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I apologize, Siddha, for being a bit insensitive. Not to make excuses, but I have been a bit angry lately for a variety of reasons. Lately I feel that the flow of that anger has run-off into my daily interactions with others. Siddha, you are clearly on the right path, and I feared that such organization in your thinking might bump you off the trail that you have clearly made so much progress on. While I still feel that the comment has some validity, I will admit that my wording may have been less than helpful.

No problem. It is rare to see people in forums actually apologize. :D

My style of writing has developed over 10 years. I give you my word, words are not my teaching, but they are very useful; furthermore, I can use all sorts of words to make the point. The word God is something I like to use, and there are plenty of other words that can be substituted.

Step back from reacting to people, and simply observe the reasons why the reactions of anger have been appearing, and since you are noticing this activity of mind that is an opportunity to transcend that reactive way you have gotten into lately. Expectations in life tend to create the anxiety that darkens your conscious relationship with all. It takes a self confrontation with your self to prevent anger from reoccurring in life when it is not necessary. Here is an old quote of mine.

Expect everything to happen, and nothing is a surprise; expect nothing to happen, and all is a surprise.

Live this simultaneously. Thanks for being a friend and apologizing, your apology is ACCEPTED! :highfive:


Well-Known Member
No problem. It is rare to see people in forums actually apologize. :D

Indeed. That is unfortunate because such a sentiment has the ability to build a bridge of sincerity perhaps faster than any other method.

My style of writing has developed over 10 years. I give you my word, words are not my teaching, but they are very useful; furthermore, I can use all sorts of words to make the point. The word God is something I like to use, and there are plenty of other words that can be substituted.

I can certainly understand. I don't use the word "god" very much, though I do find that it rolls off my tongue occasionally. During the course of writing, I simply try to sit next to the current of thought and suddenly, a few fingers will begin to move and unfettered wisdom will dance across my keyboard like raindrops. At least I'd like to think so. :D

Step back from reacting to people, and simply observe the reasons why the reactions of anger have been appearing, and since you are noticing this activity of mind that is an opportunity to transcend that reactive way you have gotten into lately. Expectations in life tend to create the anxiety that darkens your conscious relationship with all. It takes a self confrontation with your self to prevent anger from reoccurring in life when it is not necessary.

Believe me, I have been hearing that for years now, lol. Unfortunately I find myself in a bewildering puzzle of self-discovery that perhaps only time has the power to make sense of. I've found the light at the end of the tunnel many, many times, but it feels like there's a bit more to it than that.

Here is an old quote of mine...

Live this simultaneously.

I appreciate your kind gestures, Siddha. :)

Thanks for being a friend and apologizing, your apology is ACCEPTED! :highfive:[/QUOTE]

lol...no problem.
The Evidence of God appears in all sorts of ways to all sorts of people, and for a number of people there is no Evidence for God. Throughout history many people have argued for God’s existence and many have failed, and the fundamental reason is because all these attempts are grounded in ideas, not a Tangible bodily Realization of the anatomy of esoteric consciousness through which God (the Transcendent Reality of Consciousness) Commune-icates Its Divine and Eternal Realization (Evidence of ItSelf). I am not going to present an argument (at set of ideas/concepts) for the existence of God, but I will talk about the Way to Notice and Recognize Evidence of God in your life through an anatomical Awakening of the body/mind’s esoteric consciousness through the Transcendent Nature of Consciousness of God. The Evidence of God within the human condition is a subjective Recognition of the Divine Light of Consciousness As the True and Everlasting Source of Identity, and the body/mind (As a conscious Tipping Point) Acknowledges the One and Only Identity of All As its own. The Evidence of God will not appear as dogma or belief; instead, the Evidence of God is already present and part of the Very fabric of the individual’s body.

Evidence of God (as if existence and reality are not enough) truly is manifest in Heart~Fire, Light and Love-bliss. The Spiritual Cross, As it Awakens through the Living Presence of the Holy Spirit of God, Is the Divine Vault of the body/mind’s Inherent Manifest Evidence of God’s Realization, and the Spiritual Cross provides the individual with the anatomy through which the Dynamic of God’s Consciousness Transfigures the body/mind. Thus, the individual becomes a Transparent Shining and Living Precedent of the Evidence of God. As a person turns to Notice, Acknowledge and Identify As the Everlasting Reality of Consciousness the Spiritual Cross comes to life. The living bodily Evidence of God IS Tangibly and Consciously Born within the frame-work of the Spiritual Cross. Through Devotional practice to surrendering the whole body/mind (to God’s Realization) moment to moment the Grace of God can begin to Demonstrate the living Presence As Heart~Fire, which is noticed in the chest area of the body/mind (even throughout the whole body).

The reason people are not Aware and bodily Awake to God’s Living Presence of Divine Consciousness is because of the ego coil of inwardness. That coil of darkness and delusion can play any role or character in life, and even if the ego (false conscious relationship) claims it is religious and God fearing, and wants God to give it Evidence, that sort of consciousness is Truly not interested in (Real) Evidence (which requires the total death/release of ego coil and/or moments of death/release of the ego coil). Instead, in order for the ego to Notice Evidence it wants God to show Its powers, and demonstrate that God is on their side, the ego wants material Evidence, it wants something it can consume as just another experience (it wants to add the objective experience of evidence of God to the leaning tower of self created delusion – ‘tower of babblon’). The kind of Evidence most people want is not Evidence at all. It is just ego wanting more ego. The ego seeks evidence of itself, not God, and through seeking and searching for evidence the individual is blotting-out the Divine Light of Evidence, that person is blotting-out the Free Flow of Heart~Fire within the Spiritual Cross. Through seeking evidence as some sort of event, or as some sort objective display from God the body/mind is denying and ignoring its Very Own inherent Evidence.

Truly, the atheist (and/or the common demand for Evidence of God) wants to see evidence through some kind of event or objective experience, and they want evidence that can be replicated and repeated in order for the evidence to be valid, and finally, this kind of world-view (atheism) demands that science be the observer to validate the evidence. This is like whirlpools missing the fundamental reality they appear within, and seeking objective evidence for the water they exist within. You can’t separate the Evidence from Reality, and no one can objectify the Evidence of God as if consciousness has no role, and as if God is separate from the currently appearing reality. There is no event (or series of events) that can and/or will prove God exists once and for all, and there will Never be any objective Evidence of God that is not subjectively already appearing within the context of humanity and the universe. The egoic state of consciousness will NEVER have Evidence of God, and without the individual’s bodily conscious Transcendence of the egoic coil of inwardness the Opportunity for Evidence of God passes by moment to moment.

The Impulse of the individual to seek evidence of God should be abandoned for the Real Divine Inherent (Self) Satisfaction of God’s Realization, which IS the True Evidence of God. The individual Must learn to Transcend the demand for Evidence of God that is in some other time, or in some other place. The individual’s Need to have God Confirmed Is Only Confirmed through the Heart~Fire’s Transfiguring Presence of Light and Love-bliss, through the Eternal Transcendent Reality of Consciousness. The Manifest Evidence of God Is Already Inherently built into the fabric of each person, and with Genuine Devotion to God’s process of Enbrightenment the Spiritual Cross reveals itself to Be the Perpetual and Tangible Evidence for God’s work, grace, will, love and (subjectively) Self Evident Demonstration of the Divine. God’s Evidence of ItSelf is Self Evident Shining within the conscious experience (through Awakening the Spiritual Cross – progressively) of the individual moment to moment. Your True Self IS the Evidence of God. Transcend the need to seek Evidence of God, and Be Satisfied with your Inherent Evidence of God, which is thoroughly Demonstrated As a Tangible Conscious Everlasting Reality Revealed through Total Realization of the Spiritual Cross.
