Being close does not mean that 'we,' as the human race, came about as a result of pure, unminded, evolution. It means that there are agents that are similar.
This takes us directly to the point I've been trying to make to you about degrees of relatedness between you and your human ancestors for the last 5+ posts now.
The point you have continually avoided addressing at all costs. Nobody said anything about "pure, unminded evolution." The point is about how we can analyze degrees of relatedness between creatures that live on our planet.
If we use your logic from this post, then degrees of relatedness that we can clearly see after examining the DNA between you and your mother, you and your cousins, you and your great-great-grandfather, etc. means absolutely nothing and is all just a fluke. In your world, you do not share 50% of your DNA with each of your parents, and 25% of your DNA with your siblings, and less with your cousins, and less with your great-great-grandfather, though you are all still related. We could never tell if you share more DNA with your mother than your cousin because it really wouldn't mean anything at all. No, it's all just a fluke to you and DNA is not inherited at all! All it means is that there are "agents that are similiar" (whatever that means). The problem is, this is not the world we find ourselves in, which makes that a demonstrably false view.
What this post shows is that you have a very fundamental misunderstanding of biology, never mind of evolution.