Kelly of the Phoenix
Well-Known Member
So was the act of getting pregnant in the first place. Doesn't mean there aren't exceptions, though.Nope. “Usually” a choice of convenience.
Try reading Numbers 5. Let me know when you see it.Where did God offer abortions to prove the faithfulness of a woman?
What was the average marriageable age in the ancient Middle East again?Where did God say that it was alright to marry a ten-year old?
So common there is neither biological, nor historical, nor legal, nor biblical precedent. I'd hate to see what you think is UNcommon.Yet she has common sense.
The bible goes on and on about the right way to kill lots of sentient beings, human and otherwise. So?Reaching into a womb and severing the neck of an unborn child is killing that child.
Just as a doctor might recommend not going through with the pregnancy?As I understand it, doctors are the ones who tell you if you need a heart transplant or not.
So, if a woman is carrying a child with no brain, or the child is causing medical emergencies for the mother, the mother doesn't get a say? You realize that without the life of the mother, that embryo or fetus ain't gonna live either, right?What you do with your life is your business, but once the life of a defenseless unborn child gets involved, you’re dang right people are going to say something.
When you start talking about children, let me know. So far, we aren't.You think everyone should just turn a blind-eye to child abuse? No one should come in a make decisions to help the child you hurt or neglect?
I'm looking for an ensouled human here. Care to help me find it?I don’t know how you can compare an unborn child to “bacteria” or “vegetables”. That is definitely in bad taste. Especially to those who love and cherish children.
The bible says you get one upon first breath AFTER being born. For someone who claims I don't read the bible, you sure don't know a lot about what those people believed.Or have a soul.
Except when it doesn't. If a tree ain't growing naturally, we should chop it down. Ain't that what Jesus tells us to do?A fertilized egg is not a “bacteria” that a woman’s body starts killing. A woman’s body naturally nurtures and preserves it.
(Oh, and that is also referencing just how you should treat bratty kids.)
Yes, it is. See Numbers 5, where it is offered to help a Paranoid Husband get rid of his wife and baby all in one go.Abortion, actually, is talked about in the scriptures.
The book of what?One examples comes from the Book of Jasher
Everyone who studies how pregnancy works would know pregnancy is harmful too.Not at all. Everyone knows that drinking bleach is harmful to the body.
Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance System | Pregnancy | Reproductive Health | CDC
I don't care about VOLUME. I don't care about some filler we use in the medical profession to keep people from going into shock. I'm talking about the ability to carry oxygen and other nutrients to your body's cells. Saline is standard filler. Dextran looks like it's for volume expansion (read: filler), but it also is used to keep your blood from clotting. Haemaccel is gelatin, so ... filler. Hetastarch ... filler. That's fine if you're in shock thanks to low blood volume, but that's just to keep your pressure up. The bone marrow creates blood cells. You NEED BLOOD CELLS TO CARRY OXYGEN AND NUTRIENTS TO CELLS. Put an embryo in a tank of saline and see how far it gets. I'll wait.There are actually perfectly viable volume replacements besides blood. Like saline, dextran, Haemaccel or Hetastarch.
It was hard, as I was using keyword searches, but finally found it:Where in the Bible does it claim that a woman can abort her child or that the unborn child is “bratty”?
Exodus 21: 17 “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.
There you go.
You DID read this book, right?
It's funny, because slicing up infants is how Solomon finds out who is the true mother....Also, since you are talking about things you don’t understand again, why not consider that the Israelites never actually killed a child who disobeyed their parents.
So the bible is filled with rules we aren't seriously expected to follow. Got it.Yet, the Lord placed them in the Law to teach the Israelites how He valued certain things, such as the obedience and gratitude a child should have for his/her parents.
If you venture outside of Christianity, actually this happened a lot.The idea that only one woman has ever or will ever have a baby magically appear in her womb helps you argument how?
It IS grounds for saying the woman, who has to put up with it, has a say in it.The burden of child bearing being placed on the woman is not grounds for killing someone.
It is oft said on the internet, that if men could get pregnant, abortion clinics would be as prevalent as Starbucks.
The bible says you are alive upon first breath. The Constitution says you either have to be born here or born somewhere and naturalized here. Many cultures don't even name the kid until days or even a month or so later, due to high infant mortality. Didn't Jesus have to wait a few days or about a week to get "official" or something? Do we baptize infants after birth sometime later, right out of the vagina, or right as the guy is having sex and impregnating the gal? Is your birthday when you started, or do you count your "conception day"?I don’t care if the father left. I don’t care if you are having a bad day. None of that justifies killing another person.
No, she says she's fine with it AFTER Gabriel tells her what's going to happen. Gabriel at no point says he cares if she wants it or not. He is just like "Rejoice! You're gonna be a mom!" She doesn't get a vote. Her permission was neither requested nor needed.The Luke account clearly records Mary agreeing to bear the Son of God.
I don't have to follow the bible because no one probably acted that way anyway? Got it.Can you reference how many times this happened?
How do I punish a zygote?It would be very easy to articulate how killing an unborn child can be viewed as punishing that child.
The issue is not what species it is. A human corpse is still genetically human (for as long as the DNA lasts, anyway).Calling a human being "fetus" during an ill-defined portion of gestation does not magically transform a human being into a non-human-being.
What matters is the concept of personhood. Please explain how identical twins are separate people instead of one soul, because if souls are at conception, then do they have to share or something? What about conjoined twins? Chimeras? Some poor guy thought his wife cheated on him because the baby didn't have his DNA. He had his brother's DNA.
But he doesn't HAVE a brother!
WHOOPS! He's a chimera, and the baby belongs to the brother's DNA that got absorbed into the fetus that became the father and so his sperm is really his brother, but the rest of his body is his ...
And unlike slaves or others always brought up by prolifers, I can interact with a person, be it slave or free, male, female, intersex, whatever. I cannot interact in a meaningful way between two minds with a zygote.An embryo or a foetus is not legally a person.