Since the mid 1800's there has been a movement by women to become a voice amongst men. A voice that one could rightly say demands that men give women equal opportunity in all pursuits of life and in work equal pay for the same job.
Many women have laid down their lives to bring about this change.
In America The 'Women's Suffrage Movement' started in 1848 and paved the way to changing the way men thought about women.
The Woman Suffrage Movement
It is little know that in Persia at the same time, there was also the stirrings of a voice for women by a Lady called Tahirih where she unveiled in front of men from a Muslim background. Tahirih was put to death in 1852 and her final words were reported to be;
"You can kill me as soon as you like, but you cannot stop the emancipation of women."
Giving a voice to Tahirih - the 19th century Persian suffragette
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So the question is how do Men and Women find this Equality?
The pole questions give food for thought, or you may have another thought?
Regards Tony
We have to separate the illusion of equality from the reality of equality.
Men and women are not equal; they are fundamentally different.
To say men and women are equal requires a qualification on equality. In other words, you must pronounce in what way they are equal (or what quality that is the same in each of them), because they are definitely not, in all ways, equal.
"No taxation without representation" is a slogan from the 1700s that captures the way in which people are equal. The path is clear: men and women cannot live under a set of rules that do not represent them. This is certainly not the same thing as having the same rules for men and women.
Having the same rules for men and women is a farce. We should have rules that accurately reflect the interests of men and women and not have rules that conform to an arbitrary ideal or agenda which does inherently reflect their genuine interests.
For example, having a rule that men and women must dress the same is silly. Men should not be compelled to wear bras and women should not be compelled to wear loin clothes. It would be a silly rule that doesn't represent their interests. Let's get a little bit more precise: if a man wants a good-fitting set of clothes for himself, it behooves him to visit a tailor who designs men's clothing; if a woman wants a good-fitting set of clothes for herself, then it behooves her to visit a tailor who designs women's clothing. If a women tried to wear men's pants, she would find that her hips are too tight because men's hips aren't as wide. If a man tried to wear women's clothing he would find corresponding inconveniences in his attire. So, in what sense are we to consider men and women's clothing equal? They aren't equal from an apparent and obvious physical form point of view.
The manner in which they are equal is that their interests both be represented. So when a woman picks out her clothing it is certainly not necessary that we provide equal opportunity (that is that women have the option of buying men's clothing in the women's section of the store and that men have the option of buying women's clothing in the men's section of the store)! Rather it should be that the interests of women are represented in the women's clothing section of the store just as men's interests are represented in the men's clothing section of the store.
The fundamental point of importance is that men and women have their interests adequately represented. This is a communication issue, men and women must communicate their interests to each other and to the general public and, in particular, that means that laws should not be made concerning men and women without a proper representation of their interests. And, yes, those interests are going to conflict. They will give rise to gender battles about whether or not the toilet seat should be left up or left down. And sometimes there won't be a right answer or a wrong answer; they will just have to come together and reach a compromise and one day they may eventually arrive at a deeper understanding of each other and of each other's differences and wonder why they were ever arguing with each other in the first place.
Equality of opportunity is a farce. Men and women require equal representation of their interests and should not be bound by legislation without representation.