I might ask it, but it would not relieve me of my burden of proof for the original assertion.Ok what if I say...
I disagree the 1969 Dodge Charger is not the best car.
Wouldn't you ask me, in your opinion which is the best car, and why is it better than the 1969 Dodge?
Wouldn't you atleast consider that you are asking a reasonable question?
In the case of your assertion about design and fine tuning, I never made a counter claim to your assertion, and have simply asked, repeatedly, that you support your claim. This is really all that anyone has requested from you. One poster, @TagliatelliMonster specifically stated that he did not know what might be behind this alleged fine tuning. Despite this, you have dodged your obligation for support of your assertion for weeks.
If this were true, you would have made your case immediately.I am simply not interested in arguing someone who doesn't know.... My interest is to share opinions with someone who thinks that there is a naturalistic hypothesis better than design
Either mendacity is so deeply embedded in your nature that you operate under it without a thought of recognition for it, or you are completely ignorant of the rules of logically debate. I hope for the latter, but wonder about the former.If you don't know, then go to any source that you would consider reliable , learn about Fine Tuning, learn about all the explanations that are being offered by scientists and philosophers and chose you favorite, then you can share your opinion on why is that explanation better than design.
There has never been an argument about what I know or do not know about design or fine tuning here. I have not made a claim. This is about your claim and your complete inability to support it to the point that you are doing everything you can to make the responsibility of those that do not share YOUR responsibility.
So, you now admit that you have 0 (zero) for an argument. Was honesty so hard? You could have admitted you had no argument weeks ago.This is just a forum, I will not elaborate an argument from zero,