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Evolution is a Big Lie

if you have a sincere question, ask your sincere question and answer the queries coming back to you, as debate and learning and progressing through discussion is a two way street and takes effort and honesty.
Evolution is a 'BIG LIE'[SIZE=-1]

All the following letter was sent in by a Christian friend see credits in the end and was NOT written by myself, except for this first paragraph, and yet I totally agree with its contents scientifically and spiritually.. Why because it totally destroys the myth of Evolution, for all Creation was made by the Creator (Jesus) which can be proven by science and seen through design according to reason and logic and all fields of science rather than theories.and Evolution, the Biggest Lie ever told. If you want other proofs and my writings, please hyperlink to [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Creation versus Evolution[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]. Thanks and enjoy the truth of Creation rather than the Lie of Evolution. . . . . . . . . David Jay Jordan .... B.Sc.
Evolution is a total LIE scientifically because there is absolutely no evidence to back it up. Hence it is a religion forced upon students. and religiously believed even by those that haven't studied Science. Yet because the BIGGER the lie is, and evolution is a BIG LIE, then the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth!.. SO THE DEVIL WAS SMART WITH EVOLUTION. HE TOLD THE BIG LIE: "In the beginning, God didn't create the Heavens and the Earth; it just happened by some kind of a big accident, forces working on the materials, and blah, blah, blah. Therefore, man is merely a beast who evolved from lower forms of beasts over millions of years, from one species to another, and life originated itself spontaneously from chemicals!"

THIS DOCTRINE OF DELUSION HAS BECOME THE GENERAL THEME OF MODERN SO-CALLED SCIENCE, and is therefore no longer true science, but pure, imaginary, evolutionary bunk! Evolution is now referred to as the "great principle" of biology. But a principle, according to the dictionary, is a foundation truth, or fact, the basis of other truths. And if you know anything about evolution at all, you know it has never been proven to be either a truth or a fact, much less the foundation or the basis of other truths.

Now when I'm talking about evolution, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT OR MINIMIZING THE TRUE SCIENCE OF TRUE BIOLOGY, which can be proven--how plants grow and animals propagate and multiply and so on. I'm talking about a wild, fictitious fairytale of imagination which they have never come close to proving!. THERE IS NO PROOF FOR EVOLUTION! It has to be believed, therefore it's a faith, therefore it's a religion! So they're teaching a new compulsory religion in today's hallowed halls of higher learning. Even the great high priest and founding father of this new false faith, Charles Darwin himself, confessed that "the belief (note the emphasis on belief) in natural selection (evolution) must at present be grounded entirely on general considerations. ... When we descend to details, WE CAN PROVE THAT NO ONE SPECIES HAS CHANGED ... NOR CAN WE PROVE THAT THE SUPPOSED CHANGES ARE BENEFICIAL, which is the groundwork of the theory."

Darwin's ardent apostle and dedicated disciple, Thomas Henry Huxley, likewise admitted that his own opinion was NOT grounded on any true scientific facts or evidence, but was more of a "religious" expression: "I beg you once more to recollect that I have no right to call my opinion anything but AN ACT OF PHILOSOPHICAL FAITH.". SO EVOLUTION IS REALLY A RELIGION OF UNBELIEF IN GOD. And that's its whole purpose; To eliminate faith in God and to foster the false doctrine of devils that the creation created itself and God had nothing to do with it, so there doesn't need to be a God--it could have happened without Him!

This attitude was made evident at the Chicago Darwinian Centennial in 1959 where 2,500 delegates assembled themselves to commemorate the hundredth years since the release of Charlie's book The Origin of Species. The noted evolutionist Sir Julian Huxley, Thomas' grandson, declared in his sermon to the congregation, "EVOLUTION HAD NO ROOM FOR THE SUPERNATURAL. The earth and its inhabitants were not created, they evolved. We all accept the fact of evolution. The evolution of life is no longer a theory. It is a fact. It is the basis of all our thinking!". IT'S LIKE WHAT THE IDOL-MAKERS SAID TO ANCIENT ISRAEL THAT DAY THEY MADE THE GOLDEN CALF: "Behold these be thy gods, O Israel, fall down and worship!" (Ex. 32:4) But today the calf doesn't even have to be golden anymore! In fact, it can be a monkey, or a tadpole, or any creeping thing. "Behold, these be thy gods, O Israel, crawl down and worship the little tadpole and a little bit of jelly, a little wriggle-tail and the four four-footed creatures and creeping things. These are thy gods, these are the creatures that made you, this is what you came from, they are your creators"--this is exactly what evolution teaches!



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Would you be willing to tell me what's wrong with my post on Drake's equation, then?

If you know your stuff, it shouldn't be hard to point out where I've screwed up. ;)
The terms fl and fi make implicit assumptions about evolution, so using them to support evolution is begging the question.

Also, you're talking about something that, AFAIK, Frank Drake just kinda pulled out of the air as a back-of-the-envelope calculation. While its formulation seems plausible enough to me, I think that there's a wide range of plausible values for each term in the equation and no particular reason to pick any one set.

Or... as xkcd puts it... xkcd: The Drake Equation (note: mild profanity in link)

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
That's not even an answer. Seriously, I said expand. You didn't.
If I'm wrong, tell me, and show me so I know better. I've got no issues with being corrected.
Do you mean other than the fact that it's totally irrelevant to this discussion?


Hostis humani generis
The terms fl and fi make implicit assumptions about evolution, so using them to support evolution is begging the question.

Also, you're talking about something that, AFAIK, Frank Drake just kinda pulled out of the air as a back-of-the-envelope calculation. While its formulation seems plausible enough to me, I think that there's a wide range of plausible values for each term in the equation and no particular reason to pick any one set.

Or... as xkcd puts it... xkcd: The Drake Equation (note: mild profanity in link)
We have a winner. :D
Relate all questions to either the god of evolution, luck and chance or to the god of design and creation. State your position and background accordingly and answer in response. Thanks


Ad astra!
Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.

Magic is a word used for those that don't understand what is occurring. The fact that you USED the word makes it quite obvious you have done next to no research about what you are talking about.

Either that or you are a troll. I'm trying to figure out which is more likely.


Ad astra!
Evolution is zero.

But if you have no background in science or biology, how in heaven can you understand anything I say. At what level can you understand, or comprehend.

What indocrination level have you had.

To be taught or to discuss you have to know something ?

Please state your level of education or non education.

The probability of beneificial mutations is ZERO, that's exact and proveable and nothing mutates for the better.

Its against the laws of Physics. I repeat the laws of physics can not be violated because people want to believe in the religion of evolution and magic and luck and chance.

The probability of magic mutations is ZERO.

Do you know math, biology, statistics or anything that gives you a basis for discussion.

It's not against the laws of physics.


Oldest Heretic
Evolution is a 'BIG LIE'

[SIZE=-1]All the following letter was sent in by a Christian friend see credits in the end and was NOT written by myself, except for this first paragraph, and yet I totally agree with its contents scientifically and spiritually.. Why because it totally destroys the myth of Evolution, for all Creation was made by the Creator (Jesus) which can be proven by science and seen through design according to reason and logic and all fields of science rather than theories.and Evolution, the Biggest Lie ever told. If you want other proofs and my writings, please hyperlink to [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]Creation versus Evolution[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]. Thanks and enjoy the truth of Creation rather than the Lie of Evolution. . . . . . . . . David Jay Jordan .... B.Sc.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]********************************** [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Evolution is a total LIE scientifically because there is absolutely no evidence to back it up. Hence it is a religion forced upon students. and religiously believed even by those that haven't studied Science. Yet because the BIGGER the lie is, and evolution is a BIG LIE, then the more people are apt to believe it, because they can't possibly believe you would dare to tell such a big lie unless it was the truth!.. SO THE DEVIL WAS SMART WITH EVOLUTION. HE TOLD THE BIG LIE: "In the beginning, God didn't create the Heavens and the Earth; it just happened by some kind of a big accident, forces working on the materials, and blah, blah, blah. Therefore, man is merely a beast who evolved from lower forms of beasts over millions of years, from one species to another, and life originated itself spontaneously from chemicals!"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]THIS DOCTRINE OF DELUSION HAS BECOME THE GENERAL THEME OF MODERN SO-CALLED SCIENCE, and is therefore no longer true science, but pure, imaginary, evolutionary bunk! Evolution is now referred to as the "great principle" of biology. But a principle, according to the dictionary, is a foundation truth, or fact, the basis of other truths. And if you know anything about evolution at all, you know it has never been proven to be either a truth or a fact, much less the foundation or the basis of other truths.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Now when I'm talking about evolution, I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT OR MINIMIZING THE TRUE SCIENCE OF TRUE BIOLOGY, which can be proven--how plants grow and animals propagate and multiply and so on. I'm talking about a wild, fictitious fairytale of imagination which they have never come close to proving!. THERE IS NO PROOF FOR EVOLUTION! It has to be believed, therefore it's a faith, therefore it's a religion! So they're teaching a new compulsory religion in today's hallowed halls of higher learning. Even the great high priest and founding father of this new false faith, Charles Darwin himself, confessed that "the belief (note the emphasis on belief) in natural selection (evolution) must at present be grounded entirely on general considerations. ... When we descend to details, WE CAN PROVE THAT NO ONE SPECIES HAS CHANGED ... NOR CAN WE PROVE THAT THE SUPPOSED CHANGES ARE BENEFICIAL, which is the groundwork of the theory."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Darwin's ardent apostle and dedicated disciple, Thomas Henry Huxley, likewise admitted that his own opinion was NOT grounded on any true scientific facts or evidence, but was more of a "religious" expression: "I beg you once more to recollect that I have no right to call my opinion anything but AN ACT OF PHILOSOPHICAL FAITH.". SO EVOLUTION IS REALLY A RELIGION OF UNBELIEF IN GOD. And that's its whole purpose; To eliminate faith in God and to foster the false doctrine of devils that the creation created itself and God had nothing to do with it, so there doesn't need to be a God--it could have happened without Him![/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]This attitude was made evident at the Chicago Darwinian Centennial in 1959 where 2,500 delegates assembled themselves to commemorate the hundredth years since the release of Charlie's book The Origin of Species. The noted evolutionist Sir Julian Huxley, Thomas' grandson, declared in his sermon to the congregation, "EVOLUTION HAD NO ROOM FOR THE SUPERNATURAL. The earth and its inhabitants were not created, they evolved. We all accept the fact of evolution. The evolution of life is no longer a theory. It is a fact. It is the basis of all our thinking!". IT'S LIKE WHAT THE IDOL-MAKERS SAID TO ANCIENT ISRAEL THAT DAY THEY MADE THE GOLDEN CALF: "Behold these be thy gods, O Israel, fall down and worship!" (Ex. 32:4) But today the calf doesn't even have to be golden anymore! In fact, it can be a monkey, or a tadpole, or any creeping thing. "Behold, these be thy gods, O Israel, crawl down and worship the little tadpole and a little bit of jelly, a little wriggle-tail and the four four-footed creatures and creeping things. These are thy gods, these are the creatures that made you, this is what you came from, they are your creators"--this is exactly what evolution teaches![/SIZE]

This post indicates you are a troll and a spammer. It contributes nothing original of your own.


Your crap is evidence of undigested material that just slips right through you without people absorbing any nutrition.

A real education means you can add to your knowledge from studying and discerning, and progressing. It does not come through luck and chance.

You discern between truths that add up and lies that destroy. It takes time and effort.

Crappy responses come from those that can not discern and everything passes through them.

Obviously you have not properly calculated how long you have to look at the crap.


Oldest Heretic
I know my science and math, it is you that are releucant to post your probabilities and concepts because surely you can sense you have nothing and know nothing. At least so far.

Is there anyone of you that can speak for your religion of no design and luck and chance. Do come forward. Don;t be afraid.

Unlike you I have no wish to regurgitate second hand mathematical proof that neither you nor I would understand.

Whilst I believe, like all Anglicans, in a God creator, I attribute to him neither a young earth nor a detailed late creation.
Creation, and what followed the Big Bang, followed the normal Mathematics of chance. If God influenced the toss of the coin at any point is in the realms of mystery and perhaps faith.
But the stage Our universe has reached today is factual and the route it took to arrive at this point can not be disproved or prove by mathematics. That it has arrived in the now, is self evident that there was sufficient time to do so, with out involving other than normal probability.


Unlike you I have no wish to regurgitate second hand mathematical proof that neither you nor I would understand.

Whilst I believe, like all Anglicans, in a God creator, I attribute to him neither a young earth nor a detailed late creation.
Creation, and what followed the Big Bang, followed the normal Mathematics of chance. If God influenced the toss of the coin at any point is in the realms of mystery and perhaps faith.
But the stage Our universe has reached today is factual and the route it took to arrive at this point can not be disproved or prove by mathematics. That it has arrived in the now, is self evident that there was sufficient time to do so, with out involving other than normal probability.

The only thing that you have to understand is that it's futile and stupid. :p


Well-Known Member
Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.

Cheers, thank you. I never knew that, but I always suspected it might be the case. Lucky we have you around. Keep up the good work :D

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Show your proof that evolution is a fact. Evolution is not a science, it is religious doctrine of luck and chance.

I fear that even the basic understanding of evolution is too far over your head. So far I haven't seen you present one thing in the way of evidence to refute just one aspect of evolution.......:slap:...try again..!!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I fear that even the basic understanding of evolution is too far over your head. So far I haven't seen you present one thing in the way of evidence to refute just one aspect of evolution.......:slap:...try again..!!
He did use the word "mathematics".
What more do you need?