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Evolution and Creationism. Are they really different?


Active Member
The creator is beyond the beginning. being external to spacetime means he doesn't have a beginning. In other words, his existence didn't depend on any other influence . The fine tuning doesn't apply to him.

Yeah, you said that already. But you then have to accept that life requires no fine-tuned universe.

Neither infinite nor finite possibilities existed before the beginning.

So then God isn't all-powerful?

That implies that existence already existed before the beginning.

God implies an existence that already existed before the beginning. In other words, there was never non-existence according to your views.

This imagined “realm of existence with infinite possibilities” did not exist before the beginning.

Then God is not all-powerful like your religion claims. God can't do what's impossible, by definition. Things that are impossible are, by definition, things that can't happen. If God can make something happen, then it's possible, even if he's the only one who can do it.

No supercomputer or possibilities existed before the beginning

No possibilities before the beginning? Not even God?

you can't impose the reality of creation to encompass the creator himself.

I'm not. All I'm saying is existence requires no fine-tuning, according your views.


Well-Known Member
If we claim that one configuration only will work out of infinite number of configurations that don’t, then what is the possibility that this specific configuration will appear randomly? It would be 1/infinity=0. Meaning it can not appear randomly. It’s extremely unlikely.

But In fact if one configuration only should work, then we are not talking about possibilities at all. We are talking about design.
That is only valid if there are in fact an infinite number of possible configurations. The only configuration that we know is possible is the one that we live in. Again, it might be the case that no other configurations are possible at all.
If this extremely complex and accurate configuration is the only one that can support physical existence of the universe and life (we do have reasons to support this view), then I wouldn’t call it a possibility. I would call it an intelligent design.
If it's the only possible configuration at all then there is no designing to be done.
It’s not the only possible design
but rather, the only existing (or intentional) design. The element of chance would totally fade away. By definition, (extremely complex) design is not a product of chance. If the possibility is limited to one, then it’s not a possibility. It’s a design
There is no need to design what is inevitable.
Verified evidence suggest otherwise.
That evidence being what, exactly?
We can’t impose the limits of a “living being” as we understand it, on God himself. It doesn’t apply. Any living being we observe within the limits of our reality is totally dependent on space, time and all physical laws in effect in our world. God’s existence/life (beyond spacetime) is external to all these limits. These limits control our own reality not his. It doesn’t apply to him. God’s life is nothing like ours. You can’t think of him in light of any life model you are aware of.

no, it means God can exist without having been fine-tuned not our physical life.the creator is not same as creation. you can't apply same rules on both.

God is the only eternal independent reference that gave definition to every thing.
If God doesn't fit the definition of a living being, then why call Him alive at all?
True, and the fact that we don’t know doesn’t mean that the questions can simply be dismissed.
Nor does it mean we should inject certainty where there is none.
I don’t agree. I’ll tell you why

Alive: being external to time necessarily means he has no start or end. He is alive. He is eternal.
How does being eternal make an entity necessarily alive? You already said that He doesn't fit the definition of life as we know it.
Intelligent: if he is responsible for the creation/calibration of an extremely complex universe, then he is necessarily intelligent beyond imagination.
This, again, assumes that there are multiple possible ways that the universe could have turned out and that God therefore had to choose one specific design out of many possibilities. If only one configuration was logically possible, then there was no choice to make. It would inevitable that this particular universe would result. You have already agreed with me that there is no evidence that alternative laws of physics are even possible.
Moral: don’t you agree that morals are not something physical?
Morals are not physical, but neither is a sense of beauty. That doesn't mean that there must be an absolute standard of beauty just because it isn't a physical thing.
What actually makes us consider the morals as morals? What give it its definition?
It differs somewhat from one culture to another and one individual to another. I've seen some people passionately say that gay marriage is wrong while other people passionately say it is wrong to deny gays the right to marry.
It would need an external reference against which it can be measured.
The definition of morals is embedded in our creation.
The reference for this definition is God.
This is a restatement of the claim, not evidence for the claim.
Like before, if one configuration only should work, then we are not talking about possibilities at all. We are talking about design. The random appearance of this specific configurations out of infinite number of configurations is extremely unlikely.
If only one configuration is possible at all, then it isn't random but rather inevitable. If this is the only possible world, then there aren't any alternative configurations to choose from at all. What evidence do you have that gravity could have been twice as strong, or that there could have been ten fundamental forces instead of four, or that space-time could have had seventeen dimensions instead of four, and so on? You don't know that such things could be.
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Segev Moran

Well-Known Member
To me both are some sort of belief systems. People simply choose to follow one or another not because they are scientists, theologians or have specific compelling evidence but merely because they are free to choose what they believe in and when they choose, most people mainly follow the thoughts or teachings of others that they think can be trusted (whether right or wrong). In that sense, both Evolution and Creationism are similar. What do you think?

Sorry friend.. but you are wrong...

Let me ask you a question...

Imagine a curtain covering an object.. nobody knows whats behind that curtain...

Some say its a mystical thing (GOD?), some say its unknown and some say its whatever...
everybody starts studying the curtain and trying to figure out what is it behind it...

then, some leaves appear on the floor right under the curtain...

Nothing has changed .. nothing is yet known.. but some probability that behind the curtain lies a tree is building up...

Yet.. Some say its GOD and some say its a tree...

Then some branches appear...

Although no one can say for sure its a tree...
The probability of it being a tree is increasing...

Yet some will still say its GOD

And so... as things and evidence starts piling up.. It is of almost certain that its a tree.. yet some will say its GOD!

And the thing is.. that once the curtain will be removed and it will obvious its a tree....
Those who said its GOD will say... Yeah.. maybe its a tree... BUT WHO MADE THE TREE??????

Thus, GOD is an eternal claim...
Science is a way to learn and understand the facts....

Evolution relays on evident
Creation relays on imagination.


Yeah, you said that already. But you then have to accept that life requires no fine-tuned universe.
Life does, God doesn't, life has a creation point dependent on the fine tuning imposed on its creation. God is beyond that. Thinking of God as another physical element, will always give you the wrong conclusion.

So then God isn't all-powerful?
It's actually the opposite. The start was with no physical possibilities, nothing. He made It all happen out of nothing. That's an extreme power

God implies an existence that already existed before the beginning. In other words, there was never non-existence according to your views.
Again, don't think of God as another physical element. All physical elements cease to exist before the beginning. None. The existence beyond the beginning, is totally different reality.

Then God is not all-powerful like your religion claims. God can't do what's impossible, by definition. Things that are impossible are, by definition, things that can't happen. If God can make something happen, then it's possible, even if he's the only one who can do it.

Impossible things within the realm/ definition of our physical world, are only possible for God yet it's still impossible in our reality.

No possibilities before the beginning? Not even God?
No physical possibilities but a different reality that forced the physical world to existence.

I'm not. All I'm saying is existence requires no fine-tuning, according your views.
God's existence needs no fine tuning, life does. His reality is different than ours. Mixing two different realities, will always give you the wrong conclusion.
We can understand that whats before the beginning is an undefined different reality. We can't go beyond this point. This is the boundary, beyond which different reality exists.


Sorry friend.. but you are wrong...

Let me ask you a question...

Imagine a curtain covering an object.. nobody knows whats behind that curtain...

Some say its a mystical thing (GOD?), some say its unknown and some say its whatever...
everybody starts studying the curtain and trying to figure out what is it behind it...

then, some leaves appear on the floor right under the curtain...

Nothing has changed .. nothing is yet known.. but some probability that behind the curtain lies a tree is building up...

Yet.. Some say its GOD and some say its a tree...

Then some branches appear...

Although no one can say for sure its a tree...
The probability of it being a tree is increasing...

Yet some will still say its GOD

And so... as things and evidence starts piling up.. It is of almost certain that its a tree.. yet some will say its GOD!

And the thing is.. that once the curtain will be removed and it will obvious its a tree....
Those who said its GOD will say... Yeah.. maybe its a tree... BUT WHO MADE THE TREE??????

Thus, GOD is an eternal claim...
Science is a way to learn and understand the facts....

Evolution relays on evident
Creation relays on imagination.

You presented a metaphor that clues can link us to what's beyond. I agree, clues within our boundary can link us to God beyond (the tree). But the only thing I don't agree with, ""BUT WHO MADE THE TREE". What's beyond the boundary, is necessarily beyond physical limits, external to spacetime. Doesn't have any dependency. Doesn't have a begining. It's not physical. It's not a creation. It was not created.


Active Member
Life does, God doesn't, life has a creation point dependent on the fine tuning imposed on its creation. God is beyond that. Thinking of God as another physical element, will always give you the wrong conclusion.

It doesn't matter if God is "beyond" that, or if he's not a "physical element" (whatever that means). He's still considered a life form who required no fine-tuning.... allegedly.

It's actually the opposite. The start was with no physical possibilities, nothing. He made It all happen out of nothing. That's an extreme power

If he can "make it happen" then it was always possible. He can't do something that's impossible, by definition. Impossible = things that can't happen. He can't do impossible things in the same way that he can't make a four-sided triangle.

Again, don't think of God as another physical element. All physical elements cease to exist before the beginning. None. The existence beyond the beginning, is totally different reality.

I'm not treating this alleged God as a physical anything. I never once uttered the word "physical". I'm simply treating God as a thing that exists (I don't think he exists, but this is for the sake of argument). Under this premise, God is a thing that exists, and a thing that can do stuff. Therefore "stuff" is possible. You can't have an existence of impossibility, yet, have a God that can do anything. That's a direct contradiction.

Impossible things within the realm/ definition of our physical world, are only possible for God yet it's still impossible in our reality.

There is no "our reality". There's simply reality. If you mean "our universe" I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about total existence. Total existence comprises all that is real, including things beyond this universe, things outside of spacetime, 3rd dimension or whatever was around "before" the Big Bang. I'm simply talking about existence, and if an omnipotent God has always been around even prior to the Big Bang, then an existence of infinite possibilities was always around, which required no fine-tuning.

No physical possibilities but a different reality that forced the physical world to existence.

I'm not talking about physical possibilities. Again, you're the first to utter the word "physical". I'm talking about possibilities in the broadest sense, as in "things that can happen".

God's existence needs no fine tuning, life does. His reality is different than ours. Mixing two different realities, will always give you the wrong conclusion.

Reality = all that is real. Basically a synonym for existence. A "different reality" is simply a reality that doesn't exist.

We can understand that whats before the beginning is an undefined different reality. We can't go beyond this point. This is the boundary, beyond which different reality exists.

There is no "different reality" as that is a nonsensical combination of words. There is only reality. If something isn't part of reality, then it's not real and it doesn't exist. Whatever was real before the Big Bang is part of reality. If your alleged undefined different realm containing an omnipotent deity is actually an existing thing, then it's part of reality. You're probably trying to say something else, but "different reality" is a poor choice of words. Replace the word "reality" with "realm" as that's probably a better word.


Plus this runs into its own problem, as pointed out many times before in this thread. It requires that the fine-tuner (God or whoever) doesn't require a fine-tuner of their own.

NoorNoor keeps stressing that without the right constants, there wouldn't be a universe at all. There would be nothing. But there would be God. So God exists in a realm of nothing? How can something exist when there's nothing to exist in? The notion becomes even more contradictory. It first asserts that life requires a fine-tuned universe, but then it's also forced to assert that not only is life possible in a non-fine-tuned universe, life (God) is also possible within nothingness.
It is called presupposition, that is where your belief system is fined tuned to fit a cosmic view rather than built up from an evidentiary foundation.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
How many times has a universe popped into being that could not sustain carbon-based life? What makes our universe more exceptional than any of these?
A universe naturally generates whatever features are possible within its own physical parameters. Our particular form of life just happens to be a possibility given the physical constants peculiar to this universe. Had the universe formed with different constants we'd expect different features, maybe different forms of life.

What makes us think that the universe was designed to support our particular form of life? In Nature life adapts to the conditions it finds itself in. Extreme environments weren't designed to generate extremophiles, extremophiles arose and adapted to the already existing extremes.
Isn't it more likely that life is simply a natural artifact of the particular set of physical constants that chanced to occur in this particular iteration?


It doesn't matter if God is "beyond" that, or if he's not a "physical element" (whatever that means). He's still considered a life form who required no fine-tuning.... allegedly.

If he can "make it happen" then it was always possible. He can't do something that's impossible, by definition. Impossible = things that can't happen. He can't do impossible things in the same way that he can't make a four-sided triangle.

I'm not treating this alleged God as a physical anything. I never once uttered the word "physical". I'm simply treating God as a thing that exists (I don't think he exists, but this is for the sake of argument). Under this premise, God is a thing that exists, and a thing that can do stuff. Therefore "stuff" is possible. You can't have an existence of impossibility, yet, have a God that can do anything. That's a direct contradiction.

There is no "our reality". There's simply reality. If you mean "our universe" I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about total existence. Total existence comprises all that is real, including things beyond this universe, things outside of spacetime, 3rd dimension or whatever was around "before" the Big Bang. I'm simply talking about existence, and if an omnipotent God has always been around even prior to the Big Bang, then an existence of infinite possibilities was always around, which required no fine-tuning.

I'm not talking about physical possibilities. Again, you're the first to utter the word "physical". I'm talking about possibilities in the broadest sense, as in "things that can happen".

Reality = all that is real. Basically a synonym for existence. A "different reality" is simply a reality that doesn't exist.

There is no "different reality" as that is a nonsensical combination of words. There is only reality. If something isn't part of reality, then it's not real and it doesn't exist. Whatever was real before the Big Bang is part of reality. If your alleged undefined different realm containing an omnipotent deity is actually an existing thing, then it's part of reality. You're probably trying to say something else, but "different reality" is a poor choice of words. Replace the word "reality" with "realm" as that's probably a better word.

If you don't consider absence of time, space, matter and physical laws as a total different reality "realm" than any thing we may know or experience, if you try to understand what's before in light of what's after, if you try to force the unlimited unknown (unlimited in the sense that its free of time/space) to fit in the realm or limits of what is known, then this mix of different realms would translate to misleading conclusions.

Absence of time, space, and matter before the big bang is totally unimaginable. We can point to it but we can never understand it. It’s beyond us.

It's extremely difficult to think of an undefined realm. Because when you do, you always think of it in light of what's already defined which can be very misleading. You need to draw the line and make the separation to understand that a verified truth for one realm would not necessarily apply for the other. In fact, it maybe totally irrelevant.

Thanks for your comment regarding “realm” vs. “reality”. It does help. But I personally prefer reality because it helps to draw the line for observed/defined reality and to exclude the undefined/unknown beyond as a totally separate reality.


Active Member
if you try to force the unlimited unknown (unlimited in the sense that its free of time/space) to fit in the realm or limits of what is known, then this mix of different realms would translate to misleading conclusions.

Sure I guess. But that's not what I'm doing. You're making this more convoluted than it needs to be. My definition is simple. Anything that's real is part of reality. If a realm of absence of time, space, matter, physical laws is a real thing, then it's part of reality.

f you don't consider absence of time, space, matter and physical laws as a total different reality

I would consider that to be either a different universe, or a lack of a universe. It would not be a different reality. It would either be something part of reality (meaning it's real and it exists) or it's not part of reality (not real and doesn't exist).

Absence of time, space, and matter before the big bang is totally unimaginable. We can point to it but we can never understand it. It’s beyond us.

Okay, and? What's your point? Are you arguing that it's real, or that it's not? If it's real, it's part of reality. If it's not, then it's non-existent. Take your pick.

It's extremely difficult to think of an undefined realm. Because when you do, you always think of it in light of what's already defined which can be very misleading.

I'm not thinking of it in light of what is defined or known. All I'm saying is, if it's real -- if it exists -- it's part of reality. It's part of existence. "Different reality" is a nonsensical term. There aren't separate types of realness. There are only things that are real, and things that are not real. Whatever falls under the former is a part of reality.

You need to draw the line and make the separation to understand that a verified truth for one realm would not necessarily apply for the other.

I'm not sure what that means. This isn't about what is verified. Whatever is real and not real, is so, independent of whether we verify it or not. Before we discovered Pluto, it was still real.

It does help. But I personally prefer reality because it helps to draw the line for observed/defined reality and to exclude the undefined/unknown beyond as a totally separate reality.

Then say defined/known reality and undefined/unknown reality to make differentiation. But both would fall under a single "reality".
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That is only valid if there are in fact an infinite number of possible configurations.

It’s very important to differentiate between a configuration that successfully leads to the purpose “A” and other possible configurations that don’t lead to the purpose “B”. “A” would be the only one that will lead to the purpose but the realm of “B” is endless. It can be any thing but it will not successfully lead to the purpose. Little higher gravity= no success. Slightly different dark energy= no success and so on to infinite number of possibilities.

The only configuration that we know is possible is the one that we live in. Again, it might be the case that no other configurations are possible at all.

The question is, if “A” appeared out of the endless realm of “B”, then we have to ask, how is that possible?

If you check Susskind’s video (#381), he actually summarized the whole thing from his scientific point of view. He presented 4 explanations for this fine tuning as follows:

1- God

2- Coincidence (but stated its very unlikely)

3- Multiverse

4- Some other future scientific theory to explain the constants (but also stated its very unlikely)

If 2 & 4 are unlikely, then we are left with 1 & 3. Susskind stated that scientist don’t like 3 because it can’t be measured, verified/falsified. Regardless he is in favor of 3 like many other scientists.

The interesting fact that I want to stress, is the fact that 3 requires infinite number of configurations / universes within B realm and as a result A (our universe) would be a matter of chance. The values of the constants we see in our world, would be an accident as matter of statistics of other infinite imagined universes with all possible configurations/values.

Multiversity assumes the existence of infinite number of imaginary universes that would present all possible different configurations and possibilities (different than our universe), provided that these configurations actually exist, then our universe would be a statistical certainty.

if these imaginary configurations don’t exist or not possible, then option 3 doesn’t work and we would be left with option 1.


I meant, I wouldn’t call our universe a possible design but I would call it an intentional design. Based on the reasons above.

That evidence being what, exactly?

I meant verified evidence of the carbon based life and required specific criteria for live don’t suggest the existence of other types of live. Neither other type of life nor different universe were verified to exist.

If God doesn't fit the definition of a living being, then why call Him alive at all?

What is you definition of living being? You can see that any live in our realm has a start and gradual changes towards an end but God being external to time, neither have start nor end. We can understand his live in the sense that he is self aware and capable of exerting an influence.

Nor does it mean we should inject certainty where there is none.

I agree, people on both ends are doing just that. In my case, when I consider the 4 explanations above, I dismiss 2, 3 & 4. I believe in 1 because both the verified fine tuning plus a creation point at the big bang

How does being eternal make an entity necessarily alive? You already said that He doesn't fit the definition of life as we know it.

A complex fine tuned design would require a self-aware intelligent capable designer, that necessarily means alive (alive in the sense of being self aware, capable of exerting an influence). Being alive beyond time then his live is an eternal life.

This, again, assumes that there are multiple possible ways that the universe could have turned out and that God therefore had to choose one specific design out of many possibilities. If only one configuration was logically possible, then there was no choice to make. It would inevitable that this particular universe would result. You have already agreed with me that there is no evidence that alternative laws of physics are even possible.

The correct configuration would be inevitable only if controlled by intelligence otherwise what would make it inevitable? in absence of intelligent controlling force, Any other infinite number of configurations would be possible.

You have already dismissed the element of chance when you accepted single very specific and complex configurations.

Any identified physical or mental value depends on defining reference. It can’t have a definition in isolation of reference. Without the relativity of a value to a reference it can’t have any meaning. At the base, you would have numerous references and each one depends on another higher refrence till you reach the top of the pyramid, The absolute single reference that gives definition to every thing and doesn’t depend on any other to get its own definition.

Beauty, morals as mental value don’t exist or don’t have a meaning beyond us. We are the defining reference. But why is the beauty “beautiful”? Why/how we perceive it this way? It has to be embedded in our creation. What is the higher reference that gives definition to beauty and embedded the ability to feel it and appreciate it in our souls? I claim it has to be God. The relativity has to continue till you reach an absolute at the end.

If only one configuration is possible at all, then it isn't random but rather inevitable. If this is the only possible world, then there aren't any alternative configurations to choose from at all. What evidence do you have that gravity could have been twice as strong, or that there could have been ten fundamental forces instead of four, or that space-time could have had seventeen dimensions instead of four, and so on? You don't know that such things could be.

Exactly, there is no evidence that gravity or any forces could have been different. There is in no evidence that infinite different universe exist or could exist. None. The question how the fine tuned universe appeared? Scientists typically provide the same 4 explanations above and they typically favor Multiverse but I don’t share same view.


Well-Known Member
It’s very important to differentiate between a configuration that successfully leads to the purpose “A” and other possible configurations that don’t lead to the purpose “B”. “A” would be the only one that will lead to the purpose but the realm of “B” is endless. It can be any thing but it will not successfully lead to the purpose. Little higher gravity= no success. Slightly different dark energy= no success and so on to infinite number of possibilities.

The question is, if “A” appeared out of the endless realm of “B”, then we have to ask, how is that possible?

If you check Susskind’s video (#381), he actually summarized the whole thing from his scientific point of view. He presented 4 explanations for this fine tuning as follows:

1- God

2- Coincidence (but stated its very unlikely)

3- Multiverse

4- Some other future scientific theory to explain the constants (but also stated its very unlikely)

If 2 & 4 are unlikely, then we are left with 1 & 3. Susskind stated that scientist don’t like 3 because it can’t be measured, verified/falsified. Regardless he is in favor of 3 like many other scientists.

The interesting fact that I want to stress, is the fact that 3 requires infinite number of configurations / universes within B realm and as a result A (our universe) would be a matter of chance. The values of the constants we see in our world, would be an accident as matter of statistics of other infinite imagined universes with all possible configurations/values.

Multiversity assumes the existence of infinite number of imaginary universes that would present all possible different configurations and possibilities (different than our universe), provided that these configurations actually exist, then our universe would be a statistical certainty.

if these imaginary configurations don’t exist or not possible, then option 3 doesn’t work and we would be left with option 1.
I don't think you are understanding me. I am saying that this might be the only possible universe that God could have created at all. Every other configuration might have been as logically-contradictory as a round square or a married bachelor. God couldn't have made them even if He wanted to. If that is the case, then the intelligent design argument would fail because that would mean that there never was an infinite pool of possibilities to choose from in the first place. It was this one universe and only this one. When there is only one option, only one choice, then there is no choice at all: it is inevitable.
I meant, I wouldn’t call our universe a possible design but I would call it an intentional design. Based on the reasons above.
Only if alternatives are actually possible.
I meant verified evidence of the carbon based life and required specific criteria for live don’t suggest the existence of other types of live. Neither other type of life nor different universe were verified to exist.
You also can't count out the possibility. We have barely even scratched the surface of what the universe contains. Just because we see only one particular type of life on our planet doesn't mean that other types don't exist out there somewhere. We don't know either way.
What is you definition of living being? You can see that any live in our realm has a start and gradual changes towards an end but God being external to time, neither have start nor end. We can understand his live in the sense that he is self aware and capable of exerting an influence.
Life is a difficult thing to define. If self-awareness is a requirement for being alive, then that would make plants and bacteria non-living.
I agree, people on both ends are doing just that. In my case, when I consider the 4 explanations above, I dismiss 2, 3 & 4. I believe in 1 because both the verified fine tuning plus a creation point at the big bang
Depends on how you define "fine-tuning".
A complex fine tuned design would require a self-aware intelligent capable designer, that necessarily means alive (alive in the sense of being self aware, capable of exerting an influence). Being alive beyond time then his live is an eternal life.
Only if there were multiple choices as to how the universe could have been created.
The correct configuration would be inevitable only if controlled by intelligence otherwise what would make it inevitable?
A lack of alternatives.
in absence of intelligent controlling force, Any other infinite number of configurations would be possible.
That's just it: you don't know that these "infinite number of configurations" are possible. Just because one can imagine infinite possibilities doesn't mean they are actually, physically feasible.
You have already dismissed the element of chance when you accepted single very specific and complex configurations.
Unless there is indeed an infinite multiverse.
Any identified physical or mental value depends on defining reference. It can’t have a definition in isolation of reference. Without the relativity of a value to a reference it can’t have any meaning. At the base, you would have numerous references and each one depends on another higher refrence till you reach the top of the pyramid, The absolute single reference that gives definition to every thing and doesn’t depend on any other to get its own definition.

Beauty, morals as mental value don’t exist or don’t have a meaning beyond us. We are the defining reference. But why is the beauty “beautiful”? Why/how we perceive it this way? It has to be embedded in our creation. What is the higher reference that gives definition to beauty and embedded the ability to feel it and appreciate it in our souls?
Being a function of our biology doesn't mean that has to have some reference outside of our biology. Some people find a given joke funny whereas others do not. Can one say that there is an objective answer outside the human mind as to whether a joke is funny? That the people who say that a joke is funny are objectively correct and those who say it isn't funny are objectively incorrect? I know of no one who argues that there is such a thing as objective humor. So why assume that morality is any more objective than humor or beauty?
I claim it has to be God. The relativity has to continue till you reach an absolute at the end.
Sure, you can claim it but have not yet demonstrated it.
Exactly, there is no evidence that gravity or any forces could have been different. There is in no evidence that infinite different universe exist or could exist. None. The question how the fine tuned universe appeared? Scientists typically provide the same 4 explanations above and they typically favor Multiverse but I don’t share same view.
If they literally couldn't have been different, then that means what we have in our universe must have happened, with or without God.


I don't think you are understanding me. I am saying that this might be the only possible universe that God could have created at all. Every other configuration might have been as logically-contradictory as a round square or a married bachelor. God couldn't have made them even if He wanted to. If that is the case, then the intelligent design argument would fail because that would mean that there never was an infinite pool of possibilities to choose from in the first place. It was this one universe and only this one. When there is only one option, only one choice, then there is no choice at all: it is inevitable.

By claiming that only one universe is possible, then you necessarily eliminated the element of random chance. If it’s not a chance, then it’s necessarily an intelligent design. You don’t have another option. It’s either a random chance or intentional design. You can’t deny both. This is not logical.

Before the beginning, nothing physical existed, if the universe appearance was random then why the configurations are very specific?

I am also in favor of the claim that one option would work, but that doesn’t change the fact that other options that don’t work would be endless. This one (working) option itself has numerous components. Why would every single component appear in a very specific value? Why do you think it’s inevitable that constants would be that precisely calibrated? What governs these specific values? Why? Without these specific values, you would still end up with endless non functioning random configurations but it’s all possible. Being non-functioning, doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It would not be possible only in case the creation is not random but controlled by intelligence.

There are actually endless abstract mathematical models for different universes. They are all examples of imagined possibilities that may have appeared or may exist parallel to our universe according to Multiverse but they are mostly none functioning with respect to supporting life. The point is, random possibilities (beyond design) are endless.

Only if alternatives are actually possible.

That implies you deny possible alternative universes! But you accept single possibility? What governs that a single option would be possible and all endless possibilities are not?

Random possibilities = one random option would appear

No possibilities = no option would appear

Design = one specific configuration appears (it’s not a random option)

specific configuration is a product of design not chance

You also can't count out the possibility. We have barely even scratched the surface of what the universe contains. Just because we see only one particular type of life on our planet doesn't mean that other types don't exist out there somewhere. We don't know either way.

You are making an argument based on single option and now you acknowledge possibilities. Do you think the alternatives are actually possible or not?

Life is a difficult thing to define. If self-awareness is a requirement for being alive, then that would make plants and bacteria non-living.

Higher level of complex live model necessarily requires self-awareness. God’s live is different than ours but the defining characteristic of his life would be self-awareness and the ability to exert an influence.

Depends on how you define "fine-tuning".

If you think of an example of a building, "fine-tuning" would be the precise engineering of every element to do an intended function in relation to other elements of the design.

"fine-tuning" is a function of self aware intelligence. If you want to consider it a chance, then you would need endless number of possibilities for the option to exist. and even if it exists among the possibilities, it would have extremely low chance to appear. unless you accept Multiverse and the claim that infinite number of different universes exist.

Only if there were multiple choices as to how the universe could have been created.

The possibilities of non functioning choices are endless but it will not create a successful model in absence of intelligence.

A lack of alternatives.

Why? What dictates the limits? If all endless possibilities are not possible, why would this one be possible at all?

Again, you argue lack of alternative and at the same time you argue possibilities of different type of live could be found (above) and Multiverse with infinite possible universes would exist (below). This is a not logical. We need basis for the argument (a reference). Without it, the argument wouldn’t have a meaning. Do you acknowledge possibilities or not?

That's just it: you don't know that these "infinite number of configurations" are possible. Just because one can imagine infinite possibilities doesn't mean they are actually, physically feasible.

You deny possibilities once again?

Unless there is indeed an infinite multiverse.

now you accept possibilities??????

Being a function of our biology doesn't mean that has to have some reference outside of our biology. Some people find a given joke funny whereas others do not. Can one say that there is an objective answer outside the human mind as to whether a joke is funny? That the people who say that a joke is funny are objectively correct and those who say it isn't funny are objectively incorrect? I know of no one who argues that there is such a thing as objective humor. So why assume that morality is any more objective than humor or beauty?

We are not perfect references. We may value things differently. But also you can find things that we all agree on. You will find an example of something beautiful that no one will disagree about. When you find it, you would wonder, why we all see it this way? What gave it this definition?

Sure, you can claim it but have not yet demonstrated it.

Relativity is true for every thing. If you are not aware of the relative reference, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

If they literally couldn't have been different, then that means what we have in our universe must have happened, with or without God.

If you deny possibilities altogether, what would make the perfect option possible? Why it would happen? The components of the perfect option itself are subject to endless possibilities unless controlled by intelligence.


Sure I guess. But that's not what I'm doing. You're making this more convoluted than it needs to be. My definition is simple. Anything that's real is part of reality. If a realm of absence of time, space, matter, physical laws is a real thing, then it's part of reality.

It’s real but it’s beyond our reality. Meaning, our reality has limits.

I would consider that to be either a different universe, or a lack of a universe. It would not be a different reality. It would either be something part of reality (meaning it's real and it exists) or it's not part of reality (not real and doesn't exist).

If we agree that our reality has limits, then what’s beyond would be different reality.

Okay, and? What's your point? Are you arguing that it's real, or that it's not? If it's real, it's part of reality. If it's not, then it's non-existent. Take your pick.

Being real doesn’t mean we can imagine it. Can you imagine infinity? You can’t? You always search for limits? You can only understand that infinity exists but you can’t visualize it. Similarly, you can’t imagine absence of time or space (as physical limits) but you can understand that this undefined “realm” exists. This realm can’t be really considered part of our limited reality. I consider it as different reality beyond ours.

I'm not thinking of it in light of what is defined or known. All I'm saying is, if it's real -- if it exists -- it's part of reality. It's part of existence. "Different reality" is a nonsensical term. There aren't separate types of realness. There are only things that are real, and things that are not real. Whatever falls under the former is a part of reality.

How can you call no matter, no time, no space part of existence? Existence of what? Its an undefined zone. Again I consider it a different reality.

I'm not sure what that means. This isn't about what is verified. Whatever is real and not real, is so, independent of whether we verify it or not. Before we discovered Pluto, it was still real.

It’s a fact that in our realm every thing depends on spactime and physical laws, but it’s not a fact any more beyond our reality (where all this elements cease to exist). This other eternal realm beyond spacetime existed before we came to existence and will continue to exist parallel to us in a different realm. its not part of our reality.

Then say defined/known reality and undefined/unknown reality to make differentiation. But both would fall under a single "reality".

The language itself is limited to our reality. There are no accurate words to describe what’s beyond the limits of our reality. I see what you mean but I wouldn’t worry much about semantics.


Active Member
It’s real but it’s beyond our reality.

Contradictory statement. To say it's real is to say it's part of reality, by definition. To say it's beyond reality is to say it's beyond real, which I'm not even sure what that would mean. But I can see that opening up a huge can of worms.

If we agree that our reality has limits, then what’s beyond would be different reality.

I agree that our universe has limits. You seems so stuck on using "universe" and "reality" interchangeably.

Being real doesn’t mean we can imagine it. Can you imagine infinity? You can’t? You always search for limits?

Where do you see me utter the word "imagination"? Seriously, stop with the red herrings and stay on track. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Reality is all that there is, not all that we can imagine.

How can you call no matter, no time, no space part of existence?

I'm not. You are.

This other eternal realm beyond spacetime existed

See? You just said it.

It’s a fact that in our realm every thing depends on spactime and physical laws, but it’s not a fact any more beyond our reality (where all this elements cease to exist).

Would it help if I said "everything" rather than "total existence" or "total reality"? You seem to have such warped and nonsensical vocabulary.

There are no accurate words to describe what’s beyond the limits of our reality.

What's wrong with the word "existence"? It's a perfect word for "all that there is" including things beyond "our reality" (whatever that means).

If you want a word that simply refers to our specific realm of spacetime, laws of physics and whatnot, "unvierse" is a perfect word for that. I don't know why you have to use nonsense terms like "our reality". Say "our universe". It's as simple as that. The words "reality" and "existence" are far more broad. They are ultimately broad.

I see what you mean but I wouldn’t worry much about semantics.

You ought to worry about making senses, because a lot of your statements don't.

How about defining your terms. What is existence? What is reality? What is everything?
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Well-Known Member
By claiming that only one universe is possible, then you necessarily eliminated the element of random chance. If it’s not a chance, then it’s necessarily an intelligent design. You don’t have another option. It’s either a random chance or intentional design. You can’t deny both. This is not logical.

Before the beginning, nothing physical existed, if the universe appearance was random then why the configurations are very specific?

I am also in favor of the claim that one option would work, but that doesn’t change the fact that other options that don’t work would be endless. This one (working) option itself has numerous components. Why would every single component appear in a very specific value? Why do you think it’s inevitable that constants would be that precisely calibrated? What governs these specific values? Why? Without these specific values, you would still end up with endless non functioning random configurations but it’s all possible. Being non-functioning, doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It would not be possible only in case the creation is not random but controlled by intelligence.

There are actually endless abstract mathematical models for different universes. They are all examples of imagined possibilities that may have appeared or may exist parallel to our universe according to Multiverse but they are mostly none functioning with respect to supporting life. The point is, random possibilities (beyond design) are endless.

That implies you deny possible alternative universes! But you accept single possibility? What governs that a single option would be possible and all endless possibilities are not?

Random possibilities = one random option would appear

No possibilities = no option would appear

Design = one specific configuration appears (it’s not a random option)

specific configuration is a product of design not chance

You are making an argument based on single option and now you acknowledge possibilities. Do you think the alternatives are actually possible or not?

Higher level of complex live model necessarily requires self-awareness. God’s live is different than ours but the defining characteristic of his life would be self-awareness and the ability to exert an influence.

If you think of an example of a building, "fine-tuning" would be the precise engineering of every element to do an intended function in relation to other elements of the design.

"fine-tuning" is a function of self aware intelligence. If you want to consider it a chance, then you would need endless number of possibilities for the option to exist. and even if it exists among the possibilities, it would have extremely low chance to appear. unless you accept Multiverse and the claim that infinite number of different universes exist.

The possibilities of non functioning choices are endless but it will not create a successful model in absence of intelligence.

Why? What dictates the limits? If all endless possibilities are not possible, why would this one be possible at all?

Again, you argue lack of alternative and at the same time you argue possibilities of different type of live could be found (above) and Multiverse with infinite possible universes would exist (below). This is a not logical. We need basis for the argument (a reference). Without it, the argument wouldn’t have a meaning. Do you acknowledge possibilities or not?

You deny possibilities once again?

now you accept possibilities??????

We are not perfect references. We may value things differently. But also you can find things that we all agree on. You will find an example of something beautiful that no one will disagree about. When you find it, you would wonder, why we all see it this way? What gave it this definition?

Relativity is true for every thing. If you are not aware of the relative reference, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

If you deny possibilities altogether, what would make the perfect option possible? Why it would happen? The components of the perfect option itself are subject to endless possibilities unless controlled by intelligence.
You are still not understanding me. I am not saying that this is definitely the only possible universe, only that it might be. There might be other universes or there might not be. There might be other forms of life or there might not be. Perhaps the laws of physics are axiomatic and based, on some fundamental level, on logic and math alone. If that is the case, then these laws are as immutable as math and logic. Then they couldn't have been different: there would have never been any alternative possibilities at all (unless, of course, you want to argue that math and logic could have been different. However, just as with our physical laws, we don't know that math and logic could be any different than they actually are).

Let's say you have a basin filled with 100 red marbles and 1 blue marble (the blue marble representing the configuration of our particular universe). If a person was blinded-folded and pulled a sphere from the basin, there would be a hundred-to-one chance in favor of pulling out a red marble. That is chance without any intelligent discernment. If you take the blindfold off, then the person could pull out the blue marble with ease, each and every time. That would then be considered analogous to intelligent design. You are suggesting that these are the two main options, but that is only if the there are 100 red marbles present along with the blue marble to begin with. If the blue marble is the only one in the basin, then the person will pull out the blue marble whether they have on a blindfold or not because that's the only one in there. The person might be able to imagine other kinds of marbles being in the basin, but that doesn't mean they were ever actually in there at all. In the case where the blue marble is the only one, that is neither chance (because there was no "chance" of pulling a non-blue marble) nor intelligent design (because there was no ability to decide whether to pull out a blue marble or a non-blue marble).

The case with our world is like this basin only we cannot see into it. We don't know how many marbles there were or what colors they are. The only marble we know of for sure is our own (because this is the one we observe). There might be an infinite number of marbles, all different, there might be only a few million or a hundred or our marble might have been the one and only one.

I hope I've sufficiently clarified what I've been saying.


Active Member
In the case where the blue marble is the only one, that is neither chance (because there was no "chance" of pulling a non-blue marble) nor intelligent design (because there was no ability to decide whether to pull out a blue marble or a non-blue marble).

Technically, that is chance. The chance is just 100%. In other words, inevitable.


You are still not understanding me. I am not saying that this is definitely the only possible universe, only that it might be. There might be other universes or there might not be. There might be other forms of life or there might not be. Perhaps the laws of physics are axiomatic and based, on some fundamental level, on logic and math alone. If that is the case, then these laws are as immutable as math and logic. Then they couldn't have been different: there would have never been any alternative possibilities at all (unless, of course, you want to argue that math and logic could have been different. However, just as with our physical laws, we don't know that math and logic could be any different than they actually are).
It appears that you doubt every thing but at the same time you accept that anything is possible. You doubt what was verified and what was assumed. You doubt math. I understand that but If you make the notion that uncertainty is the only certain thing. Then all explanations are equal. In my case, I consider the assumptions but I favor the facts. assumed facts:)

You may assume it just had to happen this way but that would be an oversimplified hypothesis. It wouldn't be an answer. Again, your specific logical route implies total uncertainty about every thing and that all random possibilities would be possible/equal. That would leave us in a very large grey area with no satisfactory conclusions.

Let's say you have a basin filled with 100 red marbles and 1 blue marble (the blue marble representing the configuration of our particular universe). If a person was blinded-folded and pulled a sphere from the basin, there would be a hundred-to-one chance in favor of pulling out a red marble. That is chance without any intelligent discernment. If you take the blindfold off, then the person could pull out the blue marble with ease, each and every time. That would then be considered analogous to intelligent design. You are suggesting that these are the two main options, but that is only if the there are 100 red marbles present along with the blue marble to begin with. If the blue marble is the only one in the basin, then the person will pull out the blue marble whether they have on a blindfold or not because that's the only one in there. The person might be able to imagine other kinds of marbles being in the basin, but that doesn't mean they were ever actually in there at all. In the case where the blue marble is the only one, that is neither chance (because there was no "chance" of pulling a non-blue marble) nor intelligent design (because there was no ability to decide whether to pull out a blue marble or a non-blue marble).

The case with our world is like this basin only we cannot see into it. We don't know how many marbles there were or what colors they are. The only marble we know of for sure is our own (because this is the one we observe). There might be an infinite number of marbles, all different, there might be only a few million or a hundred or our marble might have been the one and only one.

I hope I've sufficiently clarified what I've been saying.
You did clarify. I do understand it from the beginning and I have been trying to explain the concerns with this assumption. First of all we have to agree that the basis of discussion is the single blue marble.

Here are some concerns with this assumption:

- before the beginning, there was no universe, no matter, no physical laws, no time, no space, then you don't really have any marbles. Neither red nor blue. What forced the marble to existence? Why is it blue?

- your assumption implies that the blue marble was some how both existent and non existent at the same time before the beginning and that would allow only one option to appear.

- what would dictate that this marble should be blue to be the only acceptable or possible one? What dictates acceptance or acceptable configurations? It would be the end purpose but What is the purpose (if any) and who would dictate it? If we assume no purpose, then why should this configuration be the only one? Any configuration would have been equal.

- the blue marble has infinite components. What would dictate the correct/accurate value for every single one in relation to the other components (especially in absence of any purpose)? The blue marble appears to be precisely engineered (controlled by intelligence)? How did that happen?

If we say the blue marble is the only acceptable marble, then it's appearance in the right color is not a coincidence. You may think this way only if you accept the hypothesis of Multiverse but if you accept it, then it would be only a matter of faith since Multiverse can't be verified. At least till now. And may never be verified.


Well-Known Member
It appears that you doubt every thing but at the same time you accept that anything is possible.You doubt what was verified and what was assumed. You doubt math. I understand that but If you make the notion that uncertainty is the only certain thing. Then all explanations are equal. In my case, I consider the assumptions but I favor the facts. assumed facts:)

You may assume it just had to happen this way but that would be an oversimplified hypothesis. It wouldn't be an answer. Again, your specific logical route implies total uncertainty about every thing and that all random possibilities would be possible/equal. That would leave us in a very large grey area with no satisfactory conclusions.
I don't doubt everything. I doubt that which lacks sufficient evidence. Alternative laws of physics lack evidence. I also do not have 100% certainty of anything because that would require absolute knowledge, which I do not possess. I do, however, feel highly certain of particular things (such as the Earth's roundness and the validity of mathematics). It's all a matter of evidence.
You did clarify. I do understand it from the beginning and I have been trying to explain the concerns with this assumption. First of all we have to agree that the basis of discussion is the single blue marble.

Here are some concerns with this assumption:

- before the beginning, there was no universe, no matter, no physical laws, no time, no space, then you don't really have any marbles. Neither red nor blue. What forced the marble to existence? Why is it blue?
I should have probably clarified further: the marbles are not the universes themselves, but rather represent the possibility of each universe's existence. Any universe which has an associated "marble" could have been brought into existence (either by an intelligent designer or by blind chance, take your pick). Any universe which does not have an associated marble could not have been brought into existence (neither by an intelligent designer nor by blind chance).
- your assumption implies that the blue marble was some how both existent and non existent at the same time before the beginning and that would allow only one option to appear.
The marble represents the possibility of a universe, not the universe itself. So it only exists as a metaphor for the possibility of our universe.
- what would dictate that this marble should be blue to be the only acceptable or possible one? What dictates acceptance or acceptable configurations?
The laws of math and logic, presumably (if the laws of physics are axiomatic).
It would be the end purpose but What is the purpose (if any) and who would dictate it?
This assumes that there is a purpose in the first place.
If we assume no purpose, then why should this configuration be the only one?
Because it would be the only one that would have been logically and mathematically consistent with possibility. All others would not be (in this particular scenario, at least).
Any configuration would have been equal.
No, only those represented by marbles would have been equal. Those without an associated marble could never have existed.
- the blue marble has infinite components.
I know of no evidence for infinite components, and even if it were so, that's really not relevant if the blue marble is the only one that exists.
What would dictate the correct/accurate value for every single one in relation to the other components (especially in absence of any purpose)?
The fundamental laws of math and logic, presumably (as I said before)
The blue marble appears to be precisely engineered (controlled by intelligence)? How did that happen?
If the blue marble is the only one, then that would just be an illusion (since blind chance too would necessarily have also produced a corresponding blue marble universe. No red marbles, no alternative possibilities for blind chance to choose from).
If we say the blue marble is the only acceptable marble, then it's appearance in the right color is not a coincidence.
It's not that the blue marble is the only "acceptable" marble, it's the only one that exists at all (if there aren't any red marbles).
You may think this way only if you accept the hypothesis of Multiverse but if you accept it, then it would be only a matter of faith since Multiverse can't be verified.
Right, just as much as accepting the existence of red marbles is a matter of faith since this too cannot be verified.


I don't doubt everything. I doubt that which lacks sufficient evidence. Alternative laws of physics lack evidence. I also do not have 100% certainty of anything because that would require absolute knowledge, which I do not possess. I do, however, feel highly certain of particular things (such as the Earth's roundness and the validity of mathematics). It's all a matter of evidence.
We can be certain about was sufficiently observed/verified but it would help to remember that observations of the physical world only verify the effects not the facts. We can observe the effects of a physical force such as gravity but the nature of this invisible force, why it has this power, why it has a specific value, we may never know. We maybe happy with our measurements of these effects but this limited achievement is as far as we can go. The facts or the nature of these forces will always be a mystery that can not be verified, nonetheless we accept it's existence as a fact. I see this as a perfect example of God. A mysterious force of a higher level. Had a massive influence at the big bang and the creation/calibration of all physical forces. We can see the effect but never understand the fact. This will always be the case.
I should have probably clarified further: the marbles are not the universes themselves, but rather represent the possibility of each universe's existence. Any universe which has an associated "marble" could have been brought into existence (either by an intelligent designer or by blind chance, take your pick). Any universe which does not have an associated marble could not have been brought into existence (neither by an intelligent designer nor by blind chance).
I expected this response but this logic wouldn't work. Possibilities and configurations are inseparable like two sides of a coin. If you have a dice with 6 numbers. You have 1/6 chance for any number to appear. If all numbers are same, then it will always appear but if you don't have a dice (configuration), what is the possibility? There is no possibility. The configuration should exist first before you can have any possibility. It's not logical to assume a possibility in absence of existing verified configurations.

The marble represents the possibility of a universe, not the universe itself. So it only exists as a metaphor for the possibility of our universe
Possibility is meaningless in absence of configurations. You would necessarily have "0" possibility unless the configurations do exist. Possibility needs elements (dice), process (force to throw the dice) and end result (a possibility). If the elements of possibility are missing, there is no possibility. the blue marble (configuration) should be first in the basin so you would have a possibility. If the configuration didn't exist yet the blue marble appeared after the process, then this was not a possibility.

the laws of math and logic, presumably (if the laws of physics are axiomatic).
What logic? The only logic would be the end result of forming the universe but If you have a mindless process with no end purpose, what would be the logic? And if you have a logic, what would enforce it? Math can measure an effect but it wouldn't create an effect. The force does. What controlls the forces to have specific values in relation to each other so it would form the universe? Let alone the values of the constants, why these mysterious forces exist to begin with. We know these forces formed the universe but what created the forces?
This assumes that there is a purpose in the first place.
all the numerous forces worked collectively to Create the universe. If that was not an intended purpose, then what would govern the values of the constants?why should the marble be blue?

Because it would be the only one that would have been logically and mathematically consistent with possibility. All others would not be (in this particular scenario, at least).
If its a mindless process then,There is no logic. If the configurations didn't exist, then there is no possibility. The math is measuring tool. It doesn't exert an influence. The force does. Why would mindless process with no logic, forces all elements to work collectively towards a goal?

no, only those represented by marbles would have been equal. Those without an associated marble could never have existed
The configurations should exist so you would have a possibility. You imply that the configurations/possibilities existed before the beginning. If the configuration came after the beginning, then it's not a possibility.

I know of no evidence for infinite components, and even if it were so, that's really not relevant if the blue marble is the only one that exists.
The blue marble or the universe itself has numerous components and physical forces. If you don't have end purpose, or intelligent process, Why these forces existed? Why the specific value?
fundamental laws of math and logic, presumably (as I said before)
A mindless random process wouldn't have any logic. A law only describes an observed behavior of a force. It doesn't explain why or how the force behave this way or what give it the specific calibrated value.

If the blue marble is the only one, then that would just be an illusion (since blind chance too would necessarily have also produced a corresponding blue marble universe. No red marbles, no alternative possibilities for blind chance to choose from).
In absence of logic, purpose , configurations, you don't have any marbles or any process to create it. Imagining a possibility without existing configuration is an illusion.

It's not that the blue marble is the only "acceptable" marble, it's the only one that exists at all (if there aren't any red marbles).
This doesn't imply a possibility. It implies existence of configuration before time.
Right, just as much as accepting the existence of red marbles is a matter of faith since this too cannot be verified
You are forcing all possibilities to existence back before the beginning point. The beginning had no configurations/No possibilities.