The ability to learn languages is composed of many characteristics. A major deficit in any one of them might cause an individual to have a tough time learning a new language. And since we are a product of what we believe the belief we can't learn or needn't learn is also sufficient.
You seem to consider yourself an expert in all things including language, what do you consider these characteristics are?
Human consciousness is virtually a misnomer. We are not so much conscious of what goes on around us like a bee is but conscious of what goes on in our own head. A bee doesn't even know it is thinking because its being reflects the world around and the world around it reflects its consciousness. We aren't one with reality but one with our beliefs. So we act like sleepwalkers living out a dream we acquired with language and beliefs.
Possessing all knowledge of consciousness as you seem to imply, please expand on this with the details you consider significant. I would love to see the important experimental evidence you use to come to these conclusions.
I'm sure I don't know how consciousness came about.
I agree.
I suppose it's hardly impossible it arose in steps and stages like believers in abiogenesis imagine
What is a believer in abiogenesis and how is it that you conclude abiogenesis and evolution are the same process? These are not considered the same in science.
What do you consider is a "believer" in something? Is it merely someone that requests you to support your claims and doesn't accept wild claims simply because they've been stated?
but I have a little difficulty imagining how early life could live at all if it didn't want to.
I have great difficulty understanding the meaning of this. Can you explain it to those of us that do not feel we are omniscient and possess all knowledge?
Why would some chemical care if it consumed or was consumed?
Are you saying that chemicals don't have consciousness?
It's certainly possible that just random chance got life established until consciousness arose as Darwin imagines all life still exists.
Are you suggesting that consciousness arose during the evolution of life and not all life possessed consciousness all the time? Isn't that contradicting your claims of "life is consciousness"? Can you help me become unconfused about the many seeming contradictions that you regularly declare as if they were all facts? How can these contradictory conditions exist all at the same time?
It's entirely possible that from our perspective and the perspective of all consciousness it will forever be impossible to see the hand of a Creator. Or conversely perhaps science will in fact learn that reality and or consciousness were a creation.
Can you explain why you mix religion into this when the discussion is about the observable process of evolution?
Humans mistake language and thought for intelligence and reality.
What do you think they are if they are not reflective of intelligence? Do believe that we are some sort of receiver getting messages from some unseen source? What do you think that source might be? What is intelligence?
We mistake things written in (text) books as gospel and peers as Gods.
Can you show how you have gained all this knowledge without sources? Can you explain your previous claim of using Google to find information in light of what you say here? How do you reconcile this contradiction?