N. Germanic Descent
Don't know anything about your religious affiliation or lack of religious beliefs. So, yes, you need to define what do you mean by "God".
Nevertheless - here is my two cents...
The evidence of absence of God is not possible because God is present everywhere.
A place called "nothingness" cannot exist when something is there all the time.
We exist - we are the proof that God exists. If we didn't exist - then you could say.... I mean you won't be there to say anything!
We may not have the right tool to verify the existence of God the way you would like but we can use common sense via process of reasoning and process of deductions and come to the conclusion that God exists.
Absence of God/creator would possibly mean chaos. Given the complexity and order in the universe suggests intentional design. Complexity of life makes it highly improbable that everything happened by random coincidences.
You are trying to do complex mathematics with a cash register or a simple calculator.
To understand God - you have to understand how other realms work. With the limited available tools and knowledge - it is not feasible to come to an accurate conclusion; at least not at the moment!
If you are on an deserted island with your wife and she gets pregnant - without the availability of any modern medical equipment - can you figure out if she is pregnant with a boy or girl? Would you use your coconuts, rocks and fish to figure out if she is pregnant with a boy or girl? That is what you are doing when you are seeking empirical evidence before God reveals (with your limited tools).
Hence, you should realize - you don't possess the correct tools! All you could do is take an educated guess and try to connect different possible dots. You can see she is pregnant - so you know a baby is coming.
Similarly look at the complexity of life - or even just a human body and realize there is programmer behind it all. Genetic codes didn't write by itself. If you look at the 60.000 miles in length of blood vessels (Arteries, Veins and Capillaries) going through the entire length of the body to supply blood back and forth from the heart and hardly ever gets pinched then you should realize there is a designer behind it all.
We are your proof that God exists. Now just wait for the details just like you would wait to see the baby's gender.
In my assessment of life, even from chaos, I am one who holds the premise that we ought to accept that God exists and is. Today, and from chaos, we are able to determine a child's gender before the child is born. This has been "our" progress and from slates that go further back than learning to use stone tools to work with. Stone age, bronze, etc. What age is this one? If each age equates to a year, how old would we be collectively as humans? I'm guessing God is far older than we are and it's difficult to think that God hasn't far outreached our current abilities.