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End of the World


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
The end of human culture as we know it is all but certain to happen at some point in the imaginable future; we are a lousy, careless, inconsequential species.

As for it having in sort of resemblance to the biblical texts? No, just not gonna happen. I am still surprised that the subject matter is raised up at all.


Science and technology, like most things in life, is a double edged sword.

It’s just part of humanity’s struggle for omnipotence.

And in the emerging context of that ongoing struggle that we find ourselves in, we all choose ourselves.

That’s how culture is constructed.

Eminemium (Choose Yourself) | A Capella Science​

I don’t think everyone chooses themselves. Some choose to rely on the Creator over self.


The end of human culture as we know it is all but certain to happen at some point in the imaginable future; we are a lousy, careless, inconsequential species.

As for it having in sort of resemblance to the biblical texts? No, just not gonna happen. I am still surprised that the subject matter is raised up at all.
Why don’t you think there will be any resemblance to the biblical texts?
I don’t think everyone chooses themselves. Some choose to rely on the Creator over self.

Are you interpreting the “choose yourself” as being over someone else, whether human or a Diety?

I took it to mean choosing one’s destiny, which may in fact include relying on the Creator.

I would pair the phrase “choose yourself” with the phrase “responsibility comes when you’re a science guy”, which points to the potential dangers of science and technology, which is a message much in alignment with the Plowshares Disarmament Movement, which is a Christian movement.

Tim, the acapellascience guy, is a Catholic Physicist, by the way.

So it’s not surprising that the video looks so Catholic in its content.

He’s also a nerd. Here’s his manifesto.

“Kneel before the mighty pocket protector!”

NERDS: A Manifesto | A Capella Science​

Why don’t you think there will be any resemblance to the biblical texts?

I’ve seen lots of activities in the modern world that bear a striking resemblance to the prophesy of Isaiah 2:4.

That particular prophesey gets fulfilled a lot.

That means that folks are actually getting off their duffs and fulfilling prophesy.

You know the old saying: Prophesies don’t fulfill themselves. Somebody has to actually step up to the plate.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Is the end of the world something you are concerned or fearful about?
From my belief, what is ending is the man-made world. What is being born is the "God-made world". This to me is not a Hollywood extravaganza but a process over time. The old world is dying as is reflected in the obvious news stories. The new world is quietly being born. The image of late winter where the harsh weather is obvious but there are buds starting to appear as harbingers of spring.

People can help the process especially by their actions. For a Christian, trying to live the two greatest commandments and the message of the Sermon no the Mount seems right.


Because that can't make any sense even as a fantasy.
So what’s an example of biblical prophecy that doesn’t make any sense? I’m just wondering what your thoughts are because I’m starting to think that the future conditions mentioned in the book of Revelation are making more sense than ever with the things I see happening in the world now.


From my belief, what is ending is the man-made world. What is being born is the "God-made world". This to me is not a Hollywood extravaganza but a process over time. The old world is dying as is reflected in the obvious news stories. The new world is quietly being born. The image of late winter where the harsh weather is obvious but there are buds starting to appear as harbingers of spring.

People can help the process especially by their actions. For a Christian, trying to live the two greatest commandments and the message of the Sermon no the Mount seems right.
I agree and think it’s important to live by the two greatest commandments and Jesus’ message of the Sermon on the Mount.

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2 Peter 3:10-13


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
So what’s an example of biblical prophecy that doesn’t make any sense? I’m just wondering what your thoughts are because I’m starting to think that the future conditions mentioned in the book of Revelation are making more sense than ever with the things I see happening in the world now.
If you think that, I don't think that I can convince you otherwise.


Veteran Member
I agree and think it’s important to live by the two greatest commandments and Jesus’ message of the Sermon on the Mount.
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be [d]burned up. 11 Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? 13 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2 Peter 3:10-13
Yes, a new heavens and new earth.
Earth as in 'planet' and also Earth as in 'people' - compare Genesis 1:1 with Genesis 11:1
Since Peter did Not know about the Periodic Table then the 'elements' would be the elementary base things to be dissolved.
Those bringing ruin to Earth will be brought to ruin - Rev. 11:18 B
So, the Bible is teaching Not the burning up of Planet Earth but the destruction of ungodly people on Earth - 2nd Peter 3:7
It is Not Planet Earth but the Wicked on Earth who will be destroyed forever - Psalms 92:7; 104:3; 145:20; Proverbs 2:21-22


Veteran Member
Nearing the demise of the wicked on Earth. God will bring to ruin those ruining Earth - Revelation 11:18 B
Nearing the soon coming 'time of separation' (Matt. 25:31-34,37) when the figurative 'goats' will be brought to ruin.
Nearing the time when Jesus will take the needed action as described at Isaiah 11:3-4; Revelation 19:14-15
Nearing the time when Jesus will then bring ' healing ' to earth's nations - Rev. 22:2
Nearing the time when Earth will be as Isaiah paints that beautiful paradisical word picture for us in the 35th chapter of Isaiah.


Veteran Member
From my belief, what is ending is the man-made world. What is being born is the "God-made world". This to me is not a Hollywood extravaganza but a process over time. The old world is dying as is reflected in the obvious news stories. The new world is quietly being born. The image of late winter where the harsh weather is obvious but there are buds starting to appear as harbingers of spring.
People can help the process especially by their actions. For a Christian, trying to live the two greatest commandments and the message of the Sermon on the Mount seems right.
I like how you say, ' man-made world ' and ' God-made world '.
Yes, agree the ' old world ' is dying (2nd Timothy 3:1-5,13) and Jesus will usher in a ' new world '.
The 'sword-like executional words from Jesus' mouth ' will rid the Earth of the wicked - Isaiah 11:3-4; Rev. 19:14-15
Those who chose to be 'figurative sheep' now and at the soon coming time of separation - Matthew 25:31-34,37 - can help the process along especially by their actions, besides by the Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 24:14; Acts 1:8 and to have the same self-sacrificing Christ-like love as Jesus said to have in his New Commandment found at John 13:34-35


Active Member
According to the linked article below, the subject of Apocalypse is becoming more of a mainstream idea and concern. What do you think? Is the end of the world something you are concerned or fearful about? Do you think about it at all? If so, what are your main concerns;
nuclear war, disease, climate change, AI, a combination of these or something else?

“Political communications scholars Christopher Wlezien and Stuart Sorokademonstrate in their research that the media are likely to reflect public opinioneven more than they direct it or alter it. While their study focused largely on Americans’ views of important policy decisions, their findings, they argue, apply beyond those domains.

If they are correct, we can use discussions of the apocalypse in the media over the past few decades as a barometer of prevailing public concerns.

Following this logic, we collected all articles mentioning the words “apocalypse” or “apocalyptic” from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post between Jan. 1, 1980, and Dec. 31, 2023. After filtering out articles centered on religion and entertainment, there were 9,380 articles that mentioned one or more of four prominent apocalyptic concerns: nuclear war, disease, climate change, and AI.”

Every generation thinks they are the last generation and that the problems they face are unique and more dangerous than any time in history.

This isn’t true of course.

The most dangerous time was probably during the little dryas period (something like that) when the human population dropped below 10,000 people.

We have too much technological knowledge now to go extinct, enough will live no matter what happens to keep the population going.

Even a full scale nuclear war wouldn’t wipe out everyone. We would even survive a giant asteroid hit.

Humans, physically, are one of the weakest creatures on the planet in terms of survival except for our evolutionary trait of intelligence which allows us to overcome things that very few other creatures could.


Veteran Member
I don’t think everyone chooses themselves. Some choose to rely on the Creator over self.
YOU choose YOUR personally chosen version of an
imaginary "creator" because it pleases YOU
to believe this thIng made YOU, loves YOU,
and plans for, yes, YOU to live forever in the
Sweet bye n bye.

That's al lfor"God", of course who benefits so

Not a thing abou YOUR "self" there in YOUR belief, no.


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
The most dangerous time was probably during the little dryas period (something like that) when the human population dropped below 10,000 people.

Wait, are you talking about the younger dryas period from 12,000 years ago? This is my first time hearing about a mass extinction event for our species minus the hypothesized one that happened for our predecessors 900k years ago


Active Member
Wait, are you talking about the younger dryas period from 12,000 years ago? This is my first time hearing about a mass extinction event for our species minus the hypothesized one that happened for our predecessors 900k years ago
Whenever it was, might have been a different event. My point was that it was far more dangerous than today is.


Veteran Member
Every generation thinks they are the last generation and that the problems they face are unique and more dangerous than any time in history.

This isn’t true of course.

The most dangerous time was probably during the little dryas period (something like that) when the human population dropped below 10,000 people.

We have too much technological knowledge now to go extinct, enough will live no matter what happens to keep the population going.

Even a full scale nuclear war wouldn’t wipe out everyone. We would even survive a giant asteroid hit.

Humans, physically, are one of the weakest creatures on the planet in terms of survival except for our evolutionary trait of intelligence which allows us to overcome things that very few other creatures could.
Mammal species, going by fossil
record, persist about 2 million years.

Human species have come and gone faster than that,
and the genus has come very close to extinction.

99 plus plus percent of living humans could not
survive more than days to months without modern

Scattered relic populations after N war and collapse
would face a far bleaker harsher world than their
ancestors of say, 20k years ago did, among
the rich resources of their time.

Without the skills necessay to live in the
Pleistocene, still less the ruined version bequeathed them.