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Evolution is a Big Lie

Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.
I never thought I was lying about evolution.
Anyway, since you've invoked mathematics, can you show me your probability calculations?

Btw, welcome aboard!
Yes, not a problem, but I do not go by probabilities as luck and chance as do the evolutionists but by design and logic and reason.

As for hypers, you have to wait til I make 15 posts, and then maybe I will be allowed to show hypers, exactly, the mathematics exactly.

Can you make a stance, one way or the other and shwo yuor probabilities or evidence or mathematics of chance or design.

Debate is always two sided not one sided
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Statistically speaking, I would say the probability of 'evolution' is 0, as in ZERO. the same probability as in beneficial mutations... 0 as in ZERO


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Statistically speaking, I would say the probability of 'evolution' is 0, as in ZERO. the same probability as in beneficial mutations... 0 as in ZERO
I'm interested in not just your results, but also in your calculations.
How did you arrive at these numbers?
(I've studied probabilistic systems analysis, so I won't be frightened off by the math.)
The probability therefore of design from intelligently studying the design that is and was, is 100 per cent.

The prove is in DESIGN itself. if there is no design there is no designer. All cycles show design, all laws show design, as laws also did not creat themselves but are part of the law given and law designer. Laws have not changed. Design is design.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
So you don't actually have any probability analysis, eh?
This doesn't bode well for you.
Not all "evolutionists" here are as nice & cuddly as I am.
You never gave your numbers and your probabilities.

Debate is not one sided. You must know something to debate intelligently. You must have some idea before you can ask appropriate questions or can comprehend answers.

Please state your probabilities and alignment and why.

I can give my evidence after 15 posts.
I repeat, do you have any probabilities, I have design.

Please show your numbers, please give your hypers, or some form of evidence. Anything.

Start now.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You never gave your numbers and your probabilities.
You made a claim, & I asked you to support it.
I don't intend to debate anything....I like to discuss things.
So, in your own words, please show how you calculated the probability of evolution occurring.
Of course, problem is here:

Who designed the designer?
I'm a panentheist, by the way, so I do believe in a concept of Deity.

That's not the question, that deduction comes after you have studied biology, math, statistics, logic reason, history etc.... first discover and prove design rather than chaos and luck and chance, and then logically you will have to admit design did not desgin itself. But needed a designer

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
How fortunate we are to have at our disposal someone endowed with such certitude and so intellectually superior to the world's scientific commuity. It's truly humbling ...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The probability therefore of design from intelligently studying the design that is and was, is 100 per cent.

The prove is in DESIGN itself. if there is no design there is no designer. All cycles show design, all laws show design, as laws also did not creat themselves but are part of the law given and law designer. Laws have not changed. Design is design.

What do you consider to be signs of design? Can you give some examples? What makes you say that they're designed?


Resident Liberal Hippie
(As I said in another thread of the same caliber...)

One can postulate the odds of an event occurring in the future, and as long as that event does not break the laws that govern the universe, it is possible for the event to occur. Even if the odds are seemingly impossibly stacked against it.
Conversely, the odds of something occurring in the past that have actually occurred are 100 percent.

In other words, If I calculate the odds of finding a pebble of a certain size, shape and color on a beach in Oregon on a certain date and time, the odds are infinitesimal.
But if I have already found that pebble, the odds that what I have described have already occurred is 100 percent.

Biological Evolution is a biological fact that has been verified though the exhaustive scientific methods of observation, testability, predictability, falsifiability and peer confirmation.
The Theory of Evolution has more empirical evidence than the Theory of Gravity and Atomic Theory combined.

Now, what is your basis for claiming a fact of biology is instead a "lie"?
You made a claim, & I asked you to support it.
I don't intend to debate anything....I like to discuss things.
So, in your own words, please show how you calculated the probability of evolution occurring.

Evolution is zero.

But if you have no background in science or biology, how in heaven can you understand anything I say. At what level can you understand, or comprehend.

What indocrination level have you had.

To be taught or to discuss you have to know something ?

Please state your level of education or non education.

The probability of beneificial mutations is ZERO, that's exact and proveable and nothing mutates for the better.

Its against the laws of Physics. I repeat the laws of physics can not be violated because people want to believe in the religion of evolution and magic and luck and chance.

The probability of magic mutations is ZERO.

Do you know math, biology, statistics or anything that gives you a basis for discussion.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
That's not the question, that deduction comes after you have studied biology, math, statistics, logic reason, history etc.... first discover and prove design rather than chaos and luck and chance, and then logically you will have to admit design did not desgin itself. But needed a designer
Is the designer chaotic himself?
How fortunate we are to have at our disposal someone endowed with such certitude and so intellectually superior to the world's scientific commuity. It's truly humbling ...

Show your proof that evolution is a fact. Evolution is not a science, it is religious doctrine of luck and chance.

Show otherwise, for if you had evidence then it would not be forced upon the young and forced upon the graduates and forced upon the innocent as if it were a science.

They would not be so smug about their so called intellectual superiority because they are sacroisanct and above answering questions. WHY, they have none.

Show me their probabilities...their statistical luck and chance probabilities.

Show me the roll of the dice they make people believe in. One in a million,...Nah one in a billion...Nah one ina trillion.. Yea, now they say their imposibilities are getting possible, they just need more rolls of the dice
What do you consider to be signs of design? Can you give some examples? What makes you say that they're designed?

design is seen mathematically through geometry and phi expansion as that is the pathway of creation.

Hyperlinks after 15 posts.

But you have to study math and geometry and physics and biology to understand design. It is not a two second comprehnsion, but might take up to two hours,