As someone with mental illness I have seen therapists on and off since I was 12.
I wouldn't talk to my first therapist and he diagnosed me with social anxiety due to this. My second therapist was a psychologist and really did not like me at all. Then, after I became an adult I saw a different therapist who would talk to me then talk to my mom and gossip about me to her.
More recently, I had a stocky bald therapist who allowed me to express myself while I was with him, but he gave me terrible advice, like it was okay to go off my medication when it obviously wasn't. Briefly I had a therapist that encouraged me to play in sand, which didn't help me at all. Then I got a couple of therapists from a nearby clinic. My first therapist from there was amazing and he was very intelligent and had a lot of things to say, but he retired.
The guy I'm seeing now, the second guy from the same clinic, really doesn't have anything to say to me and mostly forces me to do most of the talking while I'm there with him. I guess in a way talking to him is cathartic, like it was when the stocky bald therapist. But I don't feel like I can have an actual conversation with him most of the time.
I'm actually supposed to see this guy today in a few hours. He gives me the option to see him in person, do virtual or a phone call. He's flexible that way and that helps me. But besides being a little cathartic for me I don't know how else he can help me.