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Evolution is illogical and idolatry


Well-Known Member
Sorry my phone auto spells...

So to clarify my question.

How is it every separate organism which cannot breed together still knows within it's closed genetic system that a certain code = a certain part?

If you have an eye of more or less certain capacity, the genetic code for that eye is the same, regardless of species.

If ATCG = 1 then regardless of species, ATCG always = 1.

How is this objectivity possible?

Why not? It's just fancy chemistry, in essence just an algorithm. Given the same conditions, chemicals react the same way every time.

The universe does have properties. No gods or intelligences of any kind are involved.

Reproduction is imperfect and introduces variation. The environment makes some variations beneficial, some deleterious, some neutral. Result: organisms change through time. No mystery, no gods, no woo-woo of any kind is involved.

See? Very simple indeed!


Ok finishing my thought, we have talked much of adaptation, and adaptation necessarily denotes a progress from one less competitive state to another more competitive state.

Can you argue that the change is not progress? I don't know how you could? If it is not progress then the drive of speciation is not adaptive, but rather it is let's call it mechanical? It occurs no matter what with the probability of the change being the only factor in the occurrence and not the probability of success?

So if external factors are controlling success, then eventually the most successful would survive in the most environments.

This we also don't see?
Again, change is just change, not "progress". The tide comes in, the tide goes out. Every second the beach is slightly different than it was the second before. Go away for a thousand years and come back and it will not be the same beach. Where is the tide going? Where is the beach going?

Progress implies a destination. Evolution has no destination. The majority of species that have ever lived are now extinct.


Veteran Member
As a bodybuilder I'd say our bodies are perfect, we are built to improve the body
Testosterone is the chemical released for feeling triumph or success and counters cortisol or stress.

notice your self defeating argument....as a bodybuilder. if the body was perfect then you wouldn't need to build it now would you?

and the act of doing so eliminates stress.
stress was needed to give us the adrenaline to escape from becoming prey.

besides you didn't even attempt at explaining the fact that chocking is a very common cause of death and so are heart attacks and the design of our joints suck...
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Are you claiming DNA to be the only evolving part?

Adaptation involves the success and failure of parts, evolution must go beyond this to create those parts.

DNA is one such part.

But, there are problems
In expanding the amount of information contained in DNA and even more problems in explaining how success of a part translates into revolting that DNA.

Also, the largest problem of DNA is......

Its objectivity.

DNA = some part. How is that objective truth possible? Why would organism read DNA exactly the same as any other?

There isn't any "knowing" or "reading" involved. DNA is like the acorn that contains everything the oak tree can ever become. It isn't a part, like an arm our a leg, it's a microcosm of all the parts.

Honestly, this whole subject will make more sense to you if you stop insisting evolution involves intelligence and purpose. The whole point is that it doesn't have to: without a guiding intelligence tacked on, it still works just fine. You CAN add your god into the picture after the fact as the mastermind behind the whole show, but you don't have to. In fact, it makes more sense if you don't.


Admiral Obvious
As a bodybuilder I'd say our bodies are perfect, we are built to improve the body and the act of doing so eliminates stress.

Testosterone is the chemical released for feeling triumph or success and counters cortisol or stress.
Way to reinforce the ignorant body builder stereotype...


Well-Known Member
A Schizophrenic can touch taste feel hear and see their delusions. The delusions are real. The mind is a reality. Everyone's mind is a reality, a part of reality. What my mind produces from delusion and hallucination is a part of reality. If reality is what comes into your senses then the delusions are real. Even delusion is part of reality. All experience is reality.

My beliefs can be focused on truth. That could possibly make them true. You should know something about Schizophrenia before you open your mouth. As if a Schizophrenic can't possibly produce truth. You don't know anything about Schizophrenia.
I believe a schizoprenic is someone who is very close to touching truth with the left brain which create more fear then a person will allow themselves to handle.
Nikola Tesla is someone I know that came very close to embracing truth through logic and left brain thinking and in the end the light became so bright that he couldn't handle it.Science can only come so close and then it becomes a place that must be approached through humility. In the end truth becomes something you cannot have but you must let it have you.


Active Member
Flew right over your head didn't it.

Perhaps you should be less quick to judge a comment before understanding it. Instead of having an emotional reaction to its content without reason. I don't appreciate it.

Yea, you judge a Schizophrenic as someone who is inept. I'm not supposed to be offended with all the prejudice that I endure? Yea, I understand the comment. Schizophrenics are delusional, that's all we are. You're statement was an insult with prejudice.

not nom

Well-Known Member
Yes in the end all hidden mysteries will be revealed.;)

yeah, after purging all who don't believe. heh. reminds me of room 101 in nineteen-eightyfour more than of science.

do you really think you'll get a to see a video of how that flood, and other BS, actually happened? I have not EVER hear a believer say "I can't wait to ask god for proof of all his claims". no, they assume when they meet god, that will not matter.

it comes from a tradition of claims like the sun revolving around earth... so think twice before taking credit (in the form of giving it to god, lol) for stuff as being "revealed" which humans work for by using their brains. that's just the same old same old insolence of religion.


Yes in the end all hidden mysteries will be revealed.;)

and with that kind of thinking we would all be riding horses still :facepalm:

or all dead, its dangerous thinking and should be a crime. the advancements made in science are all that sperates you from death not your god. Without science a pandemic with the population the earth carries would have wiped everyone out already. the CDC and and science you owe your life to. Not a deity many percieve as imaginary


Ad astra!
Yea, you judge a Schizophrenic as someone who is inept. I'm not supposed to be offended with all the prejudice that I endure? Yea, I understand the comment. Schizophrenics are delusional, that's all we are. You're statement was an insult with prejudice.

Way over your head apparently, begone.


Well-Known Member
yeah, after purging all who don't believe. heh. reminds me of room 101 in nineteen-eightyfour more than of science.

do you really think you'll get a to see a video of how that flood, and other BS, actually happened? I have not EVER hear a believer say "I can't wait to ask god for proof of all his claims". no, they assume when they meet god, that will not matter.

it comes from a tradition of claims like the sun revolving around earth... so think twice before taking credit (in the form of giving it to god, lol) for stuff as being "revealed" which humans work for by using their brains. that's just the same old same old insolence of religion.
You can't take credit for that which is revealed. I just think it is best to be in a Paul like state of the Bible than to be in a scientific mind like state like Nikola Tesla was when the bright light is revealed to you.


Ad astra!
You can't take credit for that which is revealed. I just think it is best to be in a Paul like state of the Bible than to be in a scientific mind like state like Nikola Tesla was when the bright light is revealed to you.

Yes, you can.

You have no idea how much hard work is put into understanding the world we live in.

Go ahead and browse this site, maybe it might open your eyes a little. It won't but I can hope I guess.


Giving credit to God for the works of man is a blasphemy in its own right.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can.

You have no idea how much hard work is put into understanding the world we live in.

Go ahead and browse this site, maybe it might open your eyes a little. It won't but I can hope I guess.


Giving credit to God for the works of man is a blasphemy in its own right.
I suppose the same kind of foolishness as man taking credit for discovering America right?Or is it the chasing after credit which is the foolishness?Why for attention and glory so one can see themselves worthy of themselves? Its better to just love your neighbor as your self because the energy put out reaps from its own consequences and is the reason man chases golry in the first place.It will save a trip in the wilderness if one listens to the advice.


Ad astra!
I suppose the same kind of foolishness as man taking credit for discovering America right?Or is it the chasing after credit which is the foolishness?Why for attention and glory so one can see themselves worthy of themselves? Its better to just love your neighbor as your self because the energy put out reaps from its own consequences and is the reason man chases golry in the first place.It will save a trip in the wilderness if one listens to the advice.

You leech off the hard work of others and give credit to God. That is incredibly insulting.


Well-Known Member
You leech off the hard work of others and give credit to God. That is incredibly insulting.
Not to God.But since you don't believe in God I hope you at least give some thanks to people like Einstein's mother(or whoever) for not aborting him so he could make some great achievements.
And by the way there is a difference in being given credit for accomplishments and doing accomplishments for credit.;)


Ad astra!
Not to God.But since you don't believe in God I hope you at least give some thanks to people like Einstein's mother(or whoever) for not aborting him so he could make some great achievements.
And by the way there is a difference in being given credit for accomplishments and doing accomplishments for credit.;)

So if someone accomplishes something to get the credit for it, they don't deserve the credit?