As a recovering alcoholic, I have sat in a great many AA meetings over the years listening to people tell their stories of what it was like being an alcoholic, what happened to them as a result, and what it's like now that they are sober. And I have told my own story, similarly, many times, too. And I was and still am amazed by the stories I've heard, and the extraordinary things that my fellow humans have experienced in their lives. So much so tat it eventually convinced me that every single one of us has an amazing story to tell, whether we are aware of it being amazing, or not. It may not seem amazing to us, but to others, it would most certainly be.
I marvel at the billions of human beings that have come and gone before me, and how each of them have had such an extraordinary experience being here. Some extraordinarily horrific, some extraordinarily wondrous, some extraordinarily strange, and so on. But all unique and amazing in their own ways.