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Engagement Rings rooted from Paganism


Edit: Now I get what you're saying.

So going by Leviticus 19:19, we see that it applies to ANY mixture of material, going by Deuteronomy, we see that the mixing of Wool and Linen may be seen as an EXAMPLE. Just as I used polyester as an example. I won't wear cotton mixture with wool for example.

And yes, we do it whether it makes sense or not, but "because G-d says so", hope that clarifies. I know firsthand how uncomfortable mixed fabrics can be, maybe Jews are just extra-sensitive. I'm glad you agree that Polyester is a horrid material.
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not nom

Well-Known Member
ah okay, I get it now, thanks.

And yes, we do it whether it makes sense or not, but "because G-d says so", hope that clarifies.

putting adulterers to death? really?

I mean, it's easy to not wear mixed fabric. I can't recall one mixed fabric from the top of my head that is a must have. at least since you can simply wear different items of clothing over another. think winter (not that there is such a thing in israel) -- the inconvenience of mixed fabrics is nowhere near the inconvenience of freezing to death ^^. and shellfish? ewww. I also don't like tattoos. so that's all ez pz.

but even if I was married and got cheated on.. and believe me, when my heart gets trampled on I don't take it lightly (to put it mildly).. but still, nahhhh.

sure, I'm hardly pious, what do I know... but I never heard of pious christians or jews advocating that -- so on what basis are some laws preferred and others ignored?


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
If a pagan influences you to do something helpful, then do it. Good Samaritan.
Was it not stated in the bible that we should not be influenced by pagans because they are people who are far from God.however as I conducted a study engagement rings as a symbol of love actually rooted from paganism. Should we stop using when it was already universally used?

Pagan influences; Christmas and Easter.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Was it not stated in the bible that we should not be influenced by pagans because they are people who are far from God.however as I conducted a study engagement rings as a symbol of love actually rooted from paganism. Should we stop using when it was already universally used?

If you feel that it is truly a pagan tradition and it goes agains't your faith, then don't do it.


Well-Known Member
Was it not stated in the bible that we should not be influenced by pagans because they are people who are far from God.however as I conducted a study engagement rings as a symbol of love actually rooted from paganism. Should we stop using when it was already universally used?

I think virtually the whole Bible is influenced by Paganism but that is only natural as all religions before this time were some kind of Paganism.


Premium Member
Was it not stated in the bible that we should not be influenced by pagans because they are people who are far from God.however as I conducted a study engagement rings as a symbol of love actually rooted from paganism. Should we stop using when it was already universally used?
Yes I agree that buying women diamonds is rooted in paganism and is materialistic, we should stop this sort of vanity.


Lady Babbleon
uhm, no.


Actually, definitely yes...Me Myself is quite right.

During the consecration (I forget just when this is done), the priest will spread his arms wide and do this very gesture with both hands. He is not sitting but rather standing at the altar table.

I've seen it done during the Mass numerous times myself since I grew up Catholic.

Now that you mention it, I wonder why that gesture is used. Interesting!


Lady Babbleon
sure, I'm hardly pious, what do I know... but I never heard of pious christians or jews advocating that -- so on what basis are some laws preferred and others ignored?

A very simple one--We now think some of them such as men not trimming their beards or Christian women being forbidden to wear gold jewelry and elaborate hairstyles (according to Paul) are outdated customs or silly. There's nothing wrong with a nice hairstyle (that may take hours in the salon to achieve) or some costume or nicer jewelry that's gold or gold-like.

Also, today's Christian quietly ignores for good reason many portions of the Bible that we now think are wrong--all those rules about master-slave relationships, for instance. Just try owning slaves openly in the U.S. and claiming, "But the Bible says I can!"


Rings have been around forever, in one form or another. Ever since the bronze age, when people could smelt ore. Google "bronze age ring" and you'll see plenty. Rings have been used throughout most religious marriage ceremonies for thousands of years.

Diamonds are new, however, to marriage and engagement. Because advanced diamond cutting technology is fairly new (older diamonds aren't faceted and brilliant like modern ones). Engagement rings that are shiny and sparkling and modern and look like this, for example, have only been around since the 1930s.

Gold has always been a very valuable currency, since its discovery. Its not just a pagan thing. Gold has always been used as a form of payment and security, in Christian and biblical traditions too.


New Member
I agree with you, on the website orospot.com i've seen not only engagement rings, but also different spiritual amulets which have their own power