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Evolution is illogical and non sense


Active Member
You assume far too many things about me, my position, my intent, my beliefs, etc...

I am not assuming. I am commenting on your words. This is my OPINION of what you wrote.
I don't come in here with some weird assumptions about people I do not know.
I read, try to understand, and COMMENT.

IF you claim to know the truth.. then defend that position.
How do you know this truth?

Can you be wrong about this truth, or anything at all?
This is a QUESTION TO YOU and not an assumption.

I seek to prove all things and hold fast to that which is good and true.

Then don't be surprised if someone asks you for the proof. Your assertions are all very nice.
But you claim to know the truth. PROVE IT.

I constantly question and re-question my beliefs -but some things are knowns, truths, absolutes and will never change no matter how much I question.

Then, please, be so kind as to offer your proof of these "knowns, truths. absolutes". Especially any SUPERNATURAL ones. I generally agree that reality exists, and that others exist, and that logic works.. and science.
What I DON'T agree with you on is any claim for SUPERNATURAL truths.

And, no.... That's not me not truly allowing those things to be questioned by myself.

Good, I'm only questioning these beliefs. Please supply proof for them.

I do try to see things from the perspectives of others, but I am not going to give up what I KNOW simply because another does not know it -does not think it can be known -doesn't understand how it can be known, etc....

I am MERELY trying to understand how you arrive at your conclusions. If you DO have some special knowledge, share it.. AND your reasoning. I can't just take your word for it. Now, if you don't CARE to defend your beliefs.. that's fine. Continue preaching them, I suppose. But don't pretend to EXPLAIN or defend your position if you don't have any intention to.

I would see through that after a while, you see.

One person being right about something and another person being wrong about something is a real thing. It is totally possible and happens all the time.

- Yes, you might be right. That's a possibility. But if you don't prove it one way or another, or can't.. then we will NEVER be able to know if you are right or not. We won't be able to TELL if you are saying what is TRUE or if what you say is FALSE.

Because , you MIGHT be right, and you MIGHT be wrong.

I want to know which of these two cases is TRUE.

I expressed something you might want to try if you were interested.

-Rest assured, I am interested in finding out if what you are saying is TRUE or FALSE.
IF you are saying something TRUE.. I want to hear about it right quick.
IF you are saying something FALSE.. I couldn't care less.

I read fantasy sometimes for entertainment. I don't need more fiction.

The only bias I have is the one you think I have in your false perception of me.

Your bias is noted but isn't necessary nor pertinent to the conversation.
Now, let's get back to the actual discussion.


Well-Known Member
Speak for yourself

Abiogenesis is a process in chemistry and its not al that difficult with the 400,000 year period it had to take place when water formed after the earth cooled.

We are not blind here because you may be.

That was said by someone else -take it up with them


Active Member
(I also do not hold the view that Adam and Eve's DNA would necessarily show evidence of being unrelated to other life forms even if directly created. The vague description of creating Eve from Adam's rib suggests using material -obviously including genetic material -from one in the makeup of another.

So, God made it APPEAR that humans evolved. Clever game, that. Fooled ALL the biologists.. I wonder why God needed to deceive so convincingly? Is that why god also hid all the fossils in exactly the right places to fool the paleontologists and the fossil experts?

Because God WANTED scientists to be wrong?... Or what do you think?


Just old
Premium Member
The 'belief' itself is the fault here.
The convincing of the many against the actuality of the presence,
that became an absence that wasn't ever there to begin with !
Did 'god' create these scientists, to discover it's deseptions ?
Did Adam's rib from the breath of god's mouth,
blown upon the sand in it's hands from the Earth it just created ?
We always forget the organics in these conversations !
Just trolling like the lot of you !

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
That we can sit here in the 21st century and have repeated long-running debates on evolution versus creationism is an intriguing obscenity.

That's exactly what they said about classical physics versus mysterious unpredictable forces ruling nature .. Have you considered the possibility that most people are not as intellectually inferior as you think?


The Lost One
That's exactly what they said about classical physics versus mysterious unpredictable forces ruling nature .. Have you considered the possibility that most people are not as intellectually inferior as you think?

Well, their education are definitely inferior, if they think the only explanation the forces of nature require magic or divine intervention from a God, creator or designer. Creationism still operate on primitive superstition that "God did it".

Isn't associating a natural phenomena to a spirit of some sorts "superstition" and "ignorant belief"?

Creationists of today are still thinking like they did during the Dark Ages and the second half of the Middle Ages, where they believe that anything to be contrary to church teachings and their beloved scriptures to be heretical, and they tortured and murdered people for heresies and witchcraft, all because of their superstitious belief.
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