SoliDeoGloria said:
...all this Christian interest in politics is very distracting when it comes to what the Bible truly calls Christians to get involved with. I don't remember a verse telling believers to do what they can to take over their government.
Me neither. ;-)
Now at the same time I would like to qualify that I do not wish our schools to be anti-faith based if that is possible(which I have my doubts about).
As a secular non-theist (an
atheist, in fact), it is my sentiment that US public schools aren't "anti-faith", so much as purposefully "faith-ambivalent".
Despite all of the religious right's propaganda to the contrary, in fact:
Individualized silent prayer is
not prohibited at any time, by anybody.
Expression/exercize of religious faith is
not prohibited outside of classroom time.
Groupings of like-minded religious adherents in practice/expression of their faith
is permitted after classroom time.
Personal ownership (and retention) of religious texts is not prohibited.
How could "government" ever "kick God out of the classroom", when religious faith is resident in the hearts and minds of those that choose to believe?
I believe that the ACLU has gotten outright rediculous to the point of borderline communism when it comes to dealing with religious issues in schools.
If certain religious groups weren't persistently trying to challenge established constitutional precedent with overtly interruptive displays of piety, or enacting intentionally provocative/defiant unconstitutional legislation/policies...the ACLU might find itself pondering the significance of it's own accumilated navel lint...instead of resisting special-interest-groups' orchestrated attempts to defy established/precedented constitutional law.
Up until High School, there wasn't an issue over Christmas trees during the holiday season which is really kind of funny when you consider what Christmas has truly become in this country. Now if somebody tried to put one up in a school, they would be looked down on as if they were some sort of felon committing criminal.
From a personalized perspective, I take no issue with display of Chrisitmas trees, as they are (for all intents and purposes) secular observances of "borrowed" (and specifically, Christian co-opted) pagan rituals (all due folklore deference lent to the esteemed Saint Boniface besides...).
"Christmas" is observed (in one fashion or another) in most parts of the world today as a
secularly seasonal observance/recognition of charity, compassion, hope, and (our better) humanity. Christmas celebrations are huge in Japan, and observed in the Middle East, Asia, India, Africa...etc., where Christian observances are
secondary at best, or non-existent but by some infentesimal minority practicing representation.
Heck, I'm an atheist, but both enjoy and celebrate a secular Chrisitmas with my family.
However, veritably
religious icons like a creche, cross, or "Baby Jesus"
do promote an undeniable position of sectarian religious beliefs...and have
no place in a pluralistically secular environment subject to imposition of governmentally mandated/sanctioned/supported sectarian favor, bias, or prejudice.
Virtually no one objects to "Fall/Thanksgiving" displays in public schools because they neither favor nor prejudice any religious belief (or lack thereof). Everyone may express their general gratitude for good fortune in their own way, absent or inclusive of any religious beliefs.
It's not "communistic" to prohibit governmentally-endorsed religious icons/observances... fact, it's the most patriotically "American" thing one can do...