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Evolution and Creationism are the same thing


Who do you think gets to define scientific terms, scientists or anti-science crusaders? Do you think atheists should get to define Biblical terms?
If I am not mistaken you believe in the theory of Evolution, from which the foundation was laid by Charles Darwin, whose only degree was in Theology, and yet you call him one of the greatest scientist that ever lived…

Hovind is a convicted felon sitting in prison, has no scientific credentials at all, and is one of the worst liars on the creationist side.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of examples where someone has been wrongfully imprisoned, and the only reason he sits in prison now is because he REFUSED to plead guilty to crimes he did not commit.
And I would really like to know since when does supposed tax evasion, have anything to do with his theories on creationism. He has a Doctorate Degree in Education, as well as many other credentials that shows he is extremely qualified to discuss this topic, but still you blindly label him without attempting to listen to his side.
Ok there are way too many people trying to argue with me about this topic, but I am only one person so if you would like to continue this discussion, I will post a thread soon and discuss this with each of you one at a time.


Revelation all the time
It is weird how each of us on 'other side' get into threads where we are pretty much alone, and yet, there seems to be a decent amount of us in various threads.


Jose Fly

Fisker of men
If I am not mistaken you believe in the theory of Evolution, from which the foundation was laid by Charles Darwin, whose only degree was in Theology, and yet you call him one of the greatest scientist that ever lived…
Yet Darwin worked as a scientist, published many works in the journals of his time, and contributed greatly to science as a whole. The same cannot be said for Hovind.

There are hundreds, if not thousands of examples where someone has been wrongfully imprisoned, and the only reason he sits in prison now is because he REFUSED to plead guilty to crimes he did not commit.
Fallacy of false equivalency. "Lots of people are imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit, therefore Hovind is innocent".

He's a convicted felon sitting in prison. If you read the court documents (which I have), he didn't even try to argue that didn't commit the crimes, but rather attempted to argue other means (e.g. since his income "belonged to God" he didn't owe taxes on it), and failed.

And I would really like to know since when does supposed tax evasion, have anything to do with his theories on creationism.
It shows just how delusional and dishonest he is.

He has a Doctorate Degree in Education
From "Patriot University" which is a diploma mill where all one needs to get a doctorate from them is $100. Again, more evidence of his delusional and dishonest nature.

as well as many other credentials that shows he is extremely qualified to discuss this topic,
What "other credentials"?

but still you blindly label him without attempting to listen to his side
I've read his material and seen his presentations. He is a liar, a charlatan, and a convicted felon sitting in prison. If the best you can do is cite such a person to defend your position, I'll let that speak for itself.


Well-Known Member
If I am not mistaken you believe in the theory of Evolution, from which the foundation was laid by Charles Darwin, whose only degree was in Theology, and yet you call him one of the greatest scientist that ever lived…

Also, nowadays the main supporter of ToE is Richard Dawkins (or at least the most famous). He is a zoologist by the Balliol College, Oxford (pupil of Nikolaas Tinbergen: Nobel in Medicine). He also has a Master of Arts and a Doctorate in Phylosophy. Among other merits, he has presided the British Association for the Advancement of Science and been honored with the title "doctor honoris causa" by the University of Valencia (Spain).


Well-Known Member
Jesusfreak888 said:
Wow! I really did not expect to see this many Atheists on this website.

Actually, many conservative Christians believe that God has used evolution, and that the story of Adam and Eve is not literally true.

Jesusfreak888 said:
I also didn’t expect this many people to believe in one of the most ridiculous theories ever created (Evolution).

In order to reasonably make a claim like that, you would have to have at least a bachelor's degree in biology or biochemistry. Do you have a degree in either of those fields? I doubt it. Even if you did, if you only had a bachelor's degree, you would not have any status in the national science communities of experts.

Jesusfreak888 said:
It’s just my opinion, but it seems that many of you are very confused as to what Evolution really means, as well as Creationism. I would strongly suggest you put away your pride and your so called “knowledge” and just look for the truth. If you can honestly do that, you will find it’s not hard to see.

Actually, it is usually creationists who are confused about what evolution really means, and frequently falsely equate atheism with evolution when many millions of evolutionists are theists. Charles Darwin himself was a theist when he wrote 'On the origin of species,' and when he died, he was an agnostic.

Consider the following:

evolution (scientific theory) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia Britannica said:

Theory in biology postulating that the various types of plants, animals, and other living things on Earth have their origin in other preexisting types and that the distinguishable differences are due to modifications in successive generations. The theory of evolution is one of the fundamental keystones of modern biological theory.

Beliefs of the U.S. public about evolution and creation

religioustolerance.org said:
According to Newsweek in 1987:

"By one count there are some 700 scientists with respectable academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence to creation-science......."

That would make the support for creation science among those branches of science who deal with the earth and its life forms to be about 0.14%.

If you have a scientific alternative to evolution, please quote your expert sources.


Well-Known Member
otokage007 said:
.......nowadays the main supporter of ToE is Richard Dawkins (or at least the most famous).

Dawkins has a lot of company in the scientific community, including lots of conservative Christian experts, including Ken Miller, Ph.D., biology. Miller is a devout Roman Catholic, and testified in the Dover trial. He is a theistic evolutionist, and a leading expert on evolution, including the evolution of the flagellum.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Then prove it wrong!!! You people obviously have no idea how to debate… comments such as these, and many others in this thread are of no help to what you believe, if you think I am wrong then tell me how, If you think I am Ignorant tell my why, if you think the Bible has been proven wrong THEN SHOW ME WHERE!!! Just saying the bible is wrong does not prove to me that it is…

Okay. Let's see... the earth was created twice in the Bible, both with contradicting timelines of creation; the oldest tree is nearly 10,000 years old, thus nullifying the idea that the earth is 6000 years old(http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2008/04/080414-oldest-tree.html); there's no evidence for a global flood(Problems with a Global Flood)... need more?

I don’t care what term is now accepted in the “Scientific Community”
Well, you should, since they're the ones who define what terms are good and which ones aren't.

my point is still the same no matter what name you put on it, you are explaining a very small part of Evolution; I want an explanation for the origin of life.
Then you want to look into abiogenesis, which is a different branch of science.

You say you believe In God, so I would say you fill in the rest of the beginning with what your religion teaches,

All right. There are different ideas based on the different theistic philosophies, but here's what the Rig Veda, the Source of all Hindu religions, says on creation:

At first there was neither Being nor Nonbeing.
There was not air nor yet sky beyond.
What was its wrappings? Where? In whose protection?
Was water there, unfathomable and deep?

There was no death then, nor yet deathlessness;
Of night or day there was not any sign.
The One breathed without breath, by its own impulse.
Other than that there was nothing else at all.

Darkness was there, all wrapped around by darkness,
and all was water indiscriminate.
Then that which was hidden by the Void
that One, emerging, stirring,
through power of Ardor came to be.

In the beginning Love arose, which was
the primal germ cell of the mind.
The Seers, searching in their hearts with wisdom,
Discovered the connection of Being and Nonbeing.

A crosswise line cut Being from Nonbeing.
What was described above it, what below?
Bearers of seed there were and mighty forces,
thrust from below and forward move above

Who really knows? Who can presume to tell it?
Whence was it born? Whence issued this creation?
Even the Gods came after its emergence.
Then who can tell from whence it came to be?

That out of which creation has arisen
whether it held firm or did not,
He who surveys it in the highest heaven,
He surely knows or maybe He does not!
-Nasadiya Sukta (RV 10.129)

but you do not understand that there is a much bigger picture of Evolution that cannot be explained, and that is why I call Evolution a religion
Which is because you're calling something that is not evolution by that name. Science does not yet have any sort of surefire answer as to where life came from, only varying hypotheses.


Well-Known Member
The Bible claims light was created before the sun because God was the source of the light, he did this for many reason one being to show people the Sun is not worth worshiping.

Not exactly a theory you can test, is it?

As for the others I see nothing wrong with plants being created before sea creatures, or Man before Beasts…
Except that it is contradicted by virtually everything we know about the order in which sea creatures, plants and Man came about.


Well-Known Member
Dawkins has a lot of company in the scientific community, including lots of conservative Christian experts, including Ken Miller, Ph.D., biology. Miller is a devout Roman Catholic, and testified in the Dover trial. He is a theistic evolutionist, and a leading expert on evolution, including the evolution of the flagellum.

Thank you for bringing that point into the thread. Now we all can be sure that if a roman catholic can be a scientist, Darwin can too.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
He's a convicted felon sitting in prison. If you read the court documents (which I have), he didn't even try to argue that didn't commit the crimes, but rather attempted to argue other means (e.g. since his income "belonged to God" he didn't owe taxes on it), and failed.
That sounds about right to me. We should throw God in jail for tax evasion.

Jose Fly

Fisker of men
At the very least they should call him as a material witness, and if he doesn't show issue a warrant for contempt of court.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
There are different ideas based on the different theistic philosophies, but here's what the Rig Veda, the Source of all Hindu religions, says on creation:

At first there was neither Being nor Nonbeing.
There was not air nor yet sky beyond.
What was its wrappings? Where? In whose protection?
Was water there, unfathomable and deep?

There was no death then, nor yet deathlessness;
Of night or day there was not any sign.
The One breathed without breath, by its own impulse.
Other than that there was nothing else at all.

Darkness was there, all wrapped around by darkness,
and all was water indiscriminate.
Then that which was hidden by the Void
that One, emerging, stirring,
through power of Ardor came to be.

In the beginning Love arose, which was
the primal germ cell of the mind.
The Seers, searching in their hearts with wisdom,
Discovered the connection of Being and Nonbeing.

A crosswise line cut Being from Nonbeing.
What was described above it, what below?
Bearers of seed there were and mighty forces,
thrust from below and forward move above

Who really knows? Who can presume to tell it?
Whence was it born? Whence issued this creation?
Even the Gods came after its emergence.
Then who can tell from whence it came to be?

That out of which creation has arisen
whether it held firm or did not,
He who surveys it in the highest heaven,
He surely knows or maybe He does not!
-Nasadiya Sukta (RV 10.129)

Love it. It goes to show that certain aspects contained in the bible aren't new considering this Veda is older than the oldest known scroll of Genesis.:clap


Resident Liberal Hippie
I might be misunderstanding your question… An Established Scientific Theory to me would be something that followed the Scientific Method. As I stated before MICRO-EVOLUTION IS SCIENCE, I would really like an explanation as to how life got started if there is no God. The ONLY examples I have been given so far in this thread are examples of Micro-Evolution, but there is much more to Evolution than that, it seems that you are avoiding the rest of the theory, and just explaining a very small part of it.
I also like how everyone is eager to claim I know nothing about Evolution, and yet NO ONE has rebuttal me… you all are so quick to say I have no clue what I am talking about, and yet it seem no one can prove me wrong…:shrug:
Why am I not surprised


Scientific Theory
: A theory is what one or more hypotheses become once they have been verified and accepted to be true. A theory is an explanation of a set of related observations or events based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers. Unfortunately, even some scientists often use the term "theory" in a more colloquial sense, when they really mean to say "hypothesis." That makes its true meaning in science even more confusing to the general public. In general, both a scientific theory and a scientific law are accepted to be true by the scientific community as a whole. Both are used to make predictions of events. Both are used to advance technology.
In fact, some laws, such as the law of gravity, can also be theories when taken more generally. The law of gravity is expressed as a single mathematical expression and is presumed to be true all over the universe and all through time. Without such an assumption, we can do no science based on gravity's effects. But from the law, we derived the theory of gravity which describes how gravity works, what causes it, and how it behaves. We also use that to develop another theory, Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, in which gravity plays a crucial role. The basic law is intact, but the theory expands it to include various and complex situations involving space and time.

Some scientific theories include the theory of evolution, the theory of relativity, the atomic theory, and the quantum theory. All of these theories are well documented and proved beyond reasonable doubt. Yet scientists continue to tinker with the component hypotheses of each theory in an attempt to make them more elegant and concise, or to make them more all-encompassing. Theories can be tweaked, but they are seldom, if ever, entirely replaced.
A theory is developed only through the scientific method, meaning it is the final result of a series of rigorous processes. Note that theories do not become laws. Scientific laws must exist prior to the start of using the scientific method because, as stated earlier, laws are the foundation for all science.
Scientific Theory v. Hypothesis v. Scientific Law - The Scientific Method

Biological Evolution: Biological Evolution is an observed fact. Simply put, it is any change in the frequency of alleles within a gene pool from one generation to the next.

Abiogenesis: Abiogenesis is the study of how life arose from inorganic matter.

The Theory of Evolution: The Theory of Evolution is the explanation of the mechanisms used in Biological Evolution. It is a set of related observations or events in biology based upon proven hypotheses and verified multiple times by detached groups of researchers.

Absolutely none of the above attempt to prove or disprove God.


What is your understanding of an established Scientific Theory?

I would say there are manyareas of Creationism that are Scientific, and I would say there is ZERO scientific evidence for Evolution.

Let's start with Biological Evolution.
What do you feel it really means?

To my understanding there are 6 basic stages or level of Evolution
1. Cosmic Evolution: the origin of time, space, and matter
2. Chemical Evolution: The origin of higher elements from hydrogen
3. Stellar and Planetary Evolution: The origin of stars and planets
4. Organic Evolution: The origin of life
5. Macro-Evolution: change from one kind into another
6. Micro- Evolution: Variations within the kinds
The first 5 stages are 100% Religious. Science deals with things that can be demonstrated, tested and repeated, therefore it is absolutely impossible for these first 5 stages to be scientific, if you would like to believe this is the way we got here you are more than welcome to believe that, but it is a religion not scientific. Micro-Evolution is Science, it is variation within the kinds, but that does not prove that we evolved from a rock 4.6 Billion years ago…
I will tell you now, I am not some science major, who claims to know everything there is to know about how we got here. I am a simple Christian. With that being said I will admit up front that I cannot prove that God exists, just the same as you cannot prove that he doesn’t. I also cannot prove that Evolution did not happen, just as you cannot prove that it did. All we can do in this life is gather as much evidence as we can, and decide for ourselves what happened. After being an Atheist, and studying Creation, Evolution, as well as other religions, I think it is safe to say that Christianity is the Truth that I can find.[/quote]

Pathetic :facepalm: Simply pathetic...


That is exactly my point; “Short Term” is the only type of evolution that can be scientific. Just because you see a big dog cross bread and make a new species does not prove everything evolved from a rock 4.6 Billion years ago…
Macro-Evolution is when something changes to a different KIND
Micro- Evolution is variations within the kinds.

I use these terms because they are the most commonly accepted terms, but if you have a different name for them that is fine, but my point is simple: Not one has ever seen an animal or anything produce something other than its kind. If you breed two dogs, you might get a big dog or a little dog, they might have curly hair or straight hair, but I guarantee you it will be a dog. You will never breed two dogs and get a fish, or a human, or anything else. If you want to believe that, have fun, but that is not science.

There isn't one scientist on this planet who would say that within your life time you will see one species evolve into another species. That doesn't happen. That isn't what evolution is. No species walking the planet today has evolved from another species walking the planet today. We are however, all decended from common ancestors.

Humans didn't evolve from monkeys, we simply have a common ancestor. If you're going to comment on evolution, you should learn what it is first.


I might be misunderstanding your question… An Established Scientific Theory to me would be something that followed the Scientific Method. As I stated before MICRO-EVOLUTION IS SCIENCE, I would really like an explanation as to how life got started if there is no God. The ONLY examples I have been given so far in this thread are examples of Micro-Evolution, but there is much more to Evolution than that, it seems that you are avoiding the rest of the theory, and just explaining a very small part of it.
I also like how everyone is eager to claim I know nothing about Evolution, and yet NO ONE has rebuttal me… you all are so quick to say I have no clue what I am talking about, and yet it seem no one can prove me wrong…:shrug:
Why am I not surprised

As previously pointed out, The Theory of Evolution doesn't try to suggest how life appeared on earth, there are other more specific theories for that. The Theory of Evolution describes the diversity of life on earth, the fossils we find etc...


This is my exact point, which I don’t think you will understand. You say that the belief that God created the universe is an uneducated guess, and yet you claim a Meteor hit the earth, which contained all that was needed to create life (for which there is absolutely no proof), or this planet already had all the components for life on it (for which there is absolutely no proof). This why I call these theories RELIGIOUS!!! You claim that this is an “Educated Guess”? You have got to be kidding me! If this is your position, then tell me where did these components for life come from? There must be an origin. Where did matter itself come from? Where did Space come from? Where did Time come from? Where did the Organization come from? Where did the Information come from? All of these question you answer by faith, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t think I can help you.

The components for life come from giant starts that at the end of their life become increasingly dense and hotter, creating the heavier elements essential to life (e.g. carbon). At the end of their life they explode in a phenomena called a supernova, thus ejecting all the heavier element into space. Within the nebulea that the supernova creates, new stars are born (like ours) and new planets may gradually form to obit the new stars.

The actual theory you really need to look into I think is the big bang theory. Scientists have pieced together all the evidence that they have (too much to list here but I shall list some useful books below) which suggests that matter, space and time were all ctreated in the Big Bang (the 'big bang' title is a bit misleading, think of it more as a 'big expansion' from a singlarity).

Scientists do not claim to know everything, this is a common misunderstanding from critics. Scientists produce theries which best suit calculations, obsevations and predictions. Theries are proven wrong all of the time and they have to be replaced. For example, Newtons theory of gravity was surpassed by Einsteins theory of gravity. One day Einsteins will more than likely be surpassed by another theory.

Finally, as an athiest, I can confidenty say I am not in denial. I simply do not feel the need to believe in a faith. I find the answers science can give to be sufficient enough. So please do not tell me what I believe and don't believe.

A good introducrty book to read to start learning about science is:

'The Short History of Nearly Everything' - Bill Bryson

Its pretty basic but worth a read if you're not clued up on basic science :)
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Well, from what I understand, CREATIONISM does not necessarily mean Young Earth Creationism, does it? Therefore one can believe in Old Earth Creationism? That is to say, Theistic Evolution?