How challenging! How aggressive!
And so, It looks as if you are telling me here that Luke's words were fallible? True?
Let's look at your proposals................
So Bishop Usher obviously fgelt that he needed to do a great deal of 'exhaustive study'. OK..... moving on.....
Youi've got a problem.... right there. At the age of 57yrs Cyrenius (Quirinius) was appointed Legate Governor of Syria (which controlled Palestine) in 6AD at the same time that the Ethnarch Herod Archelaus had been banished, and Coponius was named as the Prefect of all three provinces and known jointly as Judaea. The Roman World was not involved in the taxation census, but only the provinces of Idumea, Samaria and Judea (Judaea) which Archelaus had ruled (incompetently). It was Coponius who first tried to introducre the new taxation program but a Jew called Judas of Gamala gathered quite a following to challenge the unfair demands in a strong revolt. Coponius could not cope (excuse the pun) and Quirinius had to step in to complete a taxation census. Sadly Luke did not mention this revolt. However, the idea that Rome would require all of its subjects and cirizens to leave their homes and places of work (where they were taxed) and go to their ancestral homes for the purpose of a taxation census is so ridiculous that one can only read Luke's account with merriment at such a manipulation to get Jesus tied in to Bethlehem as a Judean, when in fact he was like Joseph, a Galilean peasant.
Yes..... I wrote both names, as no doubt you remember....
No....... Varus was the Syrian Legate on the death of Herod the Great, and it was varus who was instructed to send a cohort and two legions to relieve Sepphoris/Zippori after it was overthrown by Judas BarEzekiah the bandit as soon as Herod had died.
Yes........ in 6AD.
9 – 7/6 BC Gaius Sentius Saturninus
7/6 – 4 BC Publius Quinctilius Varus
4 – 1 BC Unknown[1]
1 BC – 4 AD Gaius Julius Caesar Vipsanianus
4 – 5 Lucius Volusius Saturninus
6 – 12 Publius Sulpicius Quirinius
In fact, it could well have been Varus as Legate from 6BC until 1BC because Herod the Great could possibly have died in 2/1BC and a careful study of moon phases does support this possibility. But no Quirinius/Cyrenius befor 6AD. He was in Rome until then.
But here we have your own words that suggest that Luke did not write an accurate account, that he would RATHER MENTION CYRENIUS than SATURNINUS.
You see? Luke account.... riddled with incorrect details.
Which part of this do you not understand?
Luke's account has many such strangenesses, possibly because he was niot a witness, and clearly not guided by God to a perfect account.
You should read Matthew as well...... lots of errors.
And John was composed from a bundle of very useful accounts, reports and anecdotes but because he was not the disciple and no witness he didn't even know the correct timeline, and had Jesus demonstratiin in the Temple during the first dayus of his mission, rather than in the last week of his life! I like John, but not for an accurate timeline. G-Mark's time line was the one, except fotr the last verses.
Nazareth was not a city. A Citadel possibly, because of it's high elevation above the surrounding plains. The two Canas and a couple of other hills were similar citadels for the workmen of Sepphoris. See? Handworkers on Nazareth? Joseph? But please don't have Joseph as more than a Galilean peasant. Bethlehem? Nah!
Rome did not send its citizens and subjects all over Europe for the purpose of reporting to be taxed at their ancestral homes! Rome wasn't that daft!
And the taxation census was all about Samaria, Judea and Idumea...... ONLY!
You see? I knew something after all...... and that just off the top of my head. I can produce much more info than what's in my head today.