I didn't have to argue another way, you did it for me. So its a theory and according to you "no theory is ever considered 100% proven".
As is every theory in science.
That doesn't mean you can rationally argue against it.
I'm sorry if you don't understand that.
So now I will use that as my argument that evolution isn't 100% proven which is not a lie or being willfully ignorant.
Which is not arguing against it. It's just stating the obvious.
By any and all accounts, evolution is the best possible explanation for the diversity of species.
It explains all the relevant facts and is contradicted by none. It's independently testable and verifiable. It makes predictions that can be tested and verified which confirm the validity of the theory.
By any and all accounts, it is thus "true". As "true" as an explanation in science can possibly be.
As true as the earth is a sphere and orbits the sun.
How can you think it is so well proven though in day to day life?
Supported, not proven.
And the answer is the mountains of independent evidence that all converges on the same answer.
Gravity seems much more reasonable and observable to me.
The fact is actually that we know a lot more about evolution then we do about gravity.
Gravity is very poorly understood. The lack of properly understanding gravity is likely what prevents us from unifying quantum physics with relativity.
Physics doesn't have it's unified field theory.
Biology does. It's evolution.
Also, here you seem to be confusing the fact of gravity (apples fall) with the THEORY of gravity (how do apples fall?).
There is also the fact of evolution (species share ancestry - this is a genetic fact). The theory EXPLAINS the facts. It provides the mechanism by which the facts occur. How do species share ancestry?