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Donald Trump is digging his own grave


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Donald Trump is digging his own grave is the title of another anti-trump thread

I've been hearing stuff like this for years. In the end I'm just seeing a graveyard of people who underestimated Donald Trump.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Has your educational system so catastrophically failed that nobody who graduates can listen, check facts, think?

I don't know. I'm not sure yet. Let me check with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh to see what my opinion on that is, and then I will get back to you. Ok?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
"Veteran activist Noam Chomsky has accused Israel of “brazenly” interfering in US electoral politics in a way that vastly outweighs any efforts that may have been carried out by Russia. In comments in which he accused much of the media of concentrating on stories he considered marginal and ignoring issues such as the “existential threat” of climate change, the 89-year-old linguist said in much of the world, the US media’s focus with Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 was "a joke".
“First of all, if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support,”
“Israeli intervention in US elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done, I mean, even to the point where the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, goes directly to Congress, without even informing the president, and speaks to Congress, with overwhelming applause, to try to undermine the president’s policies - what happened with Obama and Netanyahu in 2015.”

Israeli intervention in US elections ‘vastly overwhelms' anything Russia has done, claims Noam Chomsky | The Independent

HOLY SMOLY JEEBUS!!! You are so right! So absolutely right! How could I be so dumb! So absolutely dumb as to even for a nanosecond think Russian interference in my nation's presidential election ever, ever mattered at all! Why, how in a million years could it matter if Israel also interferes in our politics? PRAISES BE TO TRUMP! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT AT LAST!
HOLY SMOLY JEEBUS!!! You are so right! So absolutely right! How could I be so dumb! So absolutely dumb as to even for a nanosecond think Russian interference in my nation's presidential election ever, ever mattered at all! Why, how in a million years could it matter if Israel also interferes in our politics? PRAISES BE TO TRUMP! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT AT LAST!

Do you love donald trump? :)


RF's Swedenborgian
HOLY SMOLY JEEBUS!!! You are so right! So absolutely right! How could I be so dumb! So absolutely dumb as to even for a nanosecond think Russian interference in my nation's presidential election ever, ever mattered at all! Why, how in a million years could it matter if Israel also interferes in our politics? PRAISES BE TO TRUMP! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT AT LAST!

If there weren't any Russians coercing any of us American citizens to vote for Trump., then Russia shouldn't be faulted for anybody like me who enthusiastically voted for Trump.


Coincidentia oppositorum
"Veteran activist Noam Chomsky has accused Israel of “brazenly” interfering in US electoral politics in a way that vastly outweighs any efforts that may have been carried out by Russia. In comments in which he accused much of the media of concentrating on stories he considered marginal and ignoring issues such as the “existential threat” of climate change, the 89-year-old linguist said in much of the world, the US media’s focus with Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 was "a joke".
“First of all, if you’re interested in foreign interference in our elections, whatever the Russians may have done barely counts or weighs in the balance as compared with what another state does, openly, brazenly and with enormous support,”
“Israeli intervention in US elections vastly overwhelms anything the Russians may have done, I mean, even to the point where the prime minister of Israel, Netanyahu, goes directly to Congress, without even informing the president, and speaks to Congress, with overwhelming applause, to try to undermine the president’s policies - what happened with Obama and Netanyahu in 2015.”

Israeli intervention in US elections ‘vastly overwhelms' anything Russia has done, claims Noam Chomsky | The Independent
Since I said "other countries", it doesn't excuse the problem. It only shows that it's really bad and it has to be stopped, whichever country that does it and whoever gets involved help it happen in our government.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No, it's even illegal to solicit it, which he has done publicly. it is also clearly an abuse of office.
But it's not Hillary, or Bill, Pelosi, or Biden, or Obama, or this person or that person who isn't Trump. Now need not be where we focus, but on the past. It's just not fair to apply the law when others get away with it. You'll hurt the delicate sensitivities of the Trumpeter, and hurt Trump's itty bitty feeling.


Active Member
Unfortunately, the prosecutor who replaced the fired prosecutor never did find out how Joe Biden's son received a high paying job for a Ukrainian natural gas production company when Hunter Biden had zero experience with working in any energy production field.

  • True: Beginning in 2014, Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, that faced allegations of corruption. He was paid "as much as $50,000 per month,"

  • False: His work for Burisma was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.
    • The investigation didn’t involve Hunter and was not being actively pursued at the time in question.
It's just whataboutism, plain and simple.

"Trump is corrupt"

"But Biden did a thing too, talk about that instead!"

The bottom line:

  • True: Hunter Biden’s role with Burisma raised conflict-of-interest concerns at the time.
    • The State Department claimed in 2014 that there was no conflict, noting the younger Biden was a “private citizen.”
  • False: There's evidence Joe Biden committed "corruption" of any sort in Ukraine, as Trump alleges.
  • True: Beginning in 2014, Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, that faced allegations of corruption. He was paid "as much as $50,000 per month,"
  • False: His work for Burisma was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.
    • The investigation didn’t involve Hunter and was not being actively pursued at the time in question.
It's just whataboutism, plain and simple.

"Trump is corrupt"

"But Biden did a thing too, talk about that instead!"

The bottom line:

  • True: Hunter Biden’s role with Burisma raised conflict-of-interest concerns at the time.
    • The State Department claimed in 2014 that there was no conflict, noting the younger Biden was a “private citizen.”
  • False: There's evidence Joe Biden committed "corruption" of any sort in Ukraine, as Trump alleges.

Your really splitting a fine hair on that one arent you?

A conflict of interest DOES NOT LOOK GOOD.

Second point, the democrats are pushing a double standard. If biden didnt do wrong, then trump didnt do wrong. If trump did wrong, then so did biden. The democrats cant have it both ways.

Thats logic 101. Deal with it. Learn it. Stop denying it. Stop projecting that im the one burrying my head in the sand.


Active Member
Your really splitting a fine hair on that one arent you?

A conflict of interest DOES NOT LOOK GOOD.

Second point, the democrats are pushing a double standard. If biden didnt do wrong, then trump didnt do wrong. If trump did wrong, then so did biden. The democrats cant have it both ways.

Thats logic 101. Deal with it. Learn it. Stop denying it. Stop projecting that im the one burrying my head in the sand.

Wow so u just cherry pick conflict of interest and ignore how the state Department found no conflict of interest because hunter Biden was a private citizen?

In anycase Biden did not wrong so trump did nothing wrong and if trump did something wrong then Biden did something wrong? What kind of insane troll logic is that?

You consistently cherry pick evidence to confirm your child like world views, while ignoring everything that contradicts it.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Your really splitting a fine hair on that one arent you?

A conflict of interest DOES NOT LOOK GOOD.

Second point, the democrats are pushing a double standard. If biden didnt do wrong, then trump didnt do wrong. If trump did wrong, then so did biden. The democrats cant have it both ways.

Thats logic 101. Deal with it. Learn it. Stop denying it. Stop projecting that im the one burrying my head in the sand.
There is a 'UGE difference (pardon my Trumpism) between illegal and "does not look good". What young Biden did raised concerns, but he did not do anything wrong. Trump broke campaign finance laws.

By the way, companies that have had problems with corruption often hire a straight shooter just to help improve their image. Has that company broken any laws since they hired Biden?

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
Donald Trump is digging his own grave is the title of another anti-trump thread

I've been hearing stuff like this for years. In the end I'm just seeing a graveyard of people who underestimated Donald Trump.
I agree with you that this could not go in the direction expected by rationally considering what he is doing. I used to laugh at his speeches finding them as good if not better than what Saturday Night Live could produce. Now I find his speeches terrifying when almost the entire republican party many of whom are intelligent actually defend and justify his behavior. He is using fear and hate to tap into the emotions of his supporters thus connecting their fear and hate to anyone who opposes Trump. If there is sufficient support then the outcome could be bad.


RF's Swedenborgian
What an absolute right wing propaganda post. How do these people get away with this brazen attempt at malicious journalism. The facts stand for themselves if they ever make the light of day. The prosecutor was taking bribes to not investigate and was shown to be completely corrupt. The IMF, European leaders and the US had had enough and wanted Ukraine to start cleaning up their internal corruption and this guy was at the center of it so they wanted him gone.

AFTER he was fired is when the company that Biden son worked for was actually investigate and a report was issued by a legitimate prosecutor who actually did his job.

But no, right wing propaganda wants l you to believe he was fired because Joe was trying to create corruption in Ukraine. It’s absolutely shameful.

  • True: Beginning in 2014, Hunter Biden served on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, that faced allegations of corruption. He was paid "as much as $50,000 per month,"

  • False: His work for Burisma was being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor.
    • The investigation didn’t involve Hunter and was not being actively pursued at the time in question.
It's just whataboutism, plain and simple.

"Trump is corrupt"

"But Biden did a thing too, talk about that instead!"

The bottom line:

  • True: Hunter Biden’s role with Burisma raised conflict-of-interest concerns at the time.
    • The State Department claimed in 2014 that there was no conflict, noting the younger Biden was a “private citizen.”
  • False: There's evidence Joe Biden committed "corruption" of any sort in Ukraine, as Trump alleges.

Viktor Shokin has claimed in an affidavit that he was indeed removed from office because he was leading a “wide-ranging corruption probe” into the Ukrainian energy production company that had given a high paying job to Hunter Biden who had no prior experience working in any energy production field.

Shokin Statement

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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
So where is it listed as being illegal?

I could see that as it would apply to classified information, yet absolutely nobody shows exactly where this illegality is listed.

Of course Hillary has asked for China to investigate Trump's tax returns but of course , as expected, it's all being blown off as a joke.

If Hillary did something illegal, then lock them up together. Stop this habit of using her as a whataboutism deflection.


Veteran Member
Nowhere in law, is prospective criminal behavior illegal. Ever.

You have to actually break the law in order to be convicted of a crime, and asking China or Ukraine to do some research on Joe Biden is not illegal, until Trump uses that information to specifically interfere in a presidential election.

...I know this is a bummer for those desperate to oust Trump, but if they oust Trump on this, then they've essentially broken the law themselves, and that is corruption.


Veteran Member
No, it's even illegal to solicit it, which he has done publicly. it is also clearly an abuse of office.

Of course this is all assuming that the information is going to be used to influence an election, which has not occured, as Joe Biden is not even the DNC candidate.


Veteran Member
Did you consult a legal source in order to arrive at that opinion about the law? If so, what was your source?

It's not really an opinion, but an observation. I cannot think of a single instance ever, where someone is convicted of a crime before they committed it.

...And since Trump has not used any information yet, he is not guilty yet. Obviously.


Veteran Member
If the whistleblower was smart, he would have held this information in his back pocket, and waited to see.

...But he couldn't.

Because Biden is already the Chosen One of the elitist left (even before the votes are in). And so this potential threat had to come to an end immediately.
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