Henrique Aguiar
"(...) Ectoplasm is said to be formed by physical mediums when in a trance state. This material is excreted as a gauze-like substance from orifices on the medium's body and spiritual entities are said to drape this substance over their nonphysical body, enabling them to interact in the physical and real universe. According to mediums, the ectoplasm can not occur in light conditions as the ectoplasmic substance would disintegrate.[4]
The psychical researcher Gustav Geley defined ectoplasm as being very variable in appearance, being sometimes vaporous, sometimes a plastic paste, sometimes a bundle of fine threads, or a membrane with swellings or fringes, or a fine fabric-like tissue.[5] Arthur Conan Doyle described ectoplasm as a viscous, gelatinous substance which appeared to differ from every known form of matter in that it could solidify and be used for material purposes.[6] (...)"
[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ectoplasm_(paranormal)]
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The psychical researcher Gustav Geley defined ectoplasm as being very variable in appearance, being sometimes vaporous, sometimes a plastic paste, sometimes a bundle of fine threads, or a membrane with swellings or fringes, or a fine fabric-like tissue.[5] Arthur Conan Doyle described ectoplasm as a viscous, gelatinous substance which appeared to differ from every known form of matter in that it could solidify and be used for material purposes.[6] (...)"
[Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ectoplasm_(paranormal)]
Alleged ectoplasmic materialization of a face made by the medium Eva Carriére (1912)
Dr. Albert von Schrenck-Notzing watching what was supposedly a ectoplasmic manifestation made ​​by the medium Eva Carrière (1912)
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