Impressive! A remarkable collection of debunked "arguments," nPeace.
I appreciate that you put argument in quotation marks, since I see no collection of argument.
I do see a few presented facts. So perhaps you might want to point out those "arguments", and show me how they have been debunked - especially too, since most people think that a counter argument somehow automatically debunks an argument.
But the complexity is explainable by natural processes. Why posit magic?
Do you think it's strong, or feel it's strong? Why do you find the natural explanation inadequate?
I think he is arguing for the fact
that there is intelligence in the design of life
It is strong because that is the correct conclusion we arrive at, since design requires a designer.
Since planning goes into the construction, then intelligence is involved.
Take for example, our own designs.
Was the camera designed?
Scientist say, the eye is like a camera.
Of course the camera was designed as a mimic of the eye.
Why is the eye a more sophisticated design?
It is due to the most complex organ in the universe - the brain.
Without the brain, the eye could not reach its intended purpose, but would be a useless function.
Without its primitive components, the eye would be useless.
A set of requirements are necessary for the eye to function.
What enables the eye to see?
Its design.
Thus, like the camera, the eye has a designer.
The hearing ear and the seeing eye — Jehovah has made both of them. Proverbs 20:12
If a simple house requires a builder, how much more so a far more complex object. Hebrews 3:4
Could this be the reason some scientist are proposing a more simple suggestion to the origin of life?