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New Member
:no: i havent heard much of it.
seems to be classified as a cult, and seems to promise its deciples their own route to god.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Hi hindupridemn, not much, enquired of them many years ago and attended their Brisbane center, joined in Hu Song with them etc., (donation expected) but never became a member (they expect an annual membership fee payment). It is mix of many beliefs, Christianity, Hinduism, Theosophy, Scientology,... a lot of occult and new age stuff. IMO there is nothing new in their teachings that is not available for free from other sources.

Here is link to their webpage that describes their beliefs, customs and aspirations, and also a link to some bio info on the founder, Paul Twitchell.

ECKANKAR: Official Main Site of Eckankar, Religion of the Light and Sound of God

Paul Twitchell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Astral projection is referred to as soul travel in Eck.

It really is a big subject that requires some prerequisite understanding of the differentiated planes of Cosmic being. Generally they are considered 7 in number though the first and seventh are actual not planes but principles. The physical is generally considered the first and Atma the seventh. The Astral is considered either the second or third plane depending on whether the eltheric is considered separate from the physical or not.

Astral projection (or astral travel) is an out-of-body experience achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming or deep meditation. People who say they experience astral projection often say that their spirit or astral body has left their physical body and moves in another dimension known as the spirit world or astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around and practiced for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. It is currently often associated with the New Age movement.

Astral Projection - Crystalinks


check out MasterPath & Gary Olsen....

he left Eck and formed MP...turns out MP is just an Eck spinoff....equally bogus and just a money making scam for the people at the top. They're bastardized versions of Sant Mat...among many where people 'pay to play' with false gurus.

Just follow the money........


yeah, the Hu...the 'love song to God'...

Olsen's minions gather and chant the same thing at the MP satsangs...probably while he hides behind the scenes counting his money...

lynn baker

There is nothing new under the sun. Eckankar doesn't claim to be New....but an old religion brought back into view. The truth is all around us in all religions that's for sure. Although, many have their own ways of explaining the truth on a level all can understand in the group they are speaking to. It isn't creating something NEW that counts, but reconnecting to that which IS. Yes, Eckankar Religion Of Light and Sound is just like any organization that depends on donations to keep it running. As far as trying something once or twice and expecting some miracle to happen...then you're not looking for the truth, but a Wizard. Good Luck!



Unrepentant goofer duster
Sri Sri Harold Klemp's Spiritual Autobiography, when read as a first hand account of a schizoid breakdown, is pure hilarity. And includes an amazing passage right when he gets the most out there lambasting and virulently cursing whomever is reading the book and getting amusement out of it, particularly if they are high on weed at the time. Highly recommended.
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Many Sages One Truth

Active Member
I don't know enough about Eckankar to say much, but it seems to teach along the same lines of truth the eastern religions teach. I do find some elements of it rather rigidly dogmatic, but hey, I'm not Eckankar.


Astro projection differs from Soul travel. Astro travel only goes as far as the Astro plan, ahere Soul travel can access all the lower planes to the spiritual planes of God


In Eckankar the road map to God starting to the lowest is 1= phisical plane 2 Astral Plane 3= Casual plane 4= Mental Plane& Ethoric Plane 5= Soul Plane the first spiritual plane or first heaven


Soul is total consciousness. It has the complete knowledge,love, and power that all men seek, yet few relize that these qualities are within themselves.They look to the outer instead of the inner self