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Evolutionist contradict themselves and debunked-Story of Creation is Biblical Fact

My son (3rd) is being taught the Big Bang theory in which he is having issues with. So while doing some research and what I found was amazing. I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian. He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been. Ultimately, the Bible accounts are true. He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old. His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is. He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.


Coincidentia oppositorum
... Skip Pssaris....

He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist.
Considering that he's confusing evolution of stars, planets, and galaxies with biological evolution of species kind'a tells that he doesn't know too much of either one of them. I know enough to be able to separate them as very completely different concepts.

He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old.
SN1987A disproves it.

His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is.
Really? Interesting. Not sure how he figured that out. Newton was wrong about gravity? Exactly what speeds of revolution with what planets?

(Edit: Are you referring to Kepler's laws? Periodicity in years squared doesn't equate distance in AU cubed?)

He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.
In other words, the whole universe was created just for us, and it's a miracle that we're here. That completely disagree with the idea of a "fine tuned" universe then. The universe was created to destroy us, but by a miracle God created life just here and nowhere else amongst the 20 sixtillion stars...
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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian.


He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been.

Anyone can "explain" things.

He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old.

If that's true, then the night sky should be almost completely blank.

To deny the age of the universe is to deny the existence of most of the Stars we see, or at least to deny the speed of light. Do you?

Have you ever seen the Milky Way?

His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact.

That's not a scientific way to back claims up.

Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet

This is true. And no astrophysicist who understands the generally accepted theory on planetary formation would claim that a single dust particle can just magically change its own size and mass to match that of a planet.

So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense.

There's a lot of things that "don't make sense" and yet are still true.

he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.

Then he can't be a scientist by definition. Scientists don't have knowledge; scientists seek knowledge. Being the "ultimate scientist" necessitates that said scientist lacks knowledge, which is impossible for a God who's supposed to be omniscient.
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Veteran Member
I was just waiting for someone with a Bachelor's of Science in Electrical Engineering and who's done graduate work in Physics to clue us in on the truth of biological evolution, because up to now all we've had espousing evolution are the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker.

Give us a break, JesusFreaKMyHero1

If you need such pseudoscience to confirm your beliefs, fine, but don't for a minute think it's going to change anyone's mind here. We've pretty much all been through this kind of sad claptrap before. It's nothing new.

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Spike is an idiot, his "science" is bogus, what he does is roughly the equivalent of trying to disprove relativity on the basis of an appeal to "common sense" Newtonian physics creamed together with jargon, misstatement, and misunderstanding. Spike's video is, at first, good for a laugh, but that get old.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think I decided to just stay out of these debates until they are serious enough to not use this "evolutionist" word. Such an attempt to try to make evolution on par with a religious belief just doesn't work because no one is a "gravitationist" or a "germist."
Another issue is tying things like astronomy and the Big Bang together with evolution, because evolution is a theory of biology, not astrology, and it says absolutely nothing about how life started.
Start watching about the 1:00 mark. It quickly and easily disproves the idea that the 6,000 years old with a very simple observation.


Active Member
There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.

Why bother making a bagillion other planets then? This Earth and this Sun is just for us, and there's no aliens around on other planets? Are the 100 octillion stars out there made especially for us too? Even the ones that blow up before we ever even get a chance to visit them?


Well-Known Member
My son (3rd) is being taught the Big Bang theory in which he is having issues with. So while doing some research and what I found was amazing. I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian. He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been. Ultimately, the Bible accounts are true. He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old. His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is. He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.
(1) Evolution and the Big Bang theory are not the same thing at all.
(2) There are Christians who accept both the Big Bang theory and evolution.
(3) Every attempt I've seen to "debunk" evolution or an old universe has flaws in it, often straw-men, quote-mining, argument from authority, appeal to popularity, argument from consequences or making general untested/unsupported claims.


Coincidentia oppositorum
I wonder if Pssaris also believes in geocentrism? If all the laws of gravity are wrong, and even Tyco's measurements and Kepler's math from it totally screwed up, then perhaps we have to reintroduce epicycles and equant?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why bother making a bagillion other planets then? This Earth and this Sun is just for us, and there's no aliens around on other planets? Are the 100 octillion stars out there made especially for us too? Even the ones that blow up before we ever even get a chance to visit them?
And not to mention all the ones that we physically can never reach because the time required to get to them is far beyond just one life-time.
What aspect of the Big Bang Theory is your son having issues with? What are these issues?
To take a guess, based on my past life, the issues probably entirely revolve around the fact it is entirely contradictory to such Conservative ideas, and it's not that it's hard to understand but hard to accept.


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
My son (3rd) is being taught the Big Bang theory in which he is having issues with. So while doing some research and what I found was amazing. I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian. He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been. Ultimately, the Bible accounts are true. He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old. His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is. He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.

Just get your son to compartmentalise. Fundamental young earth creation for religious class, scientific theories for science class. Work out the cognitive dissonance after he graduates and has moved away from home, so he can find his own truth.


Apistevist Asexual Atheist
My son (3rd) is being taught the Big Bang theory in which he is having issues with. So while doing some research and what I found was amazing. I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian. He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been. Ultimately, the Bible accounts are true. He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old. His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is. He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.

Sounds just like the guy who said vaccines cause autism.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
My son (3rd) is being taught the Big Bang theory in which he is having issues with. So while doing some research and what I found was amazing. I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian. He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been. Ultimately, the Bible accounts are true. He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old. His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is. He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.
My guess is that his "difficulties" can be traced back to your endless ranting about Creationism, as if it were fact. The poor lad loves and respects you and so gives a certain level of credence to your opinions - however amusing those opinions might be. In a very real sense you have likely confused the young lad and that is the root of his "difficulty". What he is being taught does not jive with the rubble of your esteemed thinking.

Wait till he comes home sporting a rainbow colored Iroquois cut and an arm around his latest boyfriend who offers you a joint in friendship.


Active Member
(1) Evolution and the Big Bang theory are not the same thing at all.
(2) There are Christians who accept both the Big Bang theory and evolution.
(3) Every attempt I've seen to "debunk" evolution or an old universe has flaws in it, often straw-men, quote-mining, argument from authority, appeal to popularity, argument from consequences or making general untested/unsupported claims.
On point number three, just because the arguments you came across just happen to be those things doesn't mean that evolution really happened or that the universe really is that old. Point number one and two also do not prove anything.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
There's a great deal of evidence that organisms have changed over time, that the Earth is billions of years old and that the universe is billions of years older.

What evidence is there for magic poofing or a young Earth?
Why is creation by magic more credible than creation by mechanism?


Veteran Member
My son (3rd) is being taught the Big Bang theory in which he is having issues with. So while doing some research and what I found was amazing. I encourage you to watch you tube "what you aren't being told about astronomy by Skip Pssaris. He was an engineer for the US Military Program. He entered the program as an evolutionist and atheist. During his course of research and his findings he is now a creationist and Christian. He breaks down many claims from evolutionists have made and show how they are inconsistent , contradictory and lacking and facts to prove their theories. He speaks about how the universe began and it could not have been. Ultimately, the Bible accounts are true. He explains how our universe is not billions of years old more like 6000 years old. His backs up all his claims scientifically by what we know as fact. Such how a dust particle cannot become a planet and based on speeds of revolution with certain planets show how young our universe is. He also addresses the function of the moon, why its there, is for us. So, if you think about it, it really is the only thing that makes sense. There never was or ever will be life on another planet. So, God created everything for our benefit. and he is the Grand Master of everything. he is the ultimate scientist and He doesn't have to prove Himself.
It's a shame that Skip doesn't know that big bang theory and the evolutionary theory are different things.