Do you believe love exists? Why or why not?
Are you able to provide evidence of love? If so, please do so here.
Of course love exists. But it may not be what so many would seem to like it to be, and there's the rub!
Love is an emotion. Emotions are one of the ways that our biochemical brains "speak" to us, guide us to the things we need, and away from the things that are not good for us. Physical attraction to another person suggests the possibility of producing strong offspring (assuming one is straight, of course). The love of a parent for a child is there to protect the investment made to furthering one's genetic contribution to future generations. Homesickness arises when vulnerable in a new venue, suggesting "call home, you'll feel more protected."
Organisms (like humans and ducks) are algorithms -- algorithms coded by billions of generations of genetic selection with the ultimate goal of passing on that genetic information to future generations. Put this way, it seems cold, mechanistic -- and in a way it is.
And yet, those same emotions (those biochemical imperatives) make us who and what we actually are! The love of a mother or father for a child, rooted in biology to pass on both parents' genes, are expressed in thousands of significant and insignificant impulsive actions every day -- a hug, a kiss, a doting look, the panic when it totters at the top of the stairs, the feeling of impotence when their first crush dumps them. All of those (each of which is just another emotion/algorithmic result) are proof of the existence of love itself.
This argument can be extended to the other ways in which humans experience love -- the way we "love" our friends, our parents, the mentors who taught us who we are when we were young.
Sorry, gotta end here, this is getting harder to write. (If there's a poet on the forum, I'll bet you could help me finish this post.)