The "Euroweenies" are mostly doing just fine. Perhaps more American exceptionalists and ideologues need to learn from them instead of dismissing what works in favor of what their ideology dictates.
I find it interesting that you advocate increasing our
regulation of personal behavior by criminalizing
slander & libel, yet you criticize us for ranking so
low on that freedom index.
Would you want to criminalize hate speech too?
This increased governmental authority over us
that you advocate want would be wielded by the
kind of leaders we've endured, eg, Trump, Biden.
You trust them with this power far more than I do.
Perhaps you're too wrapped up in your ideology,
& don't adequately consider the downside of this
ever increasing government control over us, eh.
One thing that comes to mind is that I'll see women
here wearing hijabs/burkas in stores, & no one objects.
But in Europe....France & others made that illegal.
Prosecuting people for religious clothing...absurd.
I prefer our chaos over their orderly society.