Has anyone watched their son get circumcised? I realize personal stories use emotionalism, so take it as you will.
My husband really wanted our son circumcised, and I really didn't. But I deferred to his desire, because he understands growing up as a boy. I insisted on him watching, though, and making sure the doc used anesthetic. I was going to watch myself, but I had complications from labor and was being treated while the circ occurred. He said they strapped him naked onto a plastic board, hands and feed strapped down. Our baby was making noises of discomfort at this point. The restraint is of course necessary for safety. The doc put a topical anesthetic on, then did the circ about five minutes after. (Not long enough for the anesthetic to be effective.) He said our son screamed and cried, and although he was calmed after 10 minutes, each urination and diaper change was painful for him for about two weeks. Also, the doc nicked him, which bled on and off for about a week.
In the long run, this was a short amount of pain that my son forgot. But it's not clear how neonatal pain affects infants. There are various studies of post-op cortisol levels in newborns after various procedures, and studies of their responses to painful experiences (like immunizations) after undergoing surgery or painful procedures as newborns. Newborns who were circumcised reacted more strongly to future pain. Neonatal intensive care units put a lot of effort into reducing pain and stress in infants, because it helps them heal and develop faster.
Based on circumcision and subsequent reaction to pain:
ScienceDirect - The Lancet : Effect of neonatal circumcision on pain response during subsequent routine vaccination
And from:
Experience in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Affects Pain Response
"Greater frequency of invasive procedures is associated with behavioral immaturity..."
Many babies must undergo invasive procedures, but I wouldn't again choose to do one unnecessarily.