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drishti-srishti in modern times


Well-Known Member
For those who are interested in drishti-srishti or ajati-vada or vijnana-vada (yogachara) -

New test backs up theory that the world doesn’t exist until we look at it. Quantum mechanics states reality doesn't exist until it's measured. Read more, below...

Also, an interview titled "Does the Universe exist if we're not looking?' with Wheeler - a colleague of Einstein.


Be your own guru
Very good. Also we might be on the verge of finding the fifth force of the universe - Dark Photon. This is addition to gravity, electromagnetic forces, weak and strong atomic interactions. That may clear up on Dark Matter. They say it is photophobic, hard to find, interacts with other forces only under very special conditions. Check on Google (or whichever search engine you are using) and Wikipedia.

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Well-Known Member
Relevant text from the Viveka Chudamani. This is found earlier in Gaudapada's karikas and I have also seen similar text in the Yoga Vasistha.

170. In dreams, when there is no actual contact with the external world, the mind alone creates the whole universe consisting of the experiencer etc. Similarly in the waking state also; there is no difference. Therefore all this (phenomenal universe) is the projection of the mind.

171. In dreamless sleep, when the mind is reduced to its causal state, there exists nothing, as is evident from universal experience. Hence man’s relative existence is simply the creation of his mind, and has no objective reality.

172. Clouds are brought in by the wind and again driven away by the same agency. Similarly, man’s bondage is caused by the mind, and Liberation too is caused by that alone.


Premium Member
For those who are interested in drishti-srishti or ajati-vada or vijnana-vada (yogachara) -

New test backs up theory that the world doesn’t exist until we look at it. Quantum mechanics states reality doesn't exist until it's measured. Read more, below...

Also, an interview titled "Does the Universe exist if we're not looking?' with Wheeler - a colleague of Einstein.

For us advaitins it is not an issue that the world exists on account of seer-seeing. We understand Visnu's three steps as measuring out the infinite -- which means finitising the infinite (probably dvaitins and the so-called atheists will not fully agree to this).

But this topic, IMO, should be posted in general debate section, to generate interest and counter observations. The 'observer' effect is understood differently by different people. For them, the 'observation' implied in QM is absolutely devoid of intention and thus it is not linked to measurement or to intention.


For those who are interested in drishti-srishti or ajati-vada or vijnana-vada (yogachara) -

New test backs up theory that the world doesn’t exist until we look at it. Quantum mechanics states reality doesn't exist until it's measured. Read more, below...

Also, an interview titled "Does the Universe exist if we're not looking?' with Wheeler - a colleague of Einstein.


I am new to this forum. So I don't know if this is the correct section to ask this question. Here it is. Do Hindus believe in heaven, hell or afterlife?


Be your own guru
Most - yes, barring 'advaita' mavericks like me. For me there is no creation, no birth, no death, no heaven, no hell and no afterlife. I am eternal, unchangeable Brahman, so also are you. :)
Generally questions not related to Vedanta should go to the main Hindu DIR, but there is no clear division where Vedanta begins and ends, so IMHO, it is OK.


Most - yes, barring 'advaita' mavericks like me. For me there is no creation, no birth, no death, no heaven, no hell and no afterlife. I am eternal, unchangeable Brahman, so also are you. :)
Generally questions not related to Vedanta should go to the main Hindu DIR, but there is no clear division where Vedanta begins and ends, so IMHO, it is OK.