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End time deception by Dan Brown


I was in the prayer and God told me to read the book The Da Vinci Code authored by Dan Brown and watch the film The Da Vinci Code, directed by Ron Howard. When I read the book and watched the film I realise how Dan Brown's book is not only a novel, but also a messenger of end days deception. The results of my study I present in this writing.

Da Vinci code misleading message


Through the Looking Glass
If there were one "end times deception" I would single out it would be the LaHaye/Hagee/Lindsey mob and their repulsive nonsense. Dan Brown is a novelist.


doppelgänger;1218374 said:
If there were one "end times deception" I would single out it would be the LaHaye/Hagee/Lindsey mob and their repulsive nonsense. Dan Brown is a novelist.

Deception will use many channels and one of the channel is Dan Brown's book Da Vinci code, which support and market ideas and doctrines of end time idol worshipping with package of goddesses and gnostic "gospel", which also prepares way to antichrist, to same way what "Christian" deceivers are proclaiming.

I suggest that you read carefully whole article behind the link and you see what is going on Dan's book.


Through the Looking Glass
I suggest that you read carefully whole article behind the link and you see what is going on Dan's book.
No thanks. "End times prophecy" (taken literally or ontologically) is a spiritually retarded endeavor to begin with, and if that's the conceit behind the article . . . well . . . garbage in, garbage out.


Active Member
Deception will use many channels and one of the channel is Dan Brown's book Da Vinci code, which support and market ideas and doctrines of end time idol worshipping with package of goddesses and gnostic "gospel", which also prepares way to antichrist, to same way what "Christian" deceivers are proclaiming.
Anti christ as defined by John means over 3 quarters of the globes population must be anti.....

1John 2:22

22Who is the liar, except he who is denying that Jesus is the Christ? this one is the antichrist who is denying the Father and the Son;

when in reality; that idea of a man coming to fib is eclipsed by the deciet the religions created within their corrupt teachings

such as forgiving of man's sins;.... well maybe another person can forgive but nothing in all existence ever undoes... what ill regard people do..... as it all still exists...

i.e... see how faith has corrupted people to actually believe in faith over truth and reality....

the reason this sect or the christian branching recognized anti (AC) is that when the truth exists upon the earth, there will be no further observance to beliefs and the religions as the guide to human development..... the religions will be over

as well, when the 'people' become equal in understanding, they also become judges, equally....

and they gonna be real upset with being decieved, lied too, stollen from and taken for granted by the religious leaders of this earth.......

them religious preachers will be unemployed with targets on their behinds

remember the majority on this earth are not believers of Jesus......

so most everyone you look at could be one of them


Dan Brown emphasizes the sacred femininity and the goddess in his book. The message of Dan’s book of the sacred femininity and the goddess is the same propagation that was propagated in ancient Babylon.
The Tower of Babel was being built in the land of Shinar when there was only one language upon the earth. The tower of Babel and the religion that revolved around it aimed to get the whole world to join this idol worship. After the Flood the religion of Babel was the main religion in the world, and it is the original source of world’s false religions, too. That is why God confound the language of the peoples and scattered them from there all over the earth so that the whole world would not be defiled by this religion of satan. The Tower of Babel was dedicated to idol worship. In the religion that was practiced in the Tower of Babel, they worshiped the sun. Nimrod was the ruler of Babel and after his death his mother took the leadership in the religion of Babel. The Babylonians were very interested in astronomy, and they sanctified Sunday as the Sun’s day (Sunday) and Monday as the Moon’s day and the rest of the five days they sanctified for other planets. When Semiramus was the head of the religion in Babel he began to teach that Nimrod had become the god of the Sun that is Baal. When Semiramus became pregnant, he gave birth to a son whom she named Tammus and who was worshiped as the god of the Sun. Semiramus began to also teach that she was a virgin. As a result of this Semiramus developed a mother-child cult, and it began to be symbolized by a mother (Semiramus) holding a child (Tammus) on her arms. A moon was put over the mother’s head and the halo of the Sun over the child’s head. Semiramus raised herself to the Queen of Heaven in this religion of Babel, and she was to be prayed to and worshiped as the Queen of Heaven through whom people were saved.

Thus in Babylon they worshipped the mother goddess and the Queen of Heaven and so rebelled against God. In his word God has revealed himself as Father and also Jesus spoke about God as Father. Satan turned the things upside down in Babylon (first of course satan deceived man in Paradise and made him fall into sin) where he deceived mankind to worship the mother goddess instead of Father the God. This is satan’s tactics and method, to turn the things upside down and make the lie appear as the “truth” and the truth as the lie. The first religion of mankind which satan used to deceive mankind was the mother queen religion (the Queen of Heaven). The Bible prophesies that Jesus will come back and take his people away from the earth and in the aftermath of that this present globe will be destroyed. The last deception of mankind will also be the rise of the mother queen religion to deceive mankind globally. Against this background Dan Brown’s book was like ordered from the printing house of depth and evilness just to this present time. I do not believe in accident but that the Da Vinci Code book in its’ own way works as a mouthpiece of apostasy and evilness in this sinful world.

Pentagram Church institution holy femininity Babylon


A novelist AND an opportunist! I still can't believe how many people saw that crappy movie.

But yeah, the La Haye books bug the crap out of me. Especially when they started theorizing what it would be like when Jesus reigns on Earth. That's just arrogant.


A novelist AND an opportunist! I still can't believe how many people saw that crappy movie.

But yeah, the La Haye books bug the crap out of me. Especially when they started theorizing what it would be like when Jesus reigns on Earth. That's just arrogant.

Well, they began by pretending like they understand the Bible. :eek:

Once they lied to themselves and the world about that, and get away with it, this is the next logical step.


Dan Brown points out in his book that the picture that the Catholic Church teaches about Eve who has to atone for the sin of paradise for ever is the picture that the Catholic Church (and Opus Dei particularly) has created and from that follows the subjection of woman in the Catholic Church. On the other hand he states that the majority of the catholic are moving to right direction in relation to women’s rights.
This is where Dan Brown is right about, since the Roman Catholic Church has viewed woman in extremely disparaging way when e.g. debating upon the question if woman has a soul, viewing woman as seductress, burning women at the stake and many other things. But we have to understand that the Roman Catholic Church is a religious institution and not the church taught by the word of God. That is why the Catholic Church and the values it represents have subjected women. The Bible teaches that every husband is to love his wife the same way as Christ loves the church. The Bible also shows that Jesus and the apostles appreciated and respected women. Thus Biblical faith regards women highly but does not teach anything about worshipping a goddess, of course.

In the Hebrew Bible there is the name EL SHADDAI (The Almighty). The Hebrew word shad means a breast (of a woman) and because of this some have come to a conclusion that God is a woman or represents a goddess. But the Bible does not teach that God is a man or a woman, but God, Creator and Father. God created man in his own image, that includes male and female, but God is neither of them nor is he united male-female or female-male, but he is God, Spirit, who is much higher than a human being. God cannot be described like a human being, since God is eternal Spirit who has created man and his life. God calls himself Father several times in the Old Testament scriptures, also Jesus called God Father. Thus God has wanted to call himself Father and that is why it is a sin and it is wrong to Him a goddess.

God does not have any old score to settle with women nor are men his special favourites even though He calls himself Father. The Bible teaches that put of the loins of Abraham that is out of his seed will become a great nation and blessing. The seed out of Abraham’s loins moved into Sarah’s womb, out of which Isaac was born and then after many generations the great blessing was born of Abraham’s descendants: Lord Jesus Christ. Perhaps here is the reason why God wants himself to be called Father because out of the loins of a father a seed will move into a mother’s womb, so the starting point and beginning of life comes from a man (the father), out of whom it moves into a woman’s womb. The question is not that God discriminates women but God has chosen the father and father’s seed to symbolize the beginning and the origin of life. God (the Father) himself is the originator of all life, that is why He chose the word Father to show His position as the originator of life. And the question is not about men’s desire to subject women and exercise patriarchal power but God’s own choice and will.

In his book Dan Brown emphasizes sacred feminity in which a woman’s womb acts as the giver of life. This emphasis also knocks down the truth that in reality the Father God is the one who originates life and is life’s Creator and who uses the womb as one tool when originating human life.


Active Member
Genesis 3: 20</SPAN>And the man calleth his wife's name Eve: for she hath been mother of all living.
21And Jehovah God doth make to the man and to his wife coats of skin, and doth clothe them.
22And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,'
Every man came from a women&#8230;.. kind of basic common sense.
Nature (God) provides everything and to cloth, shares man knew they existed as individuals; became aware of the self.
But then God himself, is said to say, man is one of Us&#8230;&#8230;.. with that ability to create and be both, good and evil; consciousness.

Now read again what you mentioned

God created man in his own image, that includes male and female, but God is neither of them nor is he united male-female or female-male, but he is God, Spirit, who is much higher than a human being
yet, we &#8216;per his own words&#8217;, in the holly bible itself&#8230;&#8230; the man is as one of Us&#8230;&#8230; &#8216;able to create&#8217;

Satan turned the things upside down in
Babylon (first of course satan deceived man in Paradise and made him fall into sin)
which apparently God himself must have known, and intended but the writers were unaware of that God had a plan, and we all living in it

where he deceived mankind to worship the mother goddess instead of Father the God. This is satan&#8217;s tactics and method, to turn the things upside down and make the lie appear as the &#8220;truth&#8221; and the truth as the lie.

and you finished this off just fine

But we have to understand that the Roman Catholic Church is a religious institution and not the church taught by the word of God

so which is the better a religious order corrupting for hundreds of years, or a single person standing up and offering new insights on how to observe material knowledge and allowing each to &#8220;, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil&#8221; allowing each to be EQUAL in understanding?

And here is literary proof with the very theology itself;
1 </SPAN>And the serpent hath been subtile above every beast of the field which Jehovah God hath made, and he saith unto the woman, `Is it true that God hath said, Ye do not eat of every tree of the garden?'
2And the woman saith unto the serpent, `Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we do eat,

3and of the fruit of the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden God hath said, Ye do not eat of it, nor touch it, lest ye die.'

4And the serpent saith unto the woman, `Dying, ye do not die,

5for God doth know that in the day of your eating of it -- your eyes have been opened, and ye have been as God, knowing good and evil.'
do you see the contradiction&#8230;.?

First &#8230; we are aware of good and bad&#8230;&#8230;

Second, &#8230;. We as children of Adam and Eve are in fact alive on this earth&#8230;. So they didn&#8217;t die&#8230;.
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Jar of Clay
I believe most scholarly individuals realize that what Dan Brown says in his book should be taken with a grain of salt. He may incoporate half-truths in there but for the most part, it should be read for entertainment purposes and nothing more.


Active Member
I believe most scholarly individuals realize that what Dan Brown says in his book should be taken with a grain of salt. He may incoporate half-truths in there but for the most part, it should be read for entertainment purposes and nothing more.

just as much of the literature we can all expose ourselves too...



Active Member
The real question is was is the definition of "end times"?

about a blood line, Mary and the kids.... who knows for certain

but at least there is something to see; by observing more data and observing many renditions, then a picture can be observed opening up possibilities.

the key is observing what is possible rather than maintaining a belief that is based in impossibilities

maybe the old stories are all half truths... and add up a whole bunch of halves and i bet you find a much closer rendition to the truth ;)


[FONT=Verdana,Arial]It is apparent from Dan&#8217;s book that he wants to change the history convenient for himself ( to be in line with Gnosticism). As a student of many religions he does not only write fiction because in spite of the errors of the book concerning the Bible and Jesus, there were also historical facts in the book. Dan also as a student of spirituality (he says that he studies all religions) markets (pushes forward) his faith on others through the novel, very clever, isn&#8217;t it?

In his book Brown clearly brings up the elements, that Christianity has changed the original values that have prevailed in the world and that we should return to these values. The things that should be restored are:

- faith in goddess

- faith in sacred feminine

- forsake your faith in the Bible and have faith in the Gnosticism

The Bible prophesies that in the last days the same things will happen as is the message of Dan Brown&#8217;s book. The Bible shoes that they are the fruit of apostasy and work of darkness; while Dan Brown considers them divine &#8220;enlightening&#8221;.

Dan Brown shows the way to goddess worship. The Bible prophesies that mankind is reigned by many whores (religions), whose source of strength is mother religion, that elevates herself to a queen. This mother religion makes woman a goddess, whish means, that the ancient goddess faith returns to deceive the mankind. That suits well the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, since the Roman Church has taught all through its&#8217; history that Mary is the queen of heaven. In Babylon this queen of heaven was Semiramis, she was also a goddess. The goddess cult came from Babylon, and was called Isis in Egypt, Astarte in Phoenicia, Afrodites in Greece and Venus in Rome (Isis was worshipped in Rome, too). The teaching of the Roman Catholic Church about Mary is just the same as the above mentioned religions have. The Catholic Church says that it only respects Mary, not worships her, but the truth is that is some prayers of the Catholic Church Mary is described as the mediator of salvation, through the intercession of whom a Catholic will go to the glory of resurrection. This is why the Catholics pray (and worship) Mary.

Dan Brown brings up the idea of sacred feminity that includes faith in the goddess and divinity that is accomplished through man uniting with woman in sexual intercourse. The Bible teaches that in the last days the mankind is seized with pleasures (Greek: philedonos &#8211; a friend of hedonism) and that they love pleasures more than they love God. After mentioning the pleasures, the Bible continues straight to teaching that people have a form of godliness but they deny the power thereof. The mankind in the last days is seized with sexual pleasures and people approve of almost all kind of sexuality, also homosexuality.

In Dan Brown&#8217;s websites there is his interview concerning the book Da Vinci Code. In this interview Dan Brown says that he is a student of all religions. This statement of his is aptly describes the people in the last days; they have a form of godliness but still they forsake the real power and true God. This is exactly how the Bible describes the people in the last days; they regard themselves as divine but the power of God is not good enough for them and they choose deception and the power of apostasy. The people in the last days are happy with any religion and any belief except the belief in the God of the Bible. The mankind in the last days is thus in the spirit of polytheistic tolerance in which each can choose to himself a way of his own to believe having itching ears and all will do except the God of the Bible. Jesus said that all peoples will hate His disciples in the last days. This is undoubtedly partly because Jesus&#8217; disciples will not approve of the wrong polytheistic divinity of the last days.

The Da Vinci Code says that the Bible is written by men, not by God. According to Brown the Bible has changed in the course of time due to additions and corrections.

The Bible proves that God of the Bible is the right and only God and other gods are idols and other religions announcements can't lead people to the truth. The Bible tells very accuracy about the creation of the earth and mankind and about the history of mankind and its end when Jesus Christ comes. The Bible tells that one day Jesus Christ will come back when the whole world can see Him. The Bible tells also large catastrophes which will take place in the end of the days before Jesus comes. We are very near of that day when Jesus Christ comes, read Matthew chapter 24.

According to the Da Vinci Code the fall is man&#8217;s own invention. With this claim Dan Brown express his support for the God declining range of thoughts that has seized most of the mankind. This claim of Brown&#8217;s also leads the consciences of men to impenitence to carry out all kinds of sinful lusts and deeds. The fall is a biblical fact that is proved to be true e.g. by Jesus&#8217; words that the people of the world will hate Jesus and his followers because a sinner hates light and does not want his sins to come to light. This is the truth. The man of this world is tolerant when the religion &#8220;gives it&#8217;s blessing&#8221; to his sin but when living faith shows sin as sin he then violently attacks and tries to defame God and living faith.

Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail


Can't brain. Has dumb.
Like I said in another thread - I simply cannot wait for the end of the world. Let's give birth to a newer, better one! I'm not sure "satan" is all that bad if all he does is change the world. Maybe satan's a santa in disguise, putting to rest the world as we know it, so it may transform and give birth to a newer, beautiful, more free world.