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Evolution is a Big Lie


Oldest Heretic
Why should there be a designer.
If there was, he would not have designed humans like he did, with all the faults and weaknesses.

we can not even grow spare parts like most amphibians, and we are restricted to only a small part of the world environment... even insects, birds and fishes and plants do better.
Even our healing process leaves us with damaging scar tissue. and our immune system tends to the self destructive.

Show me the Designer ... go on... name and shame him....
You presume that I won't understand?
I guess we're done then.

Im assuming you are fearful of stating your position or education, as you have not done so yet.

So I quess you are done. Pity.

We could have gone onto greater things as we find answers rather than endless questions and probabilities, and dice rolling.


Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.
First of all, what would be the purpose of such a lie? What agenda are all these biologists trying to push exactly?

And if it is just a lie or scam, why do they waste so much time bickering and debunking each others ideas and discoveries within biology? Why waste time arguing whether or not a fossil represents a mammal-like reptile or a reptile-like mammal? Most of the common public doesn't even see or hear about issues such as this within biology, so what's the point.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
(I'm betting this thread goes at least 13 pages if only because ignorant born-again recalcitrance dies hard.)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
You must learn to find some answers, rather than always asking questions. Concentrate and focus and do not look for excuses.

Then repost. Thanks
I thought you came here for a conversation, no?

I was pointing out the inherent special pleading in your argument: if order and lack of "chaos" in nature implies that it is designed, the your designer, presumably the most orderly and least chaotic thing in existence, needs a designer more than anything else.


Hostis humani generis
That's not the question, that deduction comes after you have studied biology, math, statistics, logic reason, history etc.... first discover and prove design rather than chaos and luck and chance, and then logically you will have to admit design did not desgin itself. But needed a designer
Even if it was true, which I do not believe it is, it is still a logical follow-up question to this.

Regarding a number, do you know of the Drake equation?

N = R* · fp · ne · fℓ · fi · fc · L

R* = 10/year (10 stars formed per year, on the average over the life of the galaxy)
fp = 0.5 (half of all stars formed will have planets)
ne = 2 (stars with planets will have 2 planets capable of developing life)
fl = 1 (100% of these planets will develop life)
fi = 0.01 (1% of which will be intelligent life)
fc = 0.01 (1% of which will be able to communicate)
L = 10,000 years (which will last 10,000 years)
Drake's values give N = 10 × 0.5 × 2 × 1 × 0.01 × 0.01 × 10,000 = 10.

Values based on the above estimates,
R* = 7/year, fp = 0.5, ne = 2, fl = 0.33, fi = 0.01, fc = 0.01, and L = 10000 years
result in
N = 7 × 0.5 × 2 × 0.33 × 0.01 × 0.01 × 10000 = 2.31

-- Source: Drake equation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This may interest you: a Drake Equation maker.

There are 70 sextillion (7 and then 22 zeroes) stars in the universe, from estimates..

"That is more than the total number of grains of sand in all the Earth's beaches and deserts. But that is only the stars in the visible Universe within range of our telescopes."

-- Source: BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Astronomers count the stars

And that is just the observable universe. The universe is most likely significantly bigger than we know.

So, chances are for life and stuff - it's quite possible, even without a God concept.

Or do you mean that the laws themselves have to be designed by a deity?
First of all, what would be the purpose of such a lie? What agenda are all these biologists trying to push exactly?

And if it is just a lie or scam, why do they waste so much time bickering and debunking each others ideas and discoveries within biology? Why waste time arguing whether or not a fossil represents a mammal-like reptile or a reptile-like mammal? Most of the common public doesn't even see or hear about issues such as this within biology, so what's the point.

The point is the religion that there is no design and no DESIGNER. It is a fundamental basis for keeping the workers working for the elite and controllers. To keep them mindless and subservient and dumb and believeing in miracles through luck and chance.

Education systems are for commercial pruposes and not for education. They again are for the elite to train workers to further their wealth and further rape the world of resources.

The education system is incorporated into the religious system of luck and chance. They become one, as minds and souls have to be stopped from understanding and comprehnding what is happenning to them and what has happennned in th world.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Even if it was true, which I do not believe it is, it is still a logical follow-up question to this.

Regarding a number, do you know of the Drake equation?

N = R* · fp · ne · fℓ · fi · fc · L
Good grief. That's embarrassing - just stop it! :slap:


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Guys, he's just spamming us with posts until he reaches a level where he can spam us with links.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....saussssssage linksssssss.
Talk to you later, and answer your sincere questions later.

Make them biological, make them mathematical, and be open minded rather than proud of ignorance and never ending questions to excuse yourselves. In other words, be honest !!
Guys, he's just spamming us with posts until he reaches a level where he can spam us with links.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....saussssssage linksssssss.

Fear descends, because you have no answers and we're not honest about your background.

I thought you had to leave. But great to have you back, but rather than being negative, study the biology and then I shall give the mathematics. but as mentioned you do have to take aside maybe two hours to study the golden section or phi


Talk to you later, and answer your sincere questions later.

Make them biological, make them mathematical, and be open minded rather than proud of ignorance and never ending questions to excuse yourselves. In other words, be honest !!

Hey, look at this big pile of crap and then you'll agree with me!
