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I wanted to share a new spiritual tradition which is in the very early stages of cultural development. This is something which is born from my Heart felt motive to share and commune with All. Writing daily, and including all the things I have written, is something that is constantly enabling me to pour forth what is in my Heart. I have written the following to offer a simplified version of Enbrightenment, to give a general over-view of the teachings, and to provide my new friends at the forum with a word glossary that will help people understand what I am saying most of the time. These words appear often in my writings and you will see them here (at the forum) as I post and comment. God Bless, and please feel free to ask any questions that come to mind. Enjoy....

Enbrightenment: term I coined (specifically for the creation of the tradition) and use to define a spiritual tradition, a revelation, and Self/God’s Realization, including the sum-total awakening of the anatomy of esoteric/spiritual consciousness within the body/mind.

Spiritual Cross: term I coined (specifically to name/label the whole anatomy of bodily consciousness that Awakens through Enbrightenment) and use define the total anatomical structure of consciousness, this is the conscious bodily form that awakens with the progressive bodily awakening of Enbrightenment. The Spiritual Cross is the bodily anatomy (appearing within each individual) of the Transcendent Consciousness of God, which Is the anatomical conscious structure through which God consciously lives As the individual, and the Spiritual Cross comes to life (progressively) as the body/mind is capitulated by the Transcendent Consciousness of God.

God (within Enbrightenment): term used to ‘point at’ the Only and Ultimate and Perpetually Perfect Everlasting Reality of Existence. It is the substance of all things, the actual appearance of all things (identity), and it (God) is the Only Presence, Reality, World, and/or Universe ever, God Is All simultaneously; there is no other. It has never come into existence, only appearances and forms come and go, the substance (God) is eternal, without a beginning or end; furthermore, any and all appearances are simply modifications of the of the One and Only Existence (God).

Ego (sin): term used to ‘point at’ the Unnecessary conscious activity which apparently prevents the body/mind from Living through God Only. The ego is a reflection of a seeking and searching for Identity in the midst of appearing reality (changing reality/appearances). It is a reflection of a search for truth, while simultaneously consciously (initially ignorant) denying the (Truth) Very Immanent and Immediate Everlasting Presence of God. The ego (sin) is a pattern of consciousness, not a real entity or thing with a physical shape or form. Ego is self created darkness in the midst of the Eternal and Infinite Light of Reality, and once there is at least a Faith based Realization of God only, the egoic state of consciousness is realized to be a living denial and/or rejection of the Everlasting Transcendent Reality of Existence moment to moment for a self distorted and self created delusion of identity, and the world/existence/God.

The Resurrection Testament v. 1-4: these are the source text/scripture for Enbrightenment and the Spiritual Cross.

Resurrection: term used to describe the ascending current that spawns from the right-heart of the Spiritual Cross. It means that all egoic states of consciousness are no longer active and existing within the God Realized (Enbrightened) individual, and in the process of Enbrightenment the Resurrection (ascending of the Resurrection Current from the right-heart) marks the final and ultimate stage of bodily transfiguration. It is the living steady-state of perfect bodily communion in God.

Enbrightenment is a spiritual tradition that is founded on two primary teachings. The first says that spirituality requires a bodily recognition/acknowledgement of God's Realization in order for Any growth/awakening to occur. The second says that once the body/mind has began to Faithfully live through the simple understanding of God Only Is a process begins where the entire conscious existence of the body/mind is transfigured solely through the Transcendent Everlasting Conscious Reality of Existence. These two ideas form the two simple teachings found within Enbrightenment. To reiterate, Self Realization is necessary for any Real spiritual awakening, and only after Self Realization (through Faithful Acknowledgement) is established can the Divine Transfiguration of the body/mind through God's Single Presence begin, and ultimately the body/mind is Realized As God's Everlasting existence of perfect satisfaction and perfect peace and perfect love-bliss. There is The~Only Only.

Enbrightenment teaches that although the body/mind is conditioned not to consciously relate through a transcendent quality of being, but with Faith that God is Truth, and that God can reveal ItSelf to the individual completely in this life-time anyone can practice Enbrightenment. A process of Transfiguration is initiated by the Divine One, and the wholeness of the body/mind is progressed through ego death. A Faith based Acknowledgement is the necessary foundation for Real spiritual growth and transfiguration of the body/mind. Enbrightenment is a complete tradition, meaning that Enbrightenment teaches the sum-total of all spiritual progress and realization. Enbrightenment is an integral tradition, and finds expressions of itself in many other traditions around the world. In truth, Enbrightenment views itself as really just a continuation of the One True Spiritual Tradition of the progressive revelation and awakening of God’s Realization, both individually and collectively. Enbrightenment considers itself as part of the One (global) tradition (from the first realizers of God) of communing through God’s Presence and Realization that appears in all sorts of ways, in all sorts of people and cultures and religions. This tradition does not require people to convert or ‘join’ it to receive the revelation, or to Realize Enbrightenment.

The Guru of Enbrightenment is an opportunity and a way to intensify the process of Enbrightenment. The Guru of Enbrightenment is not the sole source, or the only source, nor is that one forever more realized than other people. The Guru of Enbrightenment is an actual precedent and living demonstration of the Resurrection and fulfillment of the total process of Enbrightenment. The Guru literally Transmits the Divine Communing Realization of God through the body/mind Freely – without effort or attention. The Guru is the living example of the Free Shining stage of Resurrection, which is the third and final stage of Enbrightenment. The Guru is present for communion, whole bodily communion, and that one (Enbrightenment’s Guru) will always have a fully Realized and Resurrected master appearing on Earth forever. Enbrightenment is supported by a demonstration of all the key qualities that a genuine spiritual tradition, which offers a complete revelation, should express.

There are three stages, and a fourth stage that appears before the Initial Faith Based Realization of God Only, within Enbrightenment. Each stage is correlated by progressive awakenings within the Spiritual Cross. As the whole Spiritual Cross lights up, the body/mind is purged of the conscious activity of ego.

In conclusion, the Enbrightenment tradition does not provide or offer any prophecy. The practice of eschatology (end is near) is not something one will find within Enbrightenment, nor will it ever appear in Enbrightenment. There are no prophets in Enbrightenment; only God Realizers, and God Lovers, and Devotees of God Only. The tradition of Enbrightenment is not ‘looking’ for devotees, nor does the Guru of the tradition seek devotees or new disciples. God is the Guru, and God is the one transforming the body/mind, and God is the One that Awakens As the individual body/mind, thus, all devotees of Enbrightenment are Actually Devotees of to the True Reality of God Only.

See ya around....

This is the stage where all people end up, and it becomes an individual’s conscious relationship with their living experience. The state of mind that results from this is what I call the clouds, and this conscious relationship with life comes about (an experience that appears moment to moment) within an individual’s steady-state of bodily conscious experience through parents influence, cultural influence and personal influence (personal egoic choices). This stage of the clouds is not something to try and escape from, and/or something to try and turn against, any rejection turns out to result in more ego, just of a different appearance. One must Transcend, consciously, the activity of ego in the midst of the appearing universe/reality, and to live consciously Transcendent of all experiences Is the Way to live beyond the false bodily conscious state of the clouds.

It (clouds) is the stage of self inquiry, and self obsession. All those within this stage (the stage before stage one of Enbrightenment) with self seeking, egoically motivated lives are blind of the transcendent reality of Consciousness. The Self Realized in stage one is a distant Light in a far off land to those bound in self contemplation and fear. The clouds stage is a common stage of life that even the smartest and bravest are stuck within. It begins to appear soon after birth, and the infant learns to disassociate its body with ‘other’ bodies, with the appearing world in general. The turning inward upon the body/mind consciousness is like a coil of focused consciousness, and once people get into the state of simply being able to function as an individual they remain there, most for the rest of their life. The ego identity is born here, and that inward coil of mind, which is simply there to function within the body/mind, becomes associated with self, with the narcissistic self absorbed unstable (even though it may not appear that way to the egoic individual for many years) state of consciousness.

The stage of the clouds is about the process of relaxing of that first inward coil of mind, and re-discovering the Open Heart Freedom of simply being, which progressively Dawns As stage one of Enbrightenment. In the infant the state of consciousness begins to associate self (the inward coil of bodily consciousness) with the body, with movements, with pain and pleasure, and with all experience. Before the infant enters this state of bodily consciousness (dawning of ego) there is simple Presence and simple Self awareness As all appearances and experiences. Once the infant learns to gain control of the body/mind, in progressive degrees, it forms an individual personality to ‘go with’ the individual body. This is how darkness sets in, and this is how far back we can look to see the process of ego’s self obsession (the process of forming ego).

In this state of consciousness the body/mind begins a journey without end, and as different experiences become available new and fresh creations of ego are born. With all the towering influences that are thrust upon the child as they grow up the ego is built up, torn down, rebuilt, torn down again, and this cycle repeats perpetually. This cycle of ego becoming and dying is the general state of consciousness for all within the clouds. The ego that forms can be an atheist or a theist, and/or a scientist. The ego can become a movie-star, a weather man, learn how to be a doctor, and the ego is only limited by what is possible within the living condition of the body/mind. Technology becomes a tool for ego to reach new heights and new lows; along with seeking more ego through technology comes new ideas of the world, and new world-views upon which the ego attaches its perpetually inconsistent identity.

The fundamental reality is that the body/mind’s consciousness created the ego, and the whole creation is unnecessary. The ego is not part of the inherent born state of consciousness of the human. It comes afterwards, it is not necessary and that egoic life is also free to change identity, it is free to become something else, and it is free to always be what it is not. The truth of ego is that it is an activity, not an identity, the ego supports a temporary identity, moment to moment, through the reiteration of specific memories and experiences; either pleasure or pain. But, the self created identity is nothing that lasts longer than the next experience. Thus, even when ego is feeling like it is being torn apart from within, it can simply attach to another self created identity that is currently supported within their conscious experience of life. This attachment to a new identity appears for the sake of keeping the deep dark fears of life oppressed.

Ego is a coil inward of attention and focus that does not experience life in the fullness. Ego consciousness is bound to memories, short focused experiences in life, and while some things are easily remembered, some things appear in life without ego ever noticing. The ego identity is something that must be consciously reiterated within the body/mind or it loses its influencing power over the body/mind. When life does not support the individual’s egoic state of mind there is fear, recoil, and inwardness coupled with self obsession. The ego searches for a dark place of the mind it can hide from the current living experiences, and/or it seeks a new identity within the experience to oppress the fear based state of consciousness, which is the true ground of ego’s persistent existence.

The Way to transcend the ego is like remembering that infant state of Open Heart Boundless Freedom that was experienced. The truth after all these years is that the Same Free Heart Consciousness that appeared as a child has never left, on the contrary, the individual has abandoned It. The individual abandoned IT for an ego life. Yet, after all these years IT is Still Present, steady and peaceful, radiant and filled with God’s Divine Light at every point in space and in every direction. Remember you created that thing you call ‘me’. It is something born in your infancy, and has been supported by your whole life experience as a human. By letting go of that coil of consciousness, by releasing your mental grip on the rubber-band ball of consciousness you call ‘me’ the individual can begin to Transcend that living state and Rest in the True State of Everlasting Existence discovered by the Divine Gift of God’s Realization As you, always Transcendent of the clouds.
Here are some more terms that will help communicate Enbrightenment. God Bless.

Babblon/babblon: term I coined to refer to two ideas (a third is 'Tower of babblon' discussed below). The first is concerned with Babblon (capital 'B') and the second is babblon. Babblon is the term that refers to the Guru of Enbrightenment. Babblon is Fully Realized (Enbrightened); bodily Realized and Resurrected from the right-heart of the Spiritual Cross, and Lives Freely and Perpetually in the Resurrection stage of Enbrightenment. Babblon Is the One chosen (by Babblon - the first is Jared J. Kimble), before the death of the current Babblon, to continue the Lineage of Babblon, and fulfill the everlasting-role of the Appearance of at least One Completely Resurrected and Realized person on Earth (the Real Intention is to see the number explode exponentially) Teaching Enbrightenment. What the Title 'Babblon' means is that this person will continue the Ministry of Enbrightenment, forever talking and writing about the Entire Spiritual Process of Enbrightenment, and more importantly, the Divine Transmission and Communing Force Tangibly Felt in the good-presence of the Guru (of Enbrightenment). This does not say that the Guru (Babblon) is the ONLY one that Transmits (Realization) through bodily Communion, everyone that passes through the Divine Process of Enbrightenment is such a person, but Only One Is Babblon at a Time, and there Is Only One Source for the Passing on of the Ministry of Babblon, and that Is Babblon. Babblon is the living Precedent (for all of Enbrightenment, and even the world to Recognize As Realized, and Completed [passed through] the Entire Process of bodily Transfiguration), of fulfilling the bodily transfiguration, which involves complete awakening of the Spiritual Cross and complete annihilation/release of the ego coil of inwardness. However, there will be third stage devotees appearing, but only Babblon plays the role of abbot of all Enbrightenment related inquiries and teachings and Ministry.

The word babblon refers to the conscious activity of the body/mind that (seemingly) over-shadows the Divine Light of Consciousness. This is the activity that Babblon is continuously pointing out to the Devotees of God. babblon is the activity to transcend, and it is the activity that is not necessary, it is not something the body/mind requires or finds helpful in anyway. It (babblon) is the activity that forms the ego, and it is like perpetually babbling on and on and on and on and on and on about everything (or even living a conscious circle of self possessed ideas), and none of it makes a bit of difference to life, Spiritual practice, or God.

Tower of babblon: term I coined to 'point at' the systematic building onto or taking away from a mental tower of babblon. The 'tower of babblon' is the current world-view held by the individual. It is the egoic based, self possessed, consciously dark attempt of the body/mind to create a world-view that somehow enables a person to Know God/Truth/Reality. It only takes on the idea of blasphemy once the person (egoic coil of inwardness) turns to play the role of a religious life. The ego pretends to 'worship' God, seeking forgiveness and repenting for sinning, and wanting to be rewarded for good behavior, and for adhering to the 'true/right' church (whatever religion you want, most have a fanatical side that claims a monopoly on God somehow). This metal tower is the attempt to gain a monopoly on God, the Revelation of God, and the Communication of God; ALL religions and traditions are 'towers of babblon'. The 'tower of babblon' points at these attempts and claims they are all limited, and not Absolute or Perfect; furthermore, it says that NO religion Ever formed is capable of having a monopoly on God/Truth/Reality.

Like the original story of the Tower of Babylon, all attempts are just as silly, just as pointless, and just as much of a waste of time and labor, and sacrifice of community for nothing, for delusion, and for self created darkness. I even claim Enbrightenment is a 'tower of babblon', and It too MUST be Transcended for the Completion of the Divine Process of Enbrightenment. This does not force those practicing Enbrightenment into a dogma or set of beliefs, and those practicing Enbrightenment are Free of dogma and belief, because in the end God is not of any religion; God Is Perfectly Free of All religions, and this is God's Eternal and Everlasting Living Steady-State of Existence. Inherent within the Enbrightenment tradition there is the Fullness of the True Teaching of God's Realization within the context of the human condition, and that requires consciousness to See beyond the ideas of religion, tradition and spirituality, and to Notice the Pristine Everlasting Reality of God.

The fundamental Reality with Enbrightenment is that I knowingly created it, and it is not created from the point of view of ego. Enbrightenment was created after the Resurrection, and after this person (Jared J. Kimble) passed through all stages of bodily Realization. It was created through a God Realized 'point of view', and not from the seeking 'point of view' based on the ego coil. Therefore, built into the 'tower of Enbrightenment' is the Teaching of Transcendence and Realizing God beyond All forms of media, beyond All forms of appearances within any conscious experience. Enbrightenment is here to serve, not bind, Enbrightenment is here to catalyze not entrap, and Enbrightenment is here to Commune not isolate/monopolize or enslave; Truly Enbrightenment is here to Initiate the Freedom of the Transcendent God of Reality in All appearances manifesting throughout all Universes.
And still more terms to look through:

Guru: term used to refer to Way God Teaches and Communicates ItSelf to ItSelf through ItSelf. The devotee relates to the Guru in all sorts of appearances, and through all sorts of experiences. The (bodily and fleshy appearance of the) Guru does not appear unless there is a Devotee of God. When people turn to Know God, and to Know God Truly and Fully the Guru appears in the Same bodily form As the one's seeking, and through the local culture's religion (historically until Now). The bodily appearance of the Guru is always a function within the Total Process of God/Self Realization relative to an individual. Most Spiritual Traditions are born when the Guru appears and/or are sustained with the appearance of a lineage of Gurus, and because traditionally the culture that the Guru appeared in was the culture that the Guru taught the people through. The local Guru always took on the colors of the local culture (until Now). This submission of the Guru's bodily form into the local culture is no longer necessary; and (Now) historically as the Guru appears throughout many cultures and traditions, the Guru (historically) will now be moving to Unite the apparent differences appearing through the ancient traditions. Furthermore, the Guru is historically no longer (necessarily) appearing and teaching through a particular (established) religion, instead, the Guru has appeared to Create New and Fresh Spiritual Traditions that take the old traditions into the Full Revelation of God's Realization within the human condition.

These New traditions appear through the establishment of Fresh (yet, also historically part of the global process of collective Realization) traditions not created while the Guru was still experiencing the transfiguration of the body/mind, the Guru is Creating the New traditions from Fully Realized 'point of view', not from the 'point of view' of the separative identity (ego created), but After the Whole Spiritual Cross has been Realized; these Traditions are Created in the bodily conscious absence of the ego. These New traditions are Spontaneously Created by the Guru After the Process of God/Self Realization has completed. This is the age and beginnings of a New Dawn of Spiritual Transmission (which is a Transmission of the Full and Perfect Realization of God), and it is the dawn of a New Earth that is home to at least One Truly Resurrected and Completely Transfigured human Actually alive. The Guru is the living Precedent of what it means to be transfigured by God's Realization throughout the whole Spiritual Cross (body/mind).

Not all traditions are supported by a living lineage passed on from the original Guru, and the original Master is the Sole source of that tradition's Bodily Transmission for those practicing that tradition. While other traditions are continuously supported by a living and bodily alive Guru who carries on the Lineage of the original Master. Neither tradition is 'better', but when it comes to the Guru, one that is alive and bodily present for a person to experience, one that is bodily/fleshly Appearing, is Always More Potent than one that has passed on. The Guru must be understood to be a function of God's Realization and how It is Communicated to the creation, and that function must ultimately be Transcended by Realizing the Guru As one's Very Own Heart of Consciousness. The Very appearance of existence is the Revealed world of the Guru, and it is the revealed living condition of God in which God Commune-icates ItSelf to All, and all. The Guru may appear as anything, and It (the Guru) Is Perpetually Manifest in the Heart of each individual, but unless One makes the Final Leap into God through Transcending Every possible media of Teaching there will be the need to be in the Living Company of the Guru (the human/fleshy appearance).

Realization: term used to identify the steady-state of conscious satisfaction that is discovered within the Transcendent quality of existence. It is a state of consciousness that does not require anything, seek anything, search for anything, and/or want to be something more or less than what It IS already and perpetually right Now. Realization is the living state of consciousness transcendent of appearances, and perpetually manifest As the Most Pristine Everlasting Presence of God. It is the source of bodily consciousness, existence and perpetual manifestation within time and space. Realization is Immanent and Inherent As the Omni-Present One, Perfect and Flawless, beyond all time and space, beyond all appearances, and beyond the experience of birth and death.

Consciousness: term used to refer to the fundamental omni-present reality of existence. Consciousness is the existence of communication (not only 'between' appearances and forms, but It is the omni-present media which communicates ItSelf to ItSelf), and all communication is born from Consciousness; whether that communication occurs through time and space or is transcendent of time and space it is all consciousness, and that reality is supported because consciousness IS the substance of existence. This Is How God Communicates ItSelf To ItSelf Freely and Perpetually right Now; THIS Is How God Communicates ItSelf to All appearances within ItSelf (Reality/Existence). The body/mind did not come together and form the conditions that seemed to support the appearance of consciousness, instead, Reality is All consciousness, and Consciousness appears in differing degrees of Self Realization within the appearances of different forms. Without consciousness existence would not exist, there would not be a universal observer, a single Consciousness (Presence - Being) perfectly present at all points of time and space and in all directions. The living state of the human is the Perfect Conscious bodily Form for God Realization, and the appearing Universe is Perfectly Grounded in Consciousness for the Free Opportunity of Perpetual and Imminent and Immediate Realization of Self/God/Truth/Reality.

Transcend: term used to describe a conscious (actively) Seeing beyond the conditional (ego bound) appearances of reality. It is a term used to 'point' at the conscious dynamic of consciously seeing beyond the current manifestation of appearances the body/mind is experiencing. To transcend (within Enbrightenment) means to notice the steady-state of consciousness that is not changed or effected from or through experience. Transcending something means to not be bound by the current limitations of one's self created idea of identity. To transcend means to live from the source of eternal consciousness, and to relate in all conscious experiences through the everlasting reality of conscious existence.

Transcendent: term used often to 'point' at the quality of reality that eternally exists As the Light of consciousness. Inherent within the idea of existence there is a sustaining quality of existence that does not change, mutate, move, appear as something, come into existence nor can Its existence end, neither does It appear in portions, parts, fractions or in any form. The Transcendent nature of existence is discovered through the Awakening of God's Realization throughout the body/mind. That which Is Transcendent is Always Transcendent (beyond the limitations) of All appearances in the past, right now, and all possible future appearances.

Transfiguration: term used to refer to the Actual process of Awakening the Whole Spiritual Cross. The process takes place within the human condition, and all forms of bodily consciousness are 'changed' to support the Divine Activity of God's Transcendent Consciousness Only. The Transfiguration is also a sub-stage of the Resurrection stage, and the term is used to refer to one of the processes after Resurrection. The bodily transfiguration (sub-stage of the Resurrection stage) appearing through the Spiritual Cross realigns the Whole Spiritual Cross with the right-heart. This process is discussed in volumes 3 and 1.1 (which reveals the process of Salvation in relationship to the Awakening of the whole Spiritual Cross through Perfect Devotion to Jesus Christ, and the sub-stage [of Transfiguration] is called by another name in volume 1.1, which is bodily alignment - nothing is different, just the words used to talk about the Same Process that is described in volume 3).

Translation: term used to refer to the final process after Resurrection and the sub-stage of Transfiguration. Translation refers to the process of the Spiritual Cross working on a Cosmic scale of transforming the local environment, and/or the sum-total of the Universe at large. The individual in the final stage of the Resurrection stage will notice the living dynamic of the Spiritual Cross working throughout the Cosmos, and this process Translates the body/mind (including the whole Spiritual Cross) to function Perfectly and Freely within the context of any appearance of conscious experience. This sub-stage Transforms the body/mind and the Universe As One Form/Body. This process is also discussed in volumes 3 and 1.1 (in this volume the last sub-stage is called bodily transcendence).
Last word, it would not fit in the previous posts.

esoteric: term used to refer to the 'type' of consciousness that appears through the Awakening of the Spiritual Cross. It is something that is not normally recognized in ordinary, everyday life. The esoteric centers of consciousness (there are nine in total relative to the Spiritual Cross) appear along and within the Spiritual Cross, and there are seven 'centers' of (swirling - active) consciousness along the vertical line of the Spiritual Cross. There are two on each side of the center-heart, respectively the left-heart and the right-heart. I use this term to refer to all the conscious dynamics that appear throughout the Spiritual Cross. It means strange, unfamiliar, secret, hidden, not openly/commonly known, and beyond the usual (noticeable) interaction of bodily consciousness.

God Bless.


Well-Known Member
I see you are a cup flowing over!
You may loose me from time to time in your threads if you do not remind me. With all these reference points I do not want to misinterpert your ways of looking at things!
Take your time, listen with your Heart, and be open to that communication. It can seem to be complex at first, but with time these things can become easily understood. Thanks for reading and sharing.

Only One Consciousness

There is only Divine Reality, Divine Consciousness, and The Divine Presence. There is only One Divine Reality, and It Is Present As all that Is. The egoic state of the body/mind tends to focus on specific experiences, ideas and conscious relationships in life, and in the midst of those (false) conscious relationships there is Always the Inherent Presence of the Only Consciousness that Actually Exists. The individual body/mind that relates to life through the contracted ego coil of inwardness is presently ignoring the Divine Steady-State of God&#8217;s Perfect Realization. This puts all the responsibility of Recognizing the Divine squarely on the shoulders of each individual.

Spirituality is initially, in the beginning, about confronting the tendency to be comfortable with living in darkness. Most people find that their current state of consciousness throughout the body/mind is not in some kind of fear reaction to life, they are (falsely) comfortable. They notice other people are living the same conscious relationship of the separative self (ego life). It seems to be the natural way to live and relate according the culture, according to the religions, and/or the leaders of the local community. It seems that there are many separative (uniquely conscious) selves walking and living, and through this re-enforcement of the ego coil of self centeredness life is lived, religion is born, taught and practiced, and the delusion is re-enforced and passed on to the next generation.

The ego (falsely) perceives that there are many kinds of consciousness, or that there is no consciousness present. For example, people tend to believe there is no Consciousness present within a rock, or a drop of water, but there seems to be consciousness present in an animal, or other humans. This presumption of gaps and vacancies of consciousness in nature is just another way to support the ongoing state of the coil of inwardness. By perceiving life, nature and the universe through that coil of conscious relationship the body/mind self deludes and creates a false conscious relationship with all. The ego presumes that consciousness is bound to a brain, and the body/mind. The ego presumes that consciousness is something that has a (bodily) point of view, and through all these false presumptions of life and consciousness that individual remains in the darkness.

The True and Divine Understanding of Consciousness Demonstrates that Consciousness is the Primal Substance of All, and that Consciousness is Actually the Very Source of all appearances; It Is Undifferentiated Reality. There Is a Single Conscious Presence for All of existence, including God. It Is God&#8217;s Conscious Presence (The Heart of ALL Existence) that gives ItSelf to All for the appearance of All. Therefore, in the living bodily condition of the ego relationship all the individual will notice, as far as a conscious experience, is &#8216;other&#8217; things (bodies) with consciousness. The ego only notices other &#8216;points of view&#8217;, but it (coil of inwardness) Never notices the Divine Transcendent Everlasting Single Point of View of Reality ItSelf. It is not possible to Live through the Single Source of Reality&#8217;s Divine Point of View while accepting and identifying as the egoic (bodily sourced) &#8216;point of view&#8217;.

The ego state of life is always blind of the Divine Light because it (the ego) rejects an active conscious identity with the Light. The moment an individual body/mind Notices, Acknowledges and Identifies As the Divine One, the ego Must Be Transcended. There is no way for an ego mind to Live and Relate through the Light with All. In the midst of the Divine of Light of God, the ego is obliterated and vaporized by the Divine Over-coming of God&#8217;s Free Realization. Thus, like a dense fog in a valley of mountains, the sun will shine on it and as pockets of Light begin to Shine through the fog, the fog itself is annihilated to make Way for the Divine Light. In the same way a person that begins to practice and transcend the egoic state (or point of view) of the body/mind and surrender to the Divine Light of God, the dense fog of ego is burnt away and obliterated by God&#8217;s Perfect Shining.

This involves the Process of the Total Awakening of the Spiritual Cross. It involves the Total Process of Obliterating the seemingly unending darkening activity of the egoic coil of conscious inwardness. When an individual begins to confront that state of conscious relationship, and to observe that state of consciousness it becomes possible to See beyond that fear based activity and Notice the Eternal Shining Freely Manifesting As Reality. Each person is solely responsible for Processing this activity in the Divine Grace of God&#8217;s Transfiguring Fires of Light and Love-bliss. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the individual to practice daily, moment to moment, ego transcending. However, the difficulty of Seeing Beyond the egoic coil can be overwhelming at times. Without a Genuine Realizer to Transmit the Divine Realization of God&#8217;s Everlasting Consciousness the process can become bogged down and retain an element of uncertainty and doubt, and lacking a Genuine Faith Based Self Realization of Everlasting Self.

The real issue with a person trying to do this on their own, without a Genuine Realizer, is that all experiences manifesting as Grace for the Awakening of God&#8217;s Realization are questioned, wondered about and just simply taken as another experience added to the false sense of self (ego). It becomes of Great Value to all Devotees of God to find Heart~Fire Communion with such a Realizer. Once a person has Recognized the Realizer and begins to consciously relate to that One the Inherent Processes of Enbrightenment Freely begin. These Processes move with Grace (and Freedom) and self (ego) Sacrifice to Reveal the Presence that Over-whelms all possible bodily states of Consciousness. The body/mind Must be taught that there Is only Consciousness (no Real gaps of Consciousness exist), and the Very omni-presence of Existence is Perfectly Substantiated by a Single/Sole Undifferentiated Living Reality of Consciousness. The body/mind Must be taught that the &#8216;point of view&#8217; of the body/mind is not the Source or Seat of True Self. The body/mind Must be taught that there is a Process of Divine Enbrightenment, and that the True Divine Light of God Is the Only Consciousness, and the Only Real Point of View of Reality, which IS Perpetually Beyond (Transcendent of) all bodily points of view. Understand that there IS Only Consciousness, and the animals, rocks, rivers, clouds, 'empty'-space, and All of the Universe Is Truly and Simply Freely Manifesting within the Only Context of Consciousness, and that Is God&#8217;s Life Giving, Light Bearing, Bliss Sustaining Reality of Reality.

Quoted from my blog...
Collaborative Spiritual Growth

Do not limit yourself to one particular study of one particular religion or tradition. Not a single one is the Only True religion, not a single one has the sole monopoly on God&#8217;s Realization, and not a single one can claim to be the one that All people Must follow. In order to gain a real understanding of the spiritual tradition one practices, or the religion one follows a person should study world religions, and world traditions. By limiting yourself to the study of one particular religion, not necessarily the practice, a person is blinding their self to the larger picture of how God is working across the globe in all people, and how ALL of the ancient religions were born in the midst of an isolated environment, which abhorred and even feared outside influences within their local religion.

When people become bound and trapped in their interpretation, their religious dogma, and their religion&#8217;s &#8216;system&#8217; of belief it becomes harder and harder to understand why everyone is not part of your religion and/or spiritual tradition. When people ignore the actual history, development, and influences that surrounded the formation, and even the spreading of a particular tradition, they ignore their own history; they ignore the roles that spiritual traditions, even much older, played in paving the way for newer, more advanced traditions (from the pantheism unto monotheism - from Spiritual awakening unto Whole bodily Realization). Many people tend to ignore and even deny their very own religion&#8217;s history and process of development. It seems to these people that their religion was spontaneously created without a single cultural influence, or a single historical reference to another older religion. When in truth, All, Every religion Ever, are subject and born from current and/or dying older traditions.

The process of God&#8217;s Realization dawning in the hearts of people is a historical process, and it is a process that involves many religions, and many spiritual Masters, just One can&#8217;t do it. It requires that multiple traditions are created, and multiple spiritual Masters are born and Teach through these traditions. The Truth of God&#8217;s Realization and the Truth of the Way of the ancient Spiritual Realizers is not that these Masters came to justify the practice of One religion for All. Instead, the Spiritual Masters, and founders of the Major world religions, were Devotees of God Only (the One and Only God), and through that Devotion to God Only, they worked within their local (isolated) traditions to bring a clear understanding of the Real Message being Commune-icated (historically by God) by the founding Masters, which is Free Heart~Fire Communion with God.

The ancient Masters, All of them, were born in a time when whatever religion was current in their culture was the Only religion they had to work through. The Spiritual Masters born when there was no mass communication, when word traveled by foot and horseback, and when the practice of worshipping idols and statues, literally, was the main cultural practice that turned the people from the Living Presence of God. Thus, the ancient Masters always noted that there is Only One God, and that God is not located solely within a statue, or within a particular person, or place, but that God Is the Source of All appearances (Omni-Present), and God Is the Source of our True Eternal Self. Although, locally, in isolated places, the idea that there is Only God seemed to conflict with the idea of there being Only God in another spiritual tradition. The teachings weren&#8217;t exactly the same, and the practices, language and presentation of the One True God through the original Heart~Master appears different than another Master claiming the Same thing (that there is Only One God). For this reason alone, many people isolated their spiritual practice to One Master, and claimed that their Master was sufficient for All people, and that they did not need another Spiritual Master.

The local people did this to protect their faith, to protect their practices, and to ensure the original quality of interpretation, through the local language, was the boundary for understanding their religion. Through this cultural protectionism multiple religions appeared claiming there is Only One God, but because of the ancient way of isolating the tradition, isolating the scripture to their chosen language, and isolating the One and Only God to their Master, it locked those people into a cultural delusion.

The delusion is still being passed down today, and multiple religions of Earth claim there is Only One God, but these traditions do not get along, they fight and war, and they seek ways to establish their religion for All people on Earth. This practice of trying to convert All people to one religion fails every time, it fails because it does not take into account that there is not a One size fits All religion, and that it is not necessary to adhere to Only One particular tradition. God is not bound to any religion, tradition, or Spiritual Master. Many people will like to argue this, and many people will use threats to try and convince you otherwise, but they are just practicing the old ways of isolationism. These people are binding their-selves and others through the old way of being isolated and bound to one culture and people.

It is no longer useful to study one tradition Only. It is no longer beneficial to bind your spiritual practice to the limitations and isolationism of monopolistic religions. The Masters of the ancient times had no choice but to work within the culture they grew up in, they could not just create a new religion without making connections with the current tradition of the people. The more radical and outside of the original local cultural practices the more the current Spiritual Master appeared to be breaking with the old ways, thus, there was a correlation of backlash that went along with the New Spiritual Masters teachings.

Fundamentally, the historical progress of God&#8217;s Revelation in All people has taken part in All cultures and All people. Those that claim to have the Fullness of God&#8217;s Revelation should offer the Fullness of God&#8217;s Realization. In order to claim to have the Fullness of God&#8217;s Revelation within the human condition there needs to be a Scriptural revelation that exposes and reveals the Whole Process of Self/God Realization within the human condition. Without a Total Scriptural Revelation of the Entire Process of God Revealing ItSelf As the individual No religion can rightfully claim to have the Fullness of God&#8217;s Revelation; even if a tradition has all the necessary teachings of the sum-total Process of the human's transformation through God&#8217;s Divine Presence that does not make it the Only Way. No tradition/religion Is the Only Way, it does not matter what your holy book claims either, that book is from the old isolationism times of religion and revelation, and it does not reflect the Free Living Dynamic of God working in a modern age (of mass communication, the modern life that transcends old cultural boundaries) to Reveal All Divine Processes of Self Realization to All people in multiple Ways.

In our modern times the whole planet is freely communicating, and the boundaries of local culture are transcended through mass communication. There is no longer a need to isolate, protect, and claim to have the One and Only Way. Those claims are not necessary; furthermore, those claims work against the inter-communication of one religion with another. The time has dawned for a True &#8216;Collaborative Spiritual Growth&#8217; on Earth. We cannot allow the monopolies of the ancient religions to bind or entrap our Impulse to be One people, and to Realize the One and Only God As All people.

The truth of the ancient religions, especially the ones that claim to be the Only Way, is that they Are Not the Only Way. There is not a single and Only Way to Realizing Truth. There is no One size fits All Guru, and there is no person, Ever, that is the Only Way of God Realization. There are no mediums of God&#8217;s Realization that require All people to worship or become a devotee. It is Time to progress out of the old mind of monopolistic ideologies regarding God&#8217;s Revelation, and it is Time to turn from believing the &#8216;my way or the hell way&#8217; religions. We are One people, one planet, and we All share the Same God; no one has a monopoly on God, and no one can Rightfully make that claim (no one), and that Is practicing the old, (historically now) unnecessary isolationism of our ancestors. God Is Free of All religion, God Is Free to Work however It Works, and God Is Free to Teach through All people, All religions, and All Spiritual Masters.
Staring at your right hand for 30 years

Staring at your right hand for thirty years is a story about ego consciousness. Imagine staring at your hand for thirty years and how much a person would be consciously ignorant of life, God, and the body/mind. Imagine the degree of attention, the amount of focus, and the kind of conscious practice that would have to be lived daily. Consider the intensity of the (necessary – meaning intentionally <albeit – with Realization that would end> created) moment to moment denying of the world within, around and throughout each experience the individual must engage to re-enforce that kind of conscious relationship with all. By staring at the right hand for thirty years a person loses all sense of conscious awareness with the current environment, and with the whole body/mind in particular. In that state of conscious life the individual must fight to maintain that attention.

The conscious quality (and conscious bodily relationship) of ego is fundamentally like staring at your right hand for thirty years. As a child, in the infantile stage of becoming bodily aware, the consciousness of the individual turns inward to take on the living condition of the body/mind, thus, enabling the infant to begin to become oriented to being able to move and live freely within the limitations of the body/mind. This conscious dynamic of turning to become consciously aware of the functional dynamics of the body leads to the creation of ego (false sense of self). This conscious dynamic in the infant leads to a conscious experience of indentifying as that coil of inwardness, while turning from the Divine Consciousness. Without the proper culture to raise our children in they become lost in the darkness of that turning, and ultimately grow into adult hood without ever Remembering the Inherent Free Conscious Light of our inborn nature.

The person that grows up without being taught about the difference between bodily functioning and Conscious Identity grows up in darkness, and they grow up with the intention of passing on that bodily living conscious state of existence to their children. Thus, it becomes a cycle, a repetitive lineage of ignorance, darkness and self created delusion, and it is easy to see why the world is in the current state of a collective conscious relationship with each other. In a culture of consciousness that lives in darkness and fear, and worships death and delusion, which is passed on to the next generation, you end up with a world that looks like Earth. Although religion and ‘spiritual’ traditions spring up, and take on cultural practices of collective (pseudo) living and (pseudo) loving, they are built on the satisfaction of fulfilling the ego, and they are built up in the idea of being trapped in sin and darkness.

This sort of creation culturally only enforces the ego, and it provides the cultural back-drop for the sustaining and reiteration of the ego identity. This is what we have grown up with on Earth, a culture that has been staring at their right hand for eons, and eons. In the midst of this (collective) conscious activity of staring at the right hand religions have been created, wars have been waged, science has performed (science always transcends ego - the ego does not create science, instead, the ego has discovered science), and all sorts of philosophies (all ego based) have left their foot prints in the sand. People have grown up to be agnostic, theist, or atheist, all in the name of trying to Know Truth, God, Reality and Existence through the conscious practice of ignoring Truth, God, Reality, and Existence. All are failures in the attempt to understand Who we Are, right now, and forever. There is nothing produced by the ego which is worth two cents in spiritual practice. All of it must be Transcended for Truth by releasing the mental grip of the focus of ego, and the consciousness of the body/mind must learn to Live (Consciously) in the Heart of God moment to moment, there IS No Other Way.

The Heart of God is the Living Source of Glory, and that is the Way to Know God’s Glory, which requires one to surrender the whole body/mind into the Perfect Heart of God’s Divine Presence. As the individual begins to turn the attention of consciousness from focusing on self, and as the individual Notices, Acknowledges and Identifies As God’s Living Presence the release of the conscious (ego) practice of staring at your right hand for any amount of time reveals the Freedom perpetually beyond the knot of attention (ego). The whole world passes by in ignorance with this self created darkness, and as the individual focuses and stares at life through the coil of conscious inwardness the vast spectrum of life is ignored for self delusion and the repression of fear based experiences of life. The rest of the body is ignored, and the feet, arms, and legs are ignored, along with the rest of one’s individual existence. The individual living that conscious experience is not Aware of the Current of God (within the Spiritual Cross), and they are not Aware of the Light of God, furthermore, that person is (falsely) satisfied (comfortable) in their darkness.

The subtle processes of God’s Free Living Conscious Dynamic, demonstrated through the Spiritual Cross, are ignored, and the whole Spiritual Cross is blotted-out by the darkness created from the ego. The moment a person realizes they have been the one responsible for this activity of darkness, the moment a person notices, acknowledges and stops identifying as the coil of conscious inwardness the True Light of God’s Conscious Presence Demonstrates It Is Always Present and IT IS Perpetually the Only Living Reality, Ever. The conscious coil is Over-come by the Divine Presence in Spiritual practice, in Devotion to the Guru, and in Perfect Identity As the Everlasting One. In the dynamic of purging the conscious attachment to the living state of ego the Whole Spiritual Cross comes to life and Reveals ItSelf As the seat of God’s bodily Current of Life Freely manifesting in the individual. Therefore, notice, acknowledge, and stop living (stop consciously reiterating moment to moment) the conscious relationship that appears like ‘staring at your right hand for thirty years’. Furthermore, Notice, Acknowledge and Identify As the Free Transcendent Steady-State of the Everlasting Consciousness of Existence, this Initiates the Process, and it provides the individual with a Real Conscious Foundation to Grow Spiritually in God’s Perfect Presence.



title used by customer
So basically you are a dodgy guy that says 99% Hinduish stuff but will never credit that to Hinduism. Okay great, far too many like you. Next!
Please reference quotes that Hinduism have taught on the right-heart and the ascending current that extends from there into the light above. So, it is ok for Realizers to appear in Hinduism, but other traditions do not have these?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Isn't is a bit disingenuous to say you "coined" terms that are widely used by others?
Wouldn't it be more accurate to say you have altered the meaning of several widely used terms to suit your purposes?
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Well-Known Member
I've never understood why some spiritualists tend to insist on defining terms like a dictionary. What's even more astonishing is how they can spend so much energy droning on about their models of reality.
I've never understood why some spiritualists tend to insist on defining terms like a dictionary. What's even more astonishing is how they can spend so much energy droning on about their models of reality.

I was suggested by the admin of this site to create a glossary of terms, and was given a model from one of the admin to follow.



Bodhisattva in Recovery
I applaud your efforts and feel that you touch on some fascinating aspects of consciousness. Though it simply would not occur to me to approach this subjects from the standpoint you have chosen, I do appreciate the great effort you have exhibited that is required to string these pearls into a lovely necklace...

A couple of questions:

1 - Why do you think the world needs (yet) another religious movement?

It is noted that you bandy the term "god" about like it was a cupcake at a bake sale, which leads me to ask.

2 - Is "god" still relevant in our modern era?

(By that I mean, "god" is already available through so many different religions that I can't help but wonder why a new slant on "god" is particularly meaningful at this juncture in time.)

Just so you understand the motivation of this stranger, I've come to the conclusion that terms like "god" and "Divine this" or "Divine that" don't actually tell us all that much about reality, as they are concepts that are based on age old prejudices and assumptions. I am more inclined to chuck the works and start fresh, preferring to simply talk about the nature of being.

Any thoughts?
I applaud your efforts and feel that you touch on some fascinating aspects of consciousness. Though it simply would not occur to me to approach this subjects from the standpoint you have chosen, I do appreciate the great effort you have exhibited that is required to string these pearls into a lovely necklace...

A couple of questions:

1 - Why do you think the world needs (yet) another religious movement?

It is noted that you bandy the term "god" about like it was a cupcake at a bake sale, which leads me to ask.

2 - Is "god" still relevant in our modern era?

(By that I mean, "god" is already available through so many different religions that I can't help but wonder why a new slant on "god" is particularly meaningful at this juncture in time.)

Just so you understand the motivation of this stranger, I've come to the conclusion that terms like "god" and "Divine this" or "Divine that" don't actually tell us all that much about reality, as they are concepts that are based on age old prejudices and assumptions. I am more inclined to chuck the works and start fresh, preferring to simply talk about the nature of being.

Any thoughts?

Thanks for the kind words.

My heart is creating a new tradition directly spoken from the Realizer, not something passed down from another, that leaves us without a direct communication from the mouth of the Realizer. This a bit more complicated than that, and I will post my story of Awakening here after this response. That will answer many questions, I hope. :]]

My use of the word God is always relevant, and it commands respect for the True Eternal Reality of existence. There are plenty of ways to talk about this, and that is one thing I am not bound to. But, as you see my style certainly interjects that word often. :D

edit: I tried to post the whole thing and it is too long. I will have to post it as three different comments, or just google Enbrightenment tradition to view it outside of this forum.
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
Thanks for the kind words.

My heart is creating a new tradition directly spoken from the Realizer, not something passed down from another, that leaves us without a direct communication from the mouth of the Realizer. This a bit more complicated than that, and I will post my story of Awakening here after this response. That will answer many questions, I hope. :]]

My use of the word God is always relevant, and it commands respect for the True Eternal Reality of existence. There are plenty of ways to talk about this, and that is one thing I am not bound to. But, as you see my style certainly interjects that word often. :D

edit: I tried to post the whole thing and it is too long. I will have to post it as three different comments, or just google Enbrightenment tradition to view it outside of this forum.
Thanks Siddha, I will have a look. As one Realizer to another, I can hardly wait to see the story of your Awakening. Guess you can't just provide a linkey-poo, eh? For what it is worth, I do recognize that my "job" would be much simpler if I were to couch my thinking in terms that people already use. I decided that that was not me and would add a fraudulent element into what I am trying to say. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the approach, it's just that since I don't utilize religious symbols in my day to day experience it would be disingenuous of me to use it for others.

I look forward to reading more. :)


Well-Known Member
I was suggested by the admin of this site to create a glossary of terms, and was given a model from one of the admin to follow.


I apologize, Siddha, for being a bit insensitive. Not to make excuses, but I have been a bit angry lately for a variety of reasons. Lately I feel that the flow of that anger has run-off into my daily interactions with others. Siddha, you are clearly on the right path, and I feared that such organization in your thinking might bump you off the trail that you have clearly made so much progress on. While I still feel that the comment has some validity, I will admit that my wording may have been less than helpful.