I disagree with this just because of my own views. I think humanity is devolving, and we have been since Adam and Eve.
Such a design whereby life can adapt is remarkable. This adaptation seems to include changing from one life form to another also. (sea life to land life for example).
A lot of what is seen as evolution is what exists in the genes already but is brought to the fore when breeding involves a greater amount of breeding with life that has similar genes. So in an artificial way a certain sort of dog can be bred by choosing breeding partners with similar features. This seems to degrade the gene pool to an extent and can make it more difficult for a breed to be bred back to the original.
No doubt mutations of genes can result in positive advances but most mutations result in a degradation.
When it comes to humans, I can see how the body of and certain traits in humans was made through evolution but that those animals did not become man until God breathed His life into the body.
I'm not sure what happened at the transition but I do believe in an original Adam and Eve.
Whether or not we have devolved, I don't know.
But of course in all this I am not a scientist and just see possibilities through my faith.
Science on the other hand cannot see a system that was designed to work in that way even though science has no idea how some chemicals became collectors and users of data.
In science it is, given enough time and anything is possible.