This piece makes very good sense to me - I agree with it. When you have so many members of Mossad and the Israeli military speaking out against his actions, that says it all to me.
Netanyahu acts more like a Republican Congressman than the leader of Israel in how he's acting toward President Obama.
There are only two ways of meeting his demands on Iran - nuking the country or sending in tens of thousands of ground troops. A state like North Korea had no problem developing a nuke and Iran would not either if it wanted to. What can be done is to ensure that the government of Iran knows that attacking Israel with nukes would result in their utter destruction. And, on the other side, that stopping their nuclear program has tangible benefits (while at the same time giving them the ability to have a face saving gesture).
Even Israeli Hawks Are Angry At Netanyahu
As Netanyahu’s plane was in the air Sunday en route to Washington, a group called Commanders for Israel’s Security, made up of 180 retired generals and national security officials—including three former heads of Mossad—denounced the prime minister’s trip. “The present policy constitutes a destruction of the alliance with the U.S.,” said retired Major General Amnon Reshef, a hero of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, who co-founded the group.
On the eve of the visit, Michael Oren, a distinguished historian who a former ambassador to the United States under Netanyahu but has since broken with him, denounced the trip as a “cynical political move.”
The main hawkish rap on Bibi is that he has been an ineffective leader. After years of claiming he would take down Hamas, he had an opportunity last summer after the attacks on Israel from Gaza and failed. The commanders believe his embrace of King Abdullah of Jordan on confronting ISIS was ham-handed and largely unproductive. Most important, his failure to deal with what Israelis call “The Situation”—the military occupation of the West Bank—has made Israel an outcast nation rather than the “start-up nation” it aspires to be.
It’s not a coincidence that Bibi’s biggest backer is Sheldon Adelson, who owns the largest (and free of charge) newspaper in Israel and uses it as a daily propaganda rag for Netanyahu. In 2012, when Adelson pumped $100 million into Mitt Romney’s campaign, Netanyahu—apparently reading bad polls—all but endorsed Romney, despite the fact that three quarters of American Jews—most of whom are strong supporters of Israel—voted for Obama.
Obama’s reaction to Bibi’s behavior has been: No good deed goes unpunished. Every time the president would do something positive for Israel—like vetoing a Security Council resolution—Netanyahu would find a way to stick a thumb in his eye, like violating his promise of a settlement freeze at the exact moment when Vice President Biden was visiting Israel in 2010.