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Evohe to everyone.


New Member
Okay, this bit seems de rigeur. I'm interested in just about everything going, from String Theory to Pantheism (though not little dancing smileys). I've got blue eyes on wednesdays and sundays, and green or grey the rest of the week, depending on who's looking. I don't really believe in anything, but I feel rather a lot, and I like interacting with what is outside me through the media of myth and art.

I don't believe religious texts are the unadulterated works of gods, and I see rather a lot that is negative and cynical in the major religions; but I see a striving towards wholeness (and compatibility with the earth and its inhabitants) at their hearts. If I had to choose a 'religion,' it would be probably be some kind of fusion of Shamanism, Taoism and Science.

Oh, and I'm male, 40, and live in England. I don't have a beard, and I don't much like parsnips.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Revelation said:
Okay, this bit seems de rigeur. I'm interested in just about everything going, from String Theory to Pantheism (though not little dancing smileys). I've got blue eyes on wednesdays and sundays, and green or grey the rest of the week, depending on who's looking. I don't really believe in anything, but I feel rather a lot, and I like interacting with what is outside me through the media of myth and art.

I don't believe religious texts are the unadulterated works of gods, and I see rather a lot that is negative and cynical in the major religions; but I see a striving towards wholeness (and compatibility with the earth and its inhabitants) at their hearts. If I had to choose a 'religion,' it would be probably be some kind of fusion of Shamanism, Taoism and Science.

Oh, and I'm male, 40, and live in England. I don't have a beard, and I don't much like parsnips.
Hi Revelation,

Welcome to Religious Forums!

Please feel free to ask questions, if you have any. You might like to check out our article with links for our newer members; from there, there is also a link to the forum rules which you ought to look at.

Oh, and I'm male, 40, and live in England. I don't have a beard, and I don't much like parsnips.
I'm male, 57, live in England and I don't like parsnips much either.:D

Put me out of my misery; what does Evohe mean ? - is it a gnostic greeting ?


New Member
Maize said:
Hello and welcome to RF! :)

Forget the parsnips, what football club do you support?

Well, Liverpool, of course (though I'm not that serious about it). Apologies if you're a parsnip farmer.



New Member
michel said:
Hi Revelation,

Welcome to Religious Forums!

Please feel free to ask questions, if you have any. You might like to check out our article with links for our newer members; from there, there is also a link to the forum rules which you ought to look at.

I'm male, 57, live in England and I don't like parsnips much either.:D

Put me out of my misery; what does Evohe mean ? - is it a gnostic greeting ?

I don't have questions, I have all the answers. I came looking for all the questions. (Joke!)

Not 100% on Evohe, I think it's Gnostic derived from Ancient Egyptian, and means something along the lines of 'Ave,' as in 'Hail!' I meant it as a greeting rather than a weather forecast, obviously.



Kal-El's Mama
to RF Revelation. Please to meet you and glad you could join us.


Mischevious One
Hi, Revelation. Welcome to Religious Forums. We're happy to have you with us and hope you enjoy your stay. :)


New Member
robtex said:
Good to meet you. What are your hobbies and interests?

Hi, Robtex - rather a lot of hobbies: reading/writing poetry and prose, composing and recording music, discussion, climbing/mountaineering, cooking, scuba diving... etc.

To anyone - why am I often getting an error message telling me my posts are too short (under 5 characters), when they're not? I've managed to post about 3 messages out of 10 so far. It's a bit frustrating when you have to keep typing the same message over and over and trying again. Is the site working okay? Am I being completely dumb?

Thanks, and thanks for the welcome!