The hypocrisy is not that he believes in the right to abortion, although no Christian could seriously believe, even if they construed abortion as a necessary evil, that it should ever be up to the woman alone to elect whether or not to abort her child. That is crazy. A woman's discretion is not the right political or religious basis on which to make a decision to abort a child.
When men without uteruses can have the baby, they can get equal say. As long as the person with a uterus is the only one involved, they get the only say.
The hypocrisy lies in the fact that Biden carries on being known as a Catholic and being associated with Catholicism to garner the Catholic vote, and to maintain his democratic credentials, whilst he doesn't really believe in the Catholic doctrine.
My understanding is that the US Catholics aren't nearly as into the pope as the ones in the Vatican.
I mean, Trump says he is a Christian and you don't think that's the height of outright lying if not hypocrisy? The only reason he probably doesn't have more off-the-record kids is that his favorite lovers haven't hit puberty yet. You can tell just by looking at them together that Melania is clearly too old for him now.
My point was that Biden is using his "Catholicism" for attracting the Catholic vote, although he doesn't believe in what the Catholic church says. That is classic hypocrisy, i.e. using religious affiliation for publicity.
Trump makes Biden look like an amateur in the dishonesty department. People call him the Second Coming or outright say he's better than Jesus and Biden is the bad guy here? Trump ticks off more anti-Christ boxes than anyone else except Mitch right now.
They should be made to apply to a judicial body to obtain an abortion which will decide their motives, and allow others the right to make representations!
Let's say she has just a few hours left to live because it's a dead fetus. You're saying they should wait for a committee?
I don't know of any Christians that "promote" hypocrisy. But Christians may be no more free from this weakness than are the many non-Christian hypocrites in the world.
Recently, Falwell Jr has been taken off the schedule as it were from his university because he's been caught with photo evidence that he does precisely the kinds of "sins" he says will cause any of his students to be expelled.
Evangelical leaders EXCEL at doing hypocrisy at 90 miles an hour.
He is also pro gay marriage, which in Christian terms is pro-blasphemy, and even blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.
The ancient church held gay marriages. If you believe that in Christ there is neither male nor female, gender based rules are irrelevant and stupid.
I mean, the bible says you should stone unruly children, claiming they are drunkards even though that rule doesn't even mention that they were drinking. If he held to that standard would you like him better? It's not okay to kill a zygote but it's okay to stone a 10 year old to death? I'm starting to see someone's avatar next to the dictionary definition of "hypocrite."
I am not accusing him of sticking with any "religious beliefs." I am accusing him of hypocrisy by using religion to garner votes and deceive Christians that he's someone whom Christians can put their faith in.
It is extremely difficult to take someone who throws out the term "true Christian" as though it is some ace in the hole
Especially since Jesus was never Christian in the first place.
Mt 25 : 31-46 is wholly inapplicable to a political setting, because it is talking about how people handle their assets. It is not talking about the need for compulsory redistrution of wealth in a pagan society, which is the USA. Democrats are political communists, not followers of Christianity
Found the person who finds sharing offensive.