Maybe when I have time I'll do so later. But now again, I was thinking -- watching a little video with a baby on a toilet seat with pants on. Here's a question for you.
When did gorillas, ants, and chimpanzees make and wear clothing? I know you keep saying the Bible is a big lie. Etc. But isn't it interesting that it says God first made coverings for Adam and Eve? These earlier people who penned the Bible realized that. I know you don't believe it. But I do. And it just adds up, makes more sense that no other being makes and wears clothes (in general). Yes, I know some populations either do not wear clothing, or sparse clothing, but absolutely no life-form other than humans make and wear clothing that I know of. Of course, you're going to say it's evolution. And that we pass through every stage in the womb, including those animals that have no thought of wearing clothing. But, of course, the Bible does say naked we came out and naked we go.
As he came from his mother’s womb he shall go again, naked as he came, and shall take nothing for his toil that he may carry away in his hand." (Ecclesiates 5.) Any way you look at that scripture, we come out naked, and, as the playwright said, "can't take it with you..." The question remains, what gorilla, horse, or cat makes clothes for himself? They come out 'naked,' and have no thought of covering themselves -- with leaves or cloth, or anything else. (I know you'll say evolution did it.