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Election (the Calvinist sort)

Socratic Berean

Occasional thinker, perpetual seeker
Running into more people self-aligning with Neo-Calvinism these days. Two questions that I keep getting the runaround on:

1) Do Calvinists believe that, while they are among the elect, their children may be outside of this elite group?

2) How does election align with the Great Commission and John 3:16?

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
1. Yes. I have read that this teaching is very psychologically stressful to some, especially mothers.

2. I have no idea. Both of those religious concepts are ridiculous, imo.

Jeremiah Ames

Well-Known Member
Running into more people self-aligning with Neo-Calvinism these days. Two questions that I keep getting the runaround on:

1) Do Calvinists believe that, while they are among the elect, their children may be outside of this elite group?

2) How does election align with the Great Commission and John 3:16?

if I may impose some humor:

perhaps that particular election was rigged?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Running into more people self-aligning with Neo-Calvinism these days. Two questions that I keep getting the runaround on:

1) Do Calvinists believe that, while they are among the elect, their children may be outside of this elite group?

2) How does election align with the Great Commission and John 3:16?
The concept of "election" is scriptural. Some are chosen from among mankind to go to heaven for a specific purpose.....that is to rule with Christ as "kings and priests" in his Kingdom. They are chosen by God, not men, so their election has nothing to do with any earthly qualifications....they are all spiritual and their choosing is in line with their role in the Kingdom. These "sons of God" are created by him at their resurrection, given a new birth as spirit beings in order to exist in heaven in the presence of God. These it says are resurrected "first" (Revelation 20:6)

Romans 8:16 says that God's spirit bears witness with their spirit, anointing them for their new assignment, and leaving them in no doubt that they are heaven bound.

This means that husbands, wives and children who are not so anointed will be out of this group, but in my experience, it is not a drama for them. Whilst they will be busy in their heavenly assignment, I have no doubt that God will facilitate communication and even visitations for those loved ones. Its not like we haven't had visitations form the heavenly realm since the beginning.

Election does not separate people whilst they remain on earth, so the qualifications for Christians generally applies to all. The great commission was given to all of Jesus' disciples....
Revelation 22:16-17...
"‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you about these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star.’”

17 And the spirit and the bride keep on saying, “Come!” and let anyone hearing say, “Come!” and let anyone thirsting come; let anyone who wishes take life’s water free."

Anyone who accepted the invitation to "come" can then invite others to "take life's water free"....

Jesus did not send just his apostles out to preach...but all who responded to his message were to share it with others. (Matthew 10:11-14) They went door to door (Acts 5:42; 20:20) looking for those who might respond.....but not everyone did....in fact, because of the influence of their corrupt religious leaders, the majority of his fellow Jews rejected Jesus as messiah.
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Soul Pioneer
Running into more people self-aligning with Neo-Calvinism these days. Two questions that I keep getting the runaround on:

1) Do Calvinists believe that, while they are among the elect, their children may be outside of this elite group?

Frankly, they dont know if they or their kiddos are elected, but can only hope (or trust) in such an election ;) - since in this ideology 'God' is orchestrating and predetermining EVERYTHING, - you're just along for the ride....come what may, you have no say in the matter. The more hyper forms of 'calvinism' are fatalistic to say the least.....unless of course you got lucky for God's choosing to be 'elected',.....such a dismal theology IMO, even 'hateful' (since many are damned by no choice of their own).

2) How does election align with the Great Commission and John 3:16?

Well, they have their 'explanations', dont all belief-systems? as well as their own interpretations and translations of so called 'scripture' (cherry pick as you please). In any case, they have to obey some kind of biblical instruction and do-good deeds (preaching, teaching) even if souls are already chosen for 'hell' or 'heaven' anyways,...its pretty convoluted, but hey,...'God' has got it all under his control - just play your part in the script (could you do otherwise?) - free will is tossed somewhere in the haystack, so its kind of a 'shake n bake' soteriology, but who knows? Pardon my rant on hyper-calvinism :)
