Then we have resolved the issue.
Not the way you describe it as resolved we haven't.
You were trying to make the case that "if love exists and can be demonstrated through actions, then so can God." What we have now established is that both (love and God) are only what the mind defines them to be, and they are thus mere fabrications
No, we haven't established that these are "only what the mind defines them to be" and that they are "mere fabrications". They are hardly fabrications. They are words which have actual referents in lived human reality that extend beyond just the individual. They are pointers to actual shared experiences, and ways or modes of living which have the effect of promoting life and wellbeing. When we don't act in ways that are in accord with these, then things move out of balance.
They are words, but words we use to put a face upon some principle or way of living and energy of life which promotes or acts in accord with balance, health, harmony, and happiness. To call that a "mere fabrication", is shortsighted to say the least.
(the reasons behind their fabrication in the mind are not important for this discussion).
If you mean words themselves are fictions, I wouldn't disagree with that. But if they are good words, then they have actual referents. Both love, and I'll argue God, are words with actual referents. It's just that those referents are not material objects. But they can been made visible however through material objects, I'll add.
Those who claim love and use it to justify killing have simply mistaken love for desire for control, or possession. That is NOT "love," and therefore defeats your attempt to define it that way. Likewise for God -- you may suppose that "God" acts in the world through believers, but if the believer supposes that "God" is expecting them to kill their atheist neighbours, is that really God?
Correct. That is not really love, and it is not really God. So when we reject God, what are we really rejecting? Are we rejecting the valid referent, or the misuse of the word as an alibi for the destructive actions of the human ego? I believe modern atheism, the anti-theist version of that, is nothing other than a rejection of bad behaviors hiding behind the name God.
People could reject "love" too, in the same way for the same reasons. But is that a reasonable application of logic, or just a misplaced target? If we were to get rid of the idea of God, does that somehow release the human ego from its tendencies towards inflicting misery on itself and others? No, it simply finds a new name to hide itself behind, which it already does, such as "The reason I hit you is because I love you".
I have maintained all along that "love" is not a "thing in the world," but an emotion, and emotions are our biochemical means of communicating biological needs to action driver (our brain) that can lead us to try to satisfy those needs.
I find this philosophical interpretation of these things to be woefully inadequate. It's basically like cutting of our nose to spite our faces.
They provided him with what they believed he needed, no doubt out of feelings of "love." But what did "love" wreak upon the world as a consequence?
I would argue that enabling others is not act act of love at all. Love gets trapped in a web of other relational dysfunctions and gets lost and confused and unable to act. It becomes distorted because of illness. Co-dependencies for instance are not healthy expressions of love. They are a sickness.
So, no, "love" is not a thing that operates on its own -- it is an extension biochemical actors who express it.
Of course it doesn't operate on its own. It has to have some medium through which it creates and takes form. Think of it not as a "thing", but as a principle or "way" that brings health and wellbeing and happiness and life when life is in balance.
Think of it as "health". Health is not a thing "out there" that you go to the store and pick up off the shelf in a can. But it does exists everywhere in the word as a "way", whether you are healthy or not. And then when you are back in balance, then that "health" which exists in the world becomes known in you, and its fruits become to be manifest and made known. Health now becomes a tangible, visible, factual reality through us.
I hope this helps the mind to see these things as not just "mere fabrications", but as actual, abstraction of real, genuine realities. Try envisioning things like love, health, and God as atmospheres in which we "live and move and have our being", and then you can see they have actual, legitimate referents in reality, beyond just mere fabrications of the mind.