Um...there ARE NO details. Here is what I will say: science simply cannot in any way beyond conjecture show/prove/demonstrate that fish eventually became humans.
Not "modern fish" off course. Modern fish did not evolve into humans, true.
Ancient sealife, over the course of some 500 milion years, did.
As for supporting that, it's pretty much a genetic fact as phylogenetic trees demonstrate.
We share ancestors with modern fish. And pretty much everything else that is alive and of which we have sequenced the genome.
Land roving fish or fish with 4 legs do not prove/show/demonstrate that they eventually evolved to become apes.
Genetics does.
You may think so; others may think so; I no longer do. Because there really IS no demonstrable proof, and yes, proof is the only word possible here.
Our collective genomes prove we share ancestors in the exact same way your DNA and that of your siblings prove you share parents.
Fish remain fish. Chimpanzees remain chimpanzees. (Humans remain humans.)
How many more times are you going to repeat this error and how many more times does it need to be corrected and explained how ignorant it is before you will stop repeating this falsehood?
I used to believe what "science" taught me in school. I believe that vaccines can help mitigate the ill effects of some diseases. I am not against science.
Everything your write about biology etc, suggests the opposite.
Imagining the evolution of fish to humans (first apes, then humans from some unknown common ancestor ape) is something I no longer believe because -- it (1) is not provable, (2) is not demonstrable, (3) fossils that appear to look like apes or fish or birds do not prove/demonstrate/show the various forms evolved. (Have a good one...)
Fossils support evolution.
Genetics makes common ancestry a demonstrable fact.
You can stick your head in the sand in willful ignorance. It won't make the facts go away.
You can repeat silly errors like "chimps remain chimps". It won't make the facts go away.
All you accomplish, is that nobody takes you seriously and that you will make sure to be wrong and argue strawmen.
ow well