parents have made a fuss about much, and the Religious Right pushes for their identity and religious affiliation to grant them special privileges to discriminate that were denied to another group of bigots a few decades ago. Even the NRA has taken up "gun owners" as an identified group that they say is under attack.

I think there was a time when this type of politics was more important, but it really isn't anymore. No one is going to vote based on this and the sooner the Democrats realize that the better. The majority is still white, married, religious, and has kids. What message does this party have for those people? Right now it's: "We hate you." That's not very endearing...

Personally, I reject all identities at least in the commonly understood sense. They're propaganda tools either to brainwash the people who think they belong to them or get others to hate them. What use are they either way? We should be voting for important things like fixing that DACA mess, fixing roads, or something... :D

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The majority is still white, married, religious, and has kids. What message does this party have for those people? Right now it's: "We hate you." That's not very endearing...
Personally, I reject all identities at least in the commonly understood sense. They're propaganda tools either to brainwash the people who think they belong to them or get others to hate them. What use are they either way?
Who we identify as and those we identify with are basic cornerstones of the psyche of the individual. In the South (and North) some people fly Confederate flags because that is a part of their identity. Most Americans identify as Americans. You say you reject all identities in the commonly understood sense, but yet your own plain and common identity of theist is very widely and commonly understood and Satanist is also pretty clear even if misunderstood by many.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...

Who we identify as and those we identify with are basic cornerstones of the psyche of the individual. In the South (and North) some people fly Confederate flags because that is a part of their identity. Most Americans identify as Americans. You say you reject all identities in the commonly understood sense, but yet your own plain and common identity of theist is very widely and commonly understood and Satanist is also pretty clear even if misunderstood by many.
Not to mention the entire central Trumpist campaign plank about immigration is pure identity politics

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not to mention the entire central Trumpist campaign plank about immigration is pure identity politics
Yup. 3/5ths Compromise - Identity. Women's rights suffrage - Identity. Jim Crow laws - Identity. McCarthyism "under god" - Identity. Klan marches - Identity. Union and worker revolts - Identity. LBGT rights - Identity. "We the people..." - Identity. "Four score and seven years ago our fathers...." - Identity. "Ask not what your country can do for you..." - Identity.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

Who we identify as and those we identify with are basic cornerstones of the psyche of the individual. In the South (and North) some people fly Confederate flags because that is a part of their identity. Most Americans identify as Americans. You say you reject all identities in the commonly understood sense, but yet your own plain and common identity of theist is very widely and commonly understood and Satanist is also pretty clear even if misunderstood by many.

These days it seems to just be a distraction tactic to avoid talking about anything useful. I think when someone tries to get me to side to them over some apparent identity they're trying to manipulate me.

What identities are (besides like, where you were born) are subject to modification, so it's probably unwise to become overly attached to them. That's why I don't really feel I have the same understanding as most people do. They seem to behave as though they are fixed immovable objects.

As far as, "Theistic Satanist", it was merely because when I used to post in the LHP forum my views would seem confusing to someone who was LaVeyan. I don't use that anywhere but online... Anyway, Satanism is more like something you do than pick as your tribe. Generally, that's all the identity bs is anyway... I'm part of this tribe or that... I'm part of no tribe, not even the Satanists. I'm on my own team... :D