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End time deception by Dan Brown


Active Member
In this interview Dan Brown says that he is a student of all religions.
Good for him; sounds like men chosing to evolve. Almost like people who read any other faithful observance; all they want is to Understand.

This statement of his is aptly describes the people in the last days; they have a form of godliness but still they forsake the real power and true God.
Compassion is a universal trait of the human species, complacency is learned. Suggesting that an old book has all the answers when that book is simply a compialation of many stories, then it seems fair to observe and remove single opinions as true

This is exactly how the Bible describes the people in the last days; they regard themselves as divine but the power of God is not good enough for them and they choose deception and the power of apostasy.
Rather, the old deception of the old teachers is becoming a revelation in itself....
The people in the last days are happy with any religion and any belief except the belief in the God of the Bible.

because the God of the bible is the same God of most all the religions but the method and confussion of the one set of literature is complimented by many of the other 'words of God'...

The Da Vinci Code says that the Bible is written by men, not by God. According to Brown the Bible has changed in the course of time due to additions and corrections.

every word in existence was written by mankind..... that a law of truth

and to say otherwise is to retain a belief, rather than be adhering to the rules of that faith .... i.e... thou shalt not bare false witness.....

The Bible proves that God of the Bible is the right and only God and other gods are idols and other religions announcements can't lead people to the truth.
then how did mankind find the world to be round?[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]how we find the earth is not the center of the universe? [/FONT]

how will anyone comprehend the 'light of life' without reading knowledge that has proven to 'evolve'

The Bible tells very accuracy about the creation of the earth and mankind and about the history of mankind and its end when Jesus Christ comes.
was he born on the 6th month of the 66' th year as shared [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]Writings of Eusebius - The Church History of Eusebius

Advanced Information

Translated by Rev. Arthur Cushman McGiffert, Ph.D.
Under the editorial supervision of Philip Schaff, D.D., LL.D., Professor of Church History in the Union Theological Semimary, New York, and Henry Wace, D.D., Principal of King's College, London
Published in 1890 by Philip Schaff, New York: Christian Literature Publishing Co

Chapter XVIII.--The Apostle John and the Apocalypse.
1. It is said that in this persecution the apostle and evangelist John, who was still alive, was condemned to dwell on the island of Patmos in consequence of his testimony to the divine word. [713] 2. Iren�us, in the fifth book of his work Against Heresies, where he discusses the number of the name of Antichrist which is given in the so-called Apocalypse of John, [714] speaks as follows concerning him: [715] 3. "If it were necessary for his name to be proclaimed openly at the present time, it would have been declared by him who saw the revelation. For it was seen not long ago, but almost in our own generation, at the end of the reign of Domitian." 4. To such a degree, indeed, did the teaching of our faith flourish at that time that even those writers who were far from our religion did not hesitate to mention in their histories the persecution and the martyrdoms which took place during it. [716] 5. And they, indeed, accurately indicated the time. For they recorded that in the fifteenth year of Domitian [717] Flavia Domitilla, daughter of a sister of Flavius Clement, who at that time was one of the consuls of Rome, [718] was exiled with many others to the island of Pontia in consequence of testimony borne to Christ. [/FONT]

The Bible tells that one day Jesus Christ will come back when the whole world can see Him.
What most do not understand is that there are no 2 separate people (coming).... it is the same guy.[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]brings truth, will walk with, will end all religions with knowledge.....[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]same guy but maybe of the blood line, (David) but who knows for certain on that end? Can a lineage be identified to the first century? Almost, do the work yourself... use the Bacon Line from Roger Bacon (1214)..down. [/FONT]

The Bible tells also large catastrophes which will take place in the end of the days before Jesus comes. We are very near of that day when Jesus Christ comes, read Matthew chapter 24. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]According to the Da Vinci Code the fall is man’s own invention. [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial] that is correct.... as mankind is selfish.... that beast with all the heads... is the collective of the capitalistic machine that is oppressing the meek.... [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]that one horn, is someone within who makes the choice to do what is right over and above any adherance to the machine of corruption....[/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial] its the same guy.... [/FONT]
[FONT=Verdana,Arial]that evil is of what mankind has begun to accept as normal (hence we all have SS #'s for the machine of capitalism)[/FONT]

and that war will begin based on the chosen ones (Israel)

With this claim Dan Brown express his support for the God declining range of thoughts that has seized most of the mankind. This claim of Brown’s also leads the consciences of men to impenitence to carry out all kinds of sinful lusts and deeds.
and tell me as the world is realing from the oil crunch.... who is still benefitting? the upper end, them who own the most shares[/FONT]

The fall is a biblical fact that is proved to be true e.g. by Jesus’ words that the people of the world will hate Jesus and his followers because a sinner hates light and does not want his sins to come to light.
the light is the truth of how mass and energy interact[/FONT]

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]to distrust and judge the religious right, will happen; in an aweful way[/FONT]

see the drawing of the pontiff walking up the mountain with arrows impailing him

[FONT=Verdana,Arial]This is the truth. The man of this world is tolerant when the religion “gives it’s blessing” to his sin but when living faith shows sin as sin he then violently attacks and tries to defame God and living faith. [/FONT]

no one can attack God.... He is everything we exist within; there is never a speration, ever.... but people think God is elsewhere and good and evil are foreign as if we cannot comprhend, which the bible shares is an incorrect analogy......

the reality is, it is the people who decieve for the faith and maintaining of fiction over truth; they are whom will reap the worst in judgment day.... :sorry1:


Dan brings up in his book that before the church age began people traditionally worshiped goddesses and the Constantine converted the world from matriarchal heathenism to patriarchal Christianity and labeled the sacred femininity as satanic. Dan also wrote that the church’s campaign against femininity had lasted for three hundred years.

In reality the church partly abandoned heathenism but partly preserved it because they acted the way the evil reads the Bible, and because they founded a religious institution religion and not the church. Church as religious institution is not is not the church of God and that is why the religious institution was indeed driven to oppress women.

When the Roman Empire was born and developed, the religious life in Rome was led by the high priest (Pontifex Maximus). While the Roman Empire was enlarging the Romans began to worship the gods of the nations they had conquered. The Roman religion was mixed with the Egyptian, Syrian, Persian and Babylonian religions. In the Roman Empire, a complete mixture of religions was developed (syncretism). While the religious life was so motley, the Romans made it mandatory to worship the Caesar which made the Caesar divine and so there arose from sacral kingship in Rome, too (emperorship).
The Romans believed that the gods influence and rule on the seven hills of Rome: “De septem montibus virum”. This became a concept to the Romans; the noble city of seven hills that rules the whole world. The Romans believed they were to rule the whole world under the lead of the high priest of Jupiter (Pontifex Maximus). Symmachus, who was the high priest of Rome (Pontifex Maximus) called himself the man of seven mountains. This term, the man of seven mountains, has remained in history books because it has been found in the letters of that time that the high priest (Pontifex Maximus) is called such a name. The Romans think that the world can be led only by the one who rules in Rome, the city of seven hills. Julius Caesar got the tittle Pontifex Maximus and so also the Caesars began to use this tittle of themselves. The caesars led the state and also the religious life in Rome, after all, the Caesar was the head of the religion, the high priest (Pontifex Maximus).

Constantine the Great “converted” to Christianity in 312 A.D. and he as the high priest (Pontifex Maximus) brought into the use the name Vicarius Christi (substitute for Christ). The new religion of Constantine became the Roman catholic (common, general) church. The Roman citizens were made Christians without repentance and conversion. A part of the early church too went astray in this catholic religion which became the new religion of Rome. As the head of this new religion Constantine had church buildings built for the “Christians” but at the same time he consecrated pagan temples. At first, the catholic religion on Constantine contained a lot of freedom, and it approved of many kinds of differences but little by little the catholic church (RELIGION) infiltrated more and more pagan doctrines and rites into the so called catholic Christianity of Rome. So, the Roman Catholic Church was born three hundred years after the early church had seen the light. The Roman Catholic Church is a miserable and transparent false imitation of the church of God. What would be more pleasant to satan than create a “church” of his own and claim it to be the church of God though in reality it is a church institution dressed in paganism, and it has perverted the truth and made the truth a lie and a lie “the truth”. Would not this kind of plan and realization of it be a satanic master piece that would lead many to eternal destruction? Yes, it would be, and it is because the Catholic Church is exactly that kind of organization. In the past the church institution made crusades killing people. Since many think that the church institution is the church revealed in the Bible, they were under the misguided impression that it was Jesus’ disciples who made those atrocious deeds. But behind those atrocious deeds were religious butchers that is, the church institution imitating the church of God. A true disciple of Jesus will not take part in the sword mission or other bloodshed of that kind.

When the world erroneously thinks that the Catholic Church is the church of God, the real master of the Catholic Church can carry on there with all powers of lying leading its’ priests into pedophile and other sex scandals etc. The world says: “Phooey, shame on you. And you say that you are believers.” Satan smiles contentedly when, because of all the perversion and sin in the church institution, people rather avoid faith and God. But all these avoiding people do not realize that the church institution really is like a museum of Babylonian paganism that offers its’ members rites of paganism for church taxes. It is sad that somebody pays for being eternally destructed, and that masses will be too without paying church taxes is as sad.

Pentagram Church institution holy femininity Babylon


The turns of the intrigue and revelations of Dan Brown’s book gallop at a furious pace forward churning out one revelation after the other, one of which is that the ancient Jews went to Solomon’s temple to make love with the priestesses to experience divinity through physical intercourse. Dan also points out that the Hebrew name for God JHWH is a concrete result of the union of man and woman because in it the masculine Jah and Eve’s name Havva unite. According to the book mankind used sex as a means to get into direct contact with God, that is why the church labeled sex as sinful. The book also in other ways describes how noble sex is and how men can find divine spark by going in unto sacred feminine. The book also tells about hieros gamos, which means the holy marriage. Dan Brown says that hieros gamos is a spiritual occurrence and an act in which through sexual intercourse a man and a woman can experience god; a man was physically incomplete until he could know sacred feminity. Sexual intercourse with a woman was the only way for a man to be able to become perfect and finally achieve gnosis – a knowledge about divinity. Da Vinci Code tells us that since the times of Isis sexual rites were the only way for a man from earth to heaven; by going in unto a woman he could experience a momentary climax when his mind went blank and he could see God. According to the Da Vinci Code –book the ancient people thought that sex created new life and only god can do miracles, thus woman’s capability to give birth and produce a new life made her holy and divine.

The name JHWH comes from the Hebrew words Jah (Lord) and hajah (to exist). The word Hajah comes from the Hebrew letters he, jod, he. Dan Brown’s sources of information state incorrectly that Eve’s name havah was part of the name JHWH. Havah comes from the Hebrew letters chet, vav ,he. The name JHWH does not represent the sexual intercourse but tells that the Lord exists.
In Judaism there have never been priestesses but male priests who served in the Tabernacle, in Solomon’s temple and the temple of Herod. God appointed the Levites to minister in the temple. Dan Brown’s book perverts the truth and lies on this point, too.

That emphasis on sex being divine belongs to the rites of pagan religions and that teaching is like made to order for this present world of sex mania, where both men and women are ensnared by sex and it’s slaves. Accepting and internalizing that teaching leads people to worship sex more and more and viewing woman as a sex symbol. It also seems that sexist hedonism that is rampant in our time makes many women enjoy being targets of men’s lusts. Cleverly satan deceives people to think that they can through sex get into contact with God. In the same way, making women divine causes increased goddess worship, and this is what e.g. the Catholic Church does when worshipping Mary. The Bible prophesizes that in the last days the mankind is ensnared by whores and the abominations of the earth, the mother, that means worshipping goddess. Thus also Dan Brown’s book is fulfilling that prophesy when encouraging the mankind to worship goddess. The whores described by the Revelation book mean religions and religious organizations, which accept goddess worship. The religions of the last days find each other through goddess and thus the mankind has returned to the foot of the Tower of “Babel” to worship goddess. God calls the part of his people who is in Babylon (in the religious church institution) to come out of her. Rev. 18.

Sex is not sinful nor dirty when it takes place in steady relationship (marriage) between man and woman. In this connection sex is God’s beautiful gift to man and woman, but when practised otherwise, it is sin.

Leonardo Da Vinci sex and divinity


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I was in the prayer and God told me to read the book The Da Vinci Code authored by Dan Brown and watch the film The Da Vinci Code, directed by Ron Howard. When I read the book and watched the film I realise how Dan Brown's book is not only a novel, but also a messenger of end days deception. The results of my study I present in this writing.

Da Vinci code misleading message

Clearly someone other than God told you that, because that's not true at all. I read the book, enjoyed it, and took none of it seriously. I would think that a "misleading message" would have better writing anyway. ;)

Da Vinci Code is nothing more than a work of fiction. Nothing more, nothing less. Anyone with a brain stem can understand that. Sure, it proposes some interesting ideas, but none of them are original; he borrowed each of his controversial ideas from various other works.


Lord of the Badgers
I was in the prayer and God told me to read the book The Da Vinci Code authored by Dan Brown and watch the film The Da Vinci Code, directed by Ron Howard. When I read the book and watched the film I realise how Dan Brown's book is not only a novel, but also a messenger of end days deception. The results of my study I present in this writing.
Wow! What I coincidence, I was just in prayer and God told me to watch Donnie Darko and read The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
He also said "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids," but I have no idea what that means.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What's the point in over-analyzing a poorly written piece of fiction that never claimed to be true? I believe in the Divine Feminine, but not because I read the Da Vinci Code, although it did let me know that goddess-worship exists.

If you're going to pick on a goddess-hailing novel, try Mists of Avalon. THAT is a darned good book!


Jar of Clay
Wow! What I coincidence, I was just in prayer and God told me to watch Donnie Darko and read The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka.
He also said "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids," but I have no idea what that means.

Donnie Darko was a good movie. Trix cereal is good as well.


Lord of the Badgers
Donnie Darko was a good movie. Trix cereal is good as well.
So you're saying I should follow God's recommendation?
I have no idea what Trix cereal is, I don't think we get it in England, perhaps God's film and literature article is sponsored by Trix?


Jar of Clay
So you're saying I should follow God's recommendation?
I have no idea what Trix cereal is, I don't think we get it in England, perhaps God's film and literature article is sponsored by Trix?

No...I was just saying that Donnie Darko is a good movie and Trix is a good cereal.


PetriFB, you must be very frustrated by the way you are being recieved in this forum. You only wish to help people see the errors of their ways, and you can't believe how stupid people are acting. You are like the man who screams for people to realize that there is a fire in the building, but nobody believes you.

Yes. It must be very frustrating.
You are not alone however, and consider that most atheists feel the same way. You know the truth, and that truth probably says that it's wrong to hold a gun to somebodies head and tell them to believe you.
Well, most atheists believe that it is wrong to force others to become atheists. In fact, it is actively discouraged.

But you're not going to give up, I'm sure. How sad. I feel for you.
Here's a cookie. *gives you a cookie*


Well-Known Member
If "end of the world" means the end of mankind, then the rest of life may be cheering it on, since we seem to be responsible for the biggest extinction event since the end of the Cretacious. The rest of life will carry on without us quite well.


The Lost One
I think Dan Brown stole lot of the ideas from the work, titled Holy Blood Holy Grail, particularly about Jesus married Mary Magdalene and had a child. Mary moved to the south of France, where their descendants would later become the rulers of France, known as the Merovingian dynasty.

The same authors tried to unsuccessfully sue Dan Brown for stealing their ideas. Brown also stole lot of the conspiracy theory found in HBHG book, about the Priority of Scions, Knights Templar, etc. He also used some of the ideas from Gnostic texts.

I thought Dan Brown's book was entertaining fiction, and that he based his works on this and that. In the end, it is work of fiction, which I've never took seriously.
Last edited:


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
If "end of the world" means the end of mankind, then the rest of life may be cheering it on, since we seem to be responsible for the biggest extinction event since the end of the Cretacious. The rest of life will carry on without us quite well.

Dude... not even close. The extinctions we've caused are NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING compared to what happened at K-T.

The earth is still recovering from that event. Year-round ice... not before K-T.

But that's another topic entirely.


Well-Known Member
Dude... not even close. The extinctions we've caused are NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING compared to what happened at K-T.

The earth is still recovering from that event. Year-round ice... not before K-T.

But that's another topic entirely.

Uh, dude, we're not near done yet.