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EVPs - click if you dare!

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
The following stories are a couple of my personal accounts of when the Estes Method was used during a paranormal investigation, beginning with the paranormal investigation I participated in at St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 in New Orleans. Three years ago this month, I accompanied a team of paranormal investigators to this historic cemetery. It was late at night and pitch-dark, and all we had for light were a couple of flashlights and the small screens of our portable video cameras. The voodoo priestess Marie Laveau is buried in this cemetery. The team and I were hoping to contact her using a Frank's Box and document our interactions with her. We were successful in our efforts, and we spoke directly with her. She gave us direct answers to our questions, which included specific information and a few names that were later verified. We incorporated the assistance of a French interpreter (and her friend) because the last time the team was there, they recorded EVPs in French. The interpreter and her friend used the Estes Method after we heard voices coming through Frank's Box in French. She wore the blindfold and the noise-cancelling headphones and used an SP7 spirit box while her friend asked questions in French.

The second personal account I would like to share occurred at a historic Civil War fort that I've visited several times. Two of my daughters, two fellow paranormal investigators, and a National Park Service Ranger participated with me in the spirit box session and burst EVP sessions. In the middle of the afternoon, a fellow paranormal investigator and I conducted a spirit box session using the Estes Method in the infirmary of the hospital building and in the officer's quarters house. We spoke directly to Union soldiers and a couple of Confederate soldiers who were held as prisoners of war. We also captured thermal and SLS images in the empty morgue, the empty barracks building, and an empty room upstairs in the hospital building. We placed a boom mic and digital recorders just outside the ruins of an old horse stable for over an hour in the late evening. We placed the recorders on each side of the flat surface of two cement blocks. We marked on the recorders when we turned them on and turned them off. We quickly left the area of the old stable and went to dinner, and the park closed for the day to the general public. Before we left, the rangers on duty searched the fort for any lingering visitors and established that there were none. They agreed to patrol the fort's entrance and perimeter to ensure that no one went near the old stable or anywhere else on the property. When we returned to the fort site, the ranger who had participated in our earlier investigation led us back to the stable. He confirmed that no unauthorized person had entered the fort site while we were gone, and the other rangers steered clear of the stable and kept a distance from it in order to avoid interfering with our investigation. We retrieved the boom mic and the recorders and then proceeded to the ranger station to find out if we had captured anything. Much to our surprise, we heard horses neighing (the rangers confirmed that there were no horses on the premises), soothing voices speaking directly to the horses, a couple of disgruntled soldiers complaining about other soldiers, and a command to secure the perimeter of the fort.

And the last personal account I'd like to share occurred at the Pea Ridge National Military Park in Pea Ridge, Arkansas. My mother-in-law, my sister-in-law, my niece, three of my daughters, and my youngest son accompanied me on a short version of an investigation as we walked through the designated areas of the old battlefield. We had my thermal imaging camera, my SLS camera, a couple of my spirit boxes, REM pods, and two digital recorders. My sister-in-law and I conducted a spirit box session using the Estes Method on the front porch of the tavern (see here). We also captured SLS images inside an empty room of the tavern and outside by the old canon. Inside the tavern, we all heard voices and footsteps coming from the upstairs floor that was roped off from visitors. We went outside, and my mother-in-law called the visitor center and told the gentleman on the phone that we had heard voices upstairs. She asked for a ranger to come and check to see if there was anyone upstairs who wasn't supposed to be there. While we waited, we kept an eye on both entrances to the tavern to see if anyone came out, but no one ever did. Two rangers showed up and went into the tavern. They went upstairs and found no one up there, and then they searched the other rooms, and there was no one there either. Once the rangers determined that it was safe for us to go back inside the tavern, my kids and my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were freaked out and didn't want to go back inside, so we left and went back to the visitor center and museum. My niece and I wanted to stay and attempt to make contact with the spirits upstairs, but we didn't push the issue or tell them that we had seen a couple of full-body apparitions of Union soldiers peering down on us from an upper window. They were freaked out enough already, but I told them later that evening when we discussed what we had experienced at Pea Ridge. Overall, everyone enjoyed the time we spent there that day.


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I have no idea what an EVP is, google didn't help.

Employee Value Proposition
Executive Vice President

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
I have no idea what an EVP is, google didn't help.

Employee Value Proposition
Executive Vice President

EVP stands for Electronic Voice Phenomenon. It is a real-time auditory recording of what is believed to be the disembodied voices of earthbound human spirits. An EVP can be recorded using an EVP recorder or by using a spirit box (or ghost box) in an effort to speak directly with these spirits in real time. An EVP can also be captured with a digital recorder, but it won't be heard in real time. It can be heard once the tape has been rewound and listened to.


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
If you were to download an EVP app, tried a short EVP session, and got a voice, would that make you question your concept of heaven and hell or the afterlife, considering according to some other's accounts that aren't filled with mental gymnastics, the EVP sessions often don't fully point to one religion being correct, but instead have their own story of spirits often lingering around on Earth or some dimension that can reach Earth and living a bittersweet afterlife that often is worse or no better than when they were alive?
It would be great and perfectly consistent with my current thoughts on the subject. Entities exist on the astral plane and can sometimes interact with the physical plane (paranormal occurrences).

And I have heard some very compelling EVP in my decades of interest.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
A person can pick up anything through static using cheap pointless gadgets like ghost boxes that clearly capitalize on sound pareidolia for people possessing a much lower threshold of believability.

The least expensive ghost box that I've purchased cost me around $100. The most expensive one cost me over $400. I've spent thousands of dollars on quality ghost-hunting equipment over the years. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that buying good-quality ghost-hunting equipment isn't cheap.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The least expensive ghost box that I've purchased cost me around $100. The most expensive one cost me over $400. I've spent thousands of dollars on quality ghost-hunting equipment over the years. It wouldn't be an understatement to say that buying good-quality ghost-hunting equipment isn't cheap.
It should be a crime on how companies take advantage of people charging ridiculous prices like that.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
It would be great and perfectly consistent with my current thoughts on the subject. Entities exist on the astral plane and can sometimes interact with the physical plane (paranormal occurrences).

And I have heard some very compelling EVP in my decades of interest.

I'd like to share these videos with you since you're interested in EVPs. I'd also like to know what you think about them.

The first one is a few minutes long, and the second is a little over an hour long because it's a documentary.


Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
It should be a crime on how companies take advantage of people charging ridiculous prices like that.

I decided to purchase high-tech ghost-hunting equipment, so I'm responsible for how much money I spent on mine. I can spend as much money as I want on this equipment, just like I do on everything else I want to buy. No one twisted my arm. High-tech devices can be expensive, no matter what they are.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I decided to purchase high-tech ghost-hunting equipment, so I'm responsible for how much money I spent on mine. I can spend as much money as I want on this equipment, just like I do on everything else I want to buy. No one twisted my arm. High-tech devices can be expensive, no matter what they are.
What's so 'hi tech' about them?

They just make a bunch of noise with maybe an oscilloscope wired with it.

Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
What's so 'hi tech' about them?

They just make a bunch of noise with maybe an oscilloscope wired with it.

The most expensive spirit box that I have is this one here. You can read about it for yourself if you'd like. I use this spirit box more than any of my other ones. It quickly became my favorite, as well as one of my favorite ghost-hunting devices, alongside my Laser Grid (see here) and my Boo Buddy Ghost-Hunting Interactive Talking Bear (see here). On a side note, I thought that you might be interested in reading the following article (video included) since you asked me about spirit boxes. I won't say anything more except that I agree with its content and what was said in the video, which brings me back to what I said in my previous post here about my personal perspective on spirit communication and how I approach it while using a standard spirit box.

What Are Spirit Boxes & Can The Dead Really Use Them To Communicate?

Finally, if you (and other skeptics) don't believe that a spirit box has the ability to facilitate communication with the dead, then that is your choice, and I respect that. I've said time and time again in my posts relating to the paranormal that skeptics can make up their own mind whether to believe me or not or to believe in the paranormal or not. I have established personal boundaries in real life and online to never argue or debate with skeptics (religious or irreligious) about my spiritual beliefs or my personal experiences with what I consider to be the paranormal. I'd also like to reiterate that, as a seasoned paranormal investigator, I don't immediately assume that what I hear on a spirit box or something unusual that I audibly hear (without a spirit box) or see with my own eyes is undoubtedly paranormal. I've devoted the last sixteen years of my life to meticulously researching and investigating the paranormal. Not only have I spent thousands of dollars on ghost-hunting equipment over these years, but I've also traveled across the country to investigate suspected haunted locations. If you take the time to read my post here, then maybe you will see that investigating the paranormal is something that I take seriously.


Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The most expensive spirit box that I have is this one here. You can read about it for yourself if you'd like. I use this spirit box more than any of my other ones. It quickly became my favorite, as well as one of my favorite ghost-hunting devices, alongside my Laser Grid (see here) and my Boo Buddy Ghost-Hunting Interactive Talking Bear (see here). On a side note, I thought that you might be interested in reading the following article (video included) since you asked me about spirit boxes. I won't say anything more except that I agree with its content and what was said in the video, which brings me back to what I said in my previous post here about my personal perspective on spirit communication and how I approach it while using a standard spirit box.

What Are Spirit Boxes & Can The Dead Really Use Them To Communicate?

Finally, if you (and other skeptics) don't believe that a spirit box has the ability to facilitate communication with the dead, then that is your choice, and I respect that. I've said time and time again in my posts relating to the paranormal that skeptics can make up their own mind whether to believe me or not or to believe in the paranormal or not. I have established personal boundaries in real life and online to never argue or debate with skeptics (religious or irreligious) about my spiritual beliefs or my personal experiences with what I consider to be the paranormal. I'd also like to reiterate that, as a seasoned paranormal investigator, I don't immediately assume that what I hear on a spirit box or something unusual that I audibly hear (without a spirit box) or see with my own eyes is undoubtedly paranormal. I've devoted the last sixteen years of my life to meticulously researching and investigating the paranormal. Not only have I spent thousands of dollars on ghost-hunting equipment over these years, but I've also traveled across the country to investigate suspected haunted locations. If you take the time to read my post here, then maybe you will see that investigating the paranormal is something that I take seriously.

Well I'm certainly happy your having fun with it and having a good time.


Active Member
If you were to download an EVP app, tried a short EVP session, and got a voice, would that make you question your concept of heaven and hell or the afterlife, considering according to some other's accounts that aren't filled with mental gymnastics, the EVP sessions often don't fully point to one religion being correct, but instead have their own story of spirits often lingering around on Earth or some dimension that can reach Earth and living a bittersweet afterlife that often is worse or no better than when they were alive?
I don’t use an app, I have an actual EVP and yes I pick up clear voices on it if I am in in a active location.

However, rarely is it ever more than a word or two and never a sentence. Usually it’s just making ambient noise to make itself known.

The majority of those RVP apps, well all of them actually, are scams. Cell phones do not have the required hardware to pick up clear sounds in that spectrum.

They are essentially party gimmicks