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Evolution is a Big Lie


Well-Known Member
some people choose to focus on the gaps of knowledge in science instead of the science itself :facepalm: leaving them in a place so dark reality has a hard time shining any light in at all. :faint:
Or the right brain fills in what the left leaves out and vice versa.....what an interesting way to view reality, the way it is!


Stick to your stone age views of reality then. Stay out of the way of progress.
lol....childish drivel

It's like you all go to the same anti-theist school and regurgitate that same crap over and over again.

Chapter One: Go to talkorigins and learn it!

Chapter Two: Put your game face on and be mean to theist, but tell them their delusional and are simply upset because you are questioning their archaic beliefs.

Chapter Three: Deny that you are a troll!


Ad astra!
lol....childish drivel

It's like you all go to the same anti-theist school and regurgitate that same crap over and over again.

Chapter One: Go to talkorigins and learn it!

Chapter Two: Put your game face on and be mean to theist, but tell them their delusional and are simply upset because you are questioning their archaic beliefs.

Chapter Three: Deny that you are a troll!

So a source is wrong because many people use it?

Care to elaborate? By that same logic all religious texts are incorrect. You sure you want to use that reasoning?

Here's what I see from you right now:

Call them a troll because you can't think of an argument.


It's like you all go to the same anti-theist school and regurgitate that same crap over and over again.

It has nothing to do with anti-theism at ALL!

im not anti theist because I would like to see proper exegesis


Go to talkorigins and learn it!

good advise, gain knowledge. excellent

Put your game face on and be mean to theist, but tell them their delusional and are simply upset because you are questioning their archaic beliefs.

what your saying here is the truth hurts, quit being truthful [facepalm]

One can have faith in a religion and science and still want truth in knowledge.

Deny that you are a troll!

so accepting modern science, higher learning and education is beinga troll???????


Or the right brain fills in what the left leaves out and vice versa.....what an interesting way to view reality, the way it is!

wonderful a wrong perception of reality :facepalm:

knowledge in evolution as taught in every major university around the world as higher learning has nothing to do with right and left hemispheres of the human brain.

Creation is outlawed from public schools for a reason, myth has no place in a science class. :sorry1:


Call them a troll because you can't think of an argument.

he does that because he has no arguement against a known valid science that is not in dispute by any science dpt.


Well-Known Member
Stick to your stone age views of reality then. Stay out of the way of progress.
Hmmmmm! Did you know that much of progress came from inspiration from the Bible. Tesla was inspired for the idea of alternating current from the book of Mathew.


Hmmmmm! Did you know that much of progress came from inspiration from the Bible. Tesla was inspired for the idea of alternating current from the book of Mathew.

You forget, we never have stated theist have not invented anything.

Theist are responsible for evolution.

Theist have many great contributions and will always continue to do so.

On the other side of the coin, attributing a deity to the gaps in our knowledge has slowed progress in many cases throughout history.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'm jealous of Davidjayjordon.
The guy makes one thread, he gets banned forthwith, & yet this zombie plods on & on.
Why can't I make threads this compelling!?!

No wonder that Willie is get'n his drink on.


I'm jealous of Davidjayjordon.
The guy makes one thread, he gets banned forthwith, & yet this zombie plods on & on.
Why can't I make threads this compelling!?!

No wonder that Willie is get'n his drink on.

On a quiet night, if you stick your ear on your computer monitors screen!

You can hear many theist agreeing with OP :angel2:

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
lol....childish drivel

It's like you all go to the same anti-theist school and regurgitate that same crap over and over again.

Don't be mad cus we're right....:rolleyes:

Chapter One: Go to talkorigins and learn it!

Stereotype much...? I've never directed anyone to talkorigins. Great site but you got the wrong Atheist.

Chapter Two: Put your game face on and be mean to theist, but tell them their delusional and are simply upset because you are questioning their archaic beliefs.

I'm an equal opportunity meany....I don't care what religion or lack of the person or group espouses to. If your reasoning is flawed then I'll speak....case in point..Your post....;)

Chapter Three: Deny that you are a troll!

Come on now..We all have troll tenancies, even theist,....but that's hardly the case here...
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Well-Known Member
Davidjayjordan said:
Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.

But evolution does not address where life came from, only what has happened after life began. When Charles Darwin wrote 'On the origin of species,' he was a theist, not an atheist.


Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.
Evolution is a total lie, scientifically, mathematically and is nothing more than a religious doctrine forced upon science and biology students. If they do not yield and believe and write and witness this dogma of luck and chance, they can not graduate.

Answer: So thisa was your excuse for not having graduated?

Besides afterward if they are not in the congregation of biological evolutionists they can not have a career in their chosen profession unless they keep silent and shut up.

Answer: I see, so those that don’t really believe keep their mouths shut so they can practice their carrer choose of what they don’t believe….WOW!

Evoution is a lie, as all life goes to a lesser state of organization. Its entrophy and means just that, all things get old and less organized and lose energy and do not get magically more organized and more powerful.

Answer: NO! As things get older as you put it they become MORE organized breaking down to the lesser components. Decay, as you put it IS life and without entropy (decay) life as we know it doesn’t exist.

Life only comes from life that has already been HERE.

Answer: OK, in an infinite universe that is child’s play for ‘life’ then now, isn’t it. I suggest your understanding is a lie given you by those whom also fail to understand….


Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm! Did you know that much of progress came from inspiration from the Bible. Tesla was inspired for the idea of alternating current from the book of Mathew.
Tesla was inspired to create a three-phase system for tranmitting alternating current by the concept of the trinity from the Book of Matthew. The idea of alternating current itself had already been around for a decade thanks to Guillaume Duchenne, not the Bible.


Say it isn't so...Evolution is actually applicable? You mean to tell me we can actually use what we know about evolution to create medicine and diagnose disease? Wow, you make a convincing case.....cause up til now some religious people treat the word itself as if it is a curse word.....:p

There's the problem again with the word "Evolution", the medicine industry makes advances based on cellular "Micro-evolution" which is completely different than the idea that monkey-things will lose their tails and develop arches to walk upright, of which there is nothing but speculation about and plenty more gaps than evidence of transition.


Arp is heavily critisized and not followed by anyone in mainstream science.

Its just like you to find outdated work to base worthless findings on.

good lord his theories are 50 years OLD! [facepalm]

Halton Arp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arp originally proposed his theories in the 1960s; however, telescopes and astronomical instrumentation have advanced greatly since then:

Nonetheless, Arp has not wavered from his stand against the Big Bang and still publishes articles

I have tried to rewrite the entry to be as nice to Arp as possible and even present his position in a good lightwhile stating that current scientific evidence overwhelmingly disfavors his position

I think it is wrong to give the impression Dr. Arp's theories about redshift ever had much acceptance within the scientific community

According to Arp's POV the space is flat.

Face it! all you do is try and find outdated material to go against modern known and accepted science to protect your theology.

Go write to the Max Planck institute and tell them what fools they were to hire Arp. That would surely be a substitute for actually going over the specific claims.