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Energy Drinks: The Scourge of the World?


Just me
Premium Member
Well, it's just more toxic poison people are pumping into their bodies. Anything that proposes to introduce energy into your system, as opposed to being turned into energy by your system, is going to be bad.

The Seeker

Once upon a time....
You can take alcohol and caffeine away from teens and they'll still engage in risky behavior. It's the raging hormones, people! Beware the hormones!!!

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Of course energy drinks are unhealthy, but it's a bit ridiculous to use them as yet another scapegoat for the dumbass behavior of snot nosed kids.


Following Christ
Despite the misleading headline, we find this in the article "The finding doesn't mean the drinks cause bad behavior." :rolleyes:

This is yet another irresponsible article that juxtaposes two facts and presents them as if they are causally links. :banghead3

I guess the next article this knucklehead writes will suggest that ice cream sales cause the murder rate to go up since both metrics increase during warmer weather. :p Stupid!


You can take alcohol and caffeine away from teens and they'll still engage in risky behavior. It's the raging hormones, people! Beware the hormones!!!
That's it! Let's inject them with DRUGS that will zap their hormones away...

(not serious!)


Flaming Queer
i drink energy drinks, tea, coffee, other sugary drinks and alcohol throughout the day. ain't done me no harm so far.


Done here.
Despite the misleading headline, we find this in the article "The finding doesn't mean the drinks cause bad behavior." :rolleyes:

This is yet another irresponsible article that juxtaposes two facts and presents them as if they are causally links. :banghead3
However, if the OP had said that teenagers were the scourge of the world ...


Well-Known Member
There was some solid research done on the topics of video games, movies and energy drinks being linked with violence and the out come was nil, no effect, Americans are just violent. Our good neighbors in Canada play the same games, drink the same drinks and watch the same movies and don't go out and blow each other away. I currently live in Asia and I have never seen more disciplined, courteous and respectful children and teens and they play the same games, drink the same drinks and watch the same movies some even more violent so, it 's a load of crap designed to point the finger at someone other that the parents and the society just like everything today people just no longer have a sense of personal accountability it must be someone else's fault my child is a moron.


Depends Upon My Mood..
Rebellious children have been around a lot longer than "energy drinks"..

Besides that it seems to me maybe they should take a look at how many of these kids engaging in "risky" or "violent" behavior had parents who poked pills in their mouths from the time they were in kindergarten in some cases telling the kids they had ADD or bi-polar?Do they know the long term affects of these brain altering meds on a childs developing brain?Or the phychological affects of convincing a child very early on that they have psychiatric diseases?

Im just saying I wonder if these same people so concerned with children ingesting caffeine and sugar would have no problem with a child beign admininstered something as harsh as lithium to control the childs "mood swings" when they are 6 years old?

Now having said all that?..I dont think those energy drinks are good for children or adults for that matter if consumed in large quantities on a regular basis.




Through the Looking Glass
That would include coffee, too, then. A typical energy drink has about 100-150 mg of caffeine per 8 oz, which is about the same content as a cup of drip coffee and 2-3 times as much as an ordinary cola. Caffeine is NOT good for kids, and may cause loss of bone density.

It's a different story for adults, however. While, a lot of caffeine can be dangerous and unhealthy, 300 mg or less a day is pretty harmless and actually may have some positive health benefits. One advantage many energy drinks have over coffee is that they are often full of other beneficial vitamins and supplements. One disadvantage is that most of them are also full of sugar. However, many of the "low carb" and "zero carb" formulations have no sugar, though that often means they are sweetened with artificials like splenda, nutrasweet and maltitol, which may present their own problems for some people.


Last visit 2005
I have a fast-paced job. I run from the time my feet hit the floor to the time I get home at night. There is a drink put out by coke called, NOS. I have one for breakfast everyday or I fail to get a good start. My friend calls it 'heartattackinacan'. LOL. I call it a good start to a good day.