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Ex-Christian here.


Left Hand Path
I was born in opposition as well.

But the enemy is relentless.
My true Self was neither understood or supported
by my own family or anyone I knew.

We didn't even have the internet back then.
So I was truly alone.

The Religion of my childhood indoctrination
literally almost killed ME.
I was languishing and almost completely dead
before I finally picked MYSELF up,
and took my life
and my own path

Sad all the wasted years,
and loss.

But there you go.

The casualties of war.

I see, I don't have internet either, I only post when I am at school. My family is Catholic and I was never baptised, but I sure do get preached at a lot by my grandpa's wife for wearing and writing about the things I do.

I can say that I am not understood by a lot of people either.

Damnant quod non intelligant-The people condemn what they do not understand.

That is the case with a lot of things. All that matters is that I understand me and the nature of things.

But I understand, the enemy may be relentless, but I more strategic in approach to war :D. As are most LHP members.


Well-Known Member
But see the Christian God does desire followers. And the Church is a 'non-profit' organization yet it is very wealthy. If the churches in the U.S.A were taxed our national debt would be paid off and the churches would crumble due to their own obsolence.

All religion advocates the devil...but it is ok...plenty of people are willing to deny it.

When did I say natural pursuit of gratifacation was unique? Everyone looks for some form of gratifacation, by my own redeemer I mean, I am resiliant in the fact that I don't need others to cope or over come what obsticles I face.

of course you do you need others to get a job, to earn money, to gain power and the like, we are communial creatures in order to progress we ultimately need each other, you just get to choose if this is at a greater or lesser extent. heck you even needed someone to build this Pc and for a provider to give you the internet to have this conversation.

the church is battling with its own fallin state, the bible clearly shows this, that is why we ultiamtely look to God to release us from our own clutches.


Left Hand Path
While I understand and agree with your statement here in general,
I would say that purposeful deprogramming IS very often necessary.

Since the thread IS about x-christianity,
I'll focus there.

Christianity is just JAM PACKED with moral, spiritual, physical & mental TABOOS.

And they can be very insidious.

If one does not ACTIVELY COUNTER them...
they will always hold you in their grip.
If you do not ACTIVELY seek to recognize them
in your life....
they will always rule you...
subtly & even blatantly in ways so BIG
you can't even see them there in front of you.

To counter them heretically and sacraligously
is sometimes the best way to lay them low.

for example...

How do you begin countering lifelong repression of masterbation?
How do you couner the RELIGOUS ban on masterbation?
Masterbate sacraligously :shrug:

Purposeful and PERSONAL deprogramming.
Yes, only the TrueSelf can do it.
But depending on the amount of damage, repression, taboo
more or less vigilant and even ritual deprogramming
is necessary.

It frees the psyche.
(and sometimes it's fun besides. :flirt::D)

I understand.

We are ruled by it anyways though...our government is based off of it. Just yesterday a lady came to my school to speak of 'Internet Saftey' yet I understood why she would give a presentation on such a thing, I could see all Christian influence behind the 'don't do it' part.

Yet any rational person wouldn't leave the state to go meet up with a guy that is 40 years older than you.

But you know...there is a lot of stupid people out there.

Society thrives increasingly of stupidity.-Anton LaVey.


Left Hand Path
of course you do you need others to get a job, to earn money, to gain power and the like, we are communial creatures in order to progress we ultimately need each other, you just get to choose if this is at a greater or lesser extent. heck you even needed someone to build this Pc and for a provider to give you the internet to have this conversation.

the church is battling with its own fallin state, the bible clearly shows this, that is why we ultiamtely look to God to release us from our own clutches.

I am glad you see...but I however look to my God (me) for release from such inane tactics. Though it is inevitable, the only way is destruction to recreate.

Don't follow idealism, you are just wasting your time.


Well-Known Member
I am glad you see...but I however look to my God (me) for release from such inane tactics. Though it is inevitable, the only way is destruction to recreate.

Don't follow idealism, you are just wasting your time.

i dont follow idealism, the Christian ultiamtely sets out on something that he will fail at, we fight the very thing we are, we embody the rejection of holiness.

To attain what we want, a relationship with the divine, we need help from said divine, to grow, and change we must accept first that we need help, and then we start a journey that lasts a lifetime, one of constant attempts and the act reaching out.

I guess the only way you could call me an idealist is that I hold that God ultiamtely will set things right.

I believe they only way humanity can be good is if they dilute what good is until it is achievable.

by Christian standards what you hope to do is impossible by yourself, but then again I guess it is how you define good.


Left Hand Path
i dont follow idealism, the Christian ultiamtely sets out on something that he will fail at, we fight the very thing we are, we embody the rejection of holiness.

Ha, you cannot fight the instincts which you were born with. You believe all of these things because you learned them, you weren't born with them. We were born into existence only knowing life after all...

To attain what we want, a relationship with the divine, we need help from said divine, to grow, and change we must accept first that we need help, and then we start a journey that lasts a lifetime, one of constant attempts and the act reaching out.

I think I understand what you say here. It is no different than be me and my relationship with myself. You just have a different way of looking at it. Yet you can still reach out to others, and still be introverted.

I guess the only way you could call me an idealist is that I hold that God ultiamtely will set things right.

But what is right? What is natural cannot be bad. Only you can set things right in the schema of your life.

I believe they only way humanity can be good is if they dilute what good is until it is achievable.

Humans can't breathe under water, nor can they exist in space without an astronaut suit. You ideal of free will is illogical. What of the other species of animals? Are they good or bad, when they share the same natural instincts and characteristics?

by Christian standards what you hope to do is impossible by yourself, but then again I guess it is how you define good.

It is only impossible to do by yourself if you think it is. But I understand what you mean...

Your need for a 'divine' relationship is really the same thing as your need for a relationship with your mind. The spirituality of your existence and the mind that decides the paths you travel down.

Be at one with yourself, and you will be at one with your 'God'. Accept the malignance of our nature, and realize the chaos of destruction is a beautiful thing, for it gives birth to creation.

In order to learn, you must teach.


Well-Known Member
It is only impossible to do by yourself if you think it is. But I understand what you mean...

Your need for a 'divine' relationship is really the same thing as your need for a relationship with your mind. The spirituality of your existence and the mind that decides the paths you travel down.

Be at one with yourself, and you will be at one with your 'God'. Accept the malignance of our nature, and realize the chaos of destruction is a beautiful thing, for it gives birth to creation.

In order to learn, you must teach.

so i wasnt born with teh will to reproduce or the need to survive? I dont see your point.

in order to get what i mean by good you would have to understand my faith hence my last sentence, to be ultimately Good is to follow Gods law as in to accept the world right now isnt what it should be, we believe nature became tainted, by the sin that we did so your whole animals section is mute, to God we all have our place and so do the animals, who also became impurfect after the fall as well.

we believe you should love yourself and accept yourself as God accepts you, but I think we could be at an impass here as I tdont think you have a clear understanding of what Christianity teaches, so to aviod annoying each other I shall bow out here.


Left Hand Path
so i wasnt born with teh will to reproduce or the need to survive? I dont see your point.

Where did that come from? You pulled that out of the air. Of course you were born that way...as every animal is. My point is the relationship you seek is with yourself, yet you deny what is and you fantasize death.

in order to get what i mean by good you would have to understand my faith hence my last sentence, to be ultimately Good is to follow Gods law as in to accept the world right now isnt what it should be, we believe nature became tainted, by the sin that we did so your whole animals section is mute, to God we all have our place and so do the animals, who also became impurfect after the fall as well.

God's law was written by man. The original sin is existence, there is no way around it, the seven deadly sins are the most common human and animal characteristics, you should read some of my threads.

What should the world be in your terms? Everything here is natural, for it came from the elements the Earth posseses, such as the mind and the improvision of man. Look at the universe and compare it to us, and you will see, there is no difference amongst the chaos and peace here, as it is out there.

It is simple logic, to build a parking lot, destroy what is there. To birth a new star, one has to supernova and destroy what is around it.

we believe you should love yourself and accept yourself as God accepts you, but I think we could be at an impass here as I tdont think you have a clear understanding of what Christianity teaches, so to aviod annoying each other I shall bow out here.

Ha, you think I don't know...yet I am in opposition and direct defiance of the Christian church. I do love myself and accept my self, for look what I am capable of. If I don't understand then teach me.

You can say that Christianity teaches you to love all and reject your nature.

When really Christianity wants your 'faith' because they know they have no divine prove, so in turn your faith gives them the riches and money out of your pocket. Tactical manipulation and deceit.

Too many times have I been called a 'Devil Worshipper' by the Christian faith, when I worship nothing and the devil is not Satan. If anyone is a 'Devil Worshipper' it is the Christians who praise and worship what is not, when they are lead blindly into believing that a fanatical paradise awaits them after death, because they continue to feed the engine that manipulates.


Well-Known Member
Ha, you think I don't know...yet I am in opposition and direct defiance of the Christian church. I do love myself and accept my self, for look what I am capable of. If I don't understand then teach me.

You can say that Christianity teaches you to love all and reject your nature.

When really Christianity wants your 'faith' because they know they have no divine prove, so in turn your faith gives them the riches and money out of your pocket. Tactical manipulation and deceit.

Too many times have I been called a 'Devil Worshipper' by the Christian faith, when I worship nothing and the devil is not Satan. If anyone is a 'Devil Worshipper' it is the Christians who praise and worship what is not, when they are lead blindly into believing that a fanatical paradise awaits them after death, because they continue to feed the engine that manipulates.

we believe the kind of nature we see now is from the fall, its a twisted parady of how life should be, things fit in this universe, and we accept that but that is because that is the only thing we have experienced, we do not know how it was meant to be because we have never experienced it.

Christianity was never built on the waiting until then, it was built upon making life better now.

you second paragraph sounds like a conspiricy theory and your defining one type of doctrine the propserity gospel whihc is heresy btw, as a christian norm, our money to God is a gift as Jesus says in the bible we only give because we want to give to our God for community ventures, most christians or Christian organisations dont get rich from the religion only crazies from America.

third paragrah again sounds like something out of Dan brown, we do call some of you devil worhsipers, the thiestic LHP worship satin and you of all people should know this. also you have no proof we worship nothing, so your specualting, and yeah general, Dan Brown stuff.....


Left Hand Path
we believe the kind of nature we see now is from the fall, its a twisted parady of how life should be, things fit in this universe, and we accept that but that is because that is the only thing we have experienced, we do not know how it was meant to be because we have never experienced it.

What is meant to be? We exist, simple.

Christianity was never built on the waiting until then, it was built upon making life better now.

What is better than life?

you second paragraph sounds like a conspiricy theory and your defining one type of doctrine the propserity gospel whihc is heresy btw, as a christian norm, our money to God is a gift as Jesus says in the bible we only give because we want to give to our God for community ventures, most christians or Christian organisations dont get rich from the religion only crazies from America.

Hmm...exactly :D, American is based off of Christianity.

third paragrah again sounds like something out of Dan brown, we do call some of you devil worhsipers, the thiestic LHP worship satin and you of all people should know this. also you have no proof we worship nothing, so your specualting, and yeah general, Dan Brown stuff.....

Theistic LHP members worship nothing, it is simply a praise and respect of what they believe to be a physical diety. But then again I wouldn't know, since I am not theistic and I don't care to believe in the supernatural. Which I think really is quiet stupid but anyways...as you say I have no prove yet there is things called Church and uhm...worship. I am not speculating either, I see what Christianity is...I have been dragged into churches before and it has been some of the most traumatisizing experiences of my life :D.


Well-Known Member
Theistic LHP members worship nothing, it is simply a praise and respect of what they believe to be a physical diety. But then again I wouldn't know, since I am not theistic and I don't care to believe in the supernatural. Which I think really is quiet stupid but anyways...as you say I have no prove yet there is things called Church and uhm...worship. I am not speculating either, I see what Christianity is...I have been dragged into churches before and it has been some of the most traumatisizing experiences of my life :D.

Actually the do, although mostly for their own gain, they mightnt use the word "worship" but still.

firslty its no simple how we exist, by any stretch of the immagination. also yes there are things better, its just we merely cannot quite grasp it, again this is why i wanted to bow out, your really not reading well into the whole Christian faith and No america isnt based off the christian religion it is and has always been a secular nation run by capitalism.

and yes you are specualting you cannot merely go into a few churches and know what its about, a few church can be off scew or boring or wierd, but the christian doctrin gives you an over view of what we believe.

I have been trying to get to gips with what LHP is in this forum but I dont by any stretch state that I know it..... at least not enough to through it out with teh bath water.


Left Hand Path
Actually the do, although mostly for their own gain, they mightnt use the word "worship" but still.

Are you basing this information off of fact, or the view point of the bible?

firslty its no simple how we exist, by any stretch of the immagination. also yes there are things better, its just we merely cannot quite grasp it, again this is why i wanted to bow out, your really not reading well into the whole Christian faith and No america isnt based off the christian religion it is and has always been a secular nation run by capitalism.

What is better than existence? And of course the American government is based off of Christianity. The laws and rules are pretty obvious, not to mention they follow the motto "Don't do it" or abstinence. They see that experience brings power and knowledge and that is why government controls.

and yes you are specualting you cannot merely go into a few churches and know what its about, a few church can be off scew or boring or wierd, but the christian doctrin gives you an over view of what we believe.

What exactly am I speculating? What is the Christian view of what to believe? Pay us so you we teach you to believe in God? To love all and reject yourself, yet still love yourself? To believe the Earth is only six thousand years old, and that dinosaurs were a myth? Please...use some form of logic.

I have been trying to get to gips with what LHP is in this forum but I dont by any stretch state that I know it..... at least not enough to through it out with teh bath water.

LHP is simply of thy self. To understand completely you must be and approach life in an ambiguous manner.

Just like you cannot experience sex without doing it. Christianity is somewhere along the lines of a shotgun without shells, where LHP is everything that one could possibly need, of course that means that you would have to accept the natural order of things, which you seem to not understand.

It is rather simple...indulgence over abstinence, vital existence over spiritual pipe dreams. I suggest this if you want a little insight...Official Church of Satan Website
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Well-Known Member
LHP is simply of thy self. To understand completely you must be and approach life in an ambiguous manner.

Just like you cannot experience sex without doing it. Christianity is somewhere along the lines of a shotgun without shells, where LHP is everything that one could possibly need, of course that means that you would have to accept the natural order of things, which you seem to not understand.

It is rather simple...indulgence over abstinence, vital existence over spiritual pipe dreams. I suggest this if you want a little insight...Official Church of Satan Website

its from fact not the bible, the bible doesnt go into thiestic satanism, and no we dont pay you to teach the bible the tithe is optional, and the constitution was created on the bases of a secular society, your bias doesnt change that. I do accept the natural Order of things, Im just saying that it wasnt that way at one point. by loving ourselves and yet giving ourselves away we perform a gift, we dont give ourselves away because we are maggots who deserve no better, but because we love people and we believe our sacrifice is worth it. I know of your doctrines and yes they simple, I just dont agree with them, over indulgence shackles to things it does not make you the master of them, e.g. alcholism, drugs etc.

(please dont write in the quote box it makes it hard to respond.


Left Hand Path
its from fact not the bible, the bible doesnt go into thiestic satanism, and no we dont pay you to teach the bible the tithe is optional, and the constitution was created on the bases of a secular society, your bias doesnt change that. I do accept the natural Order of things, Im just saying that it wasnt that way at one point. by loving ourselves and yet giving ourselves away we perform a gift, we dont give ourselves away because we are maggots who deserve no better, but because we love people and we believe our sacrifice is worth it. I know of your doctrines and yes they simple, I just dont agree with them, over indulgence shackles to things it does not make you the master of them, e.g. alcholism, drugs etc.

(please dont write in the quote box it makes it hard to respond.

It does make you a master of yourself though. When you exist in your life, and not in anybody elses.

Stupidity brings in drugs and alchohol. Smart Satanists don't succumb to such idiocy.


Well-Known Member
It does make you a master of yourself though. When you exist in your life, and not in anybody elses.

Stupidity brings in drugs and alchohol. Smart Satanists don't succumb to such idiocy.

But your existing in my life, in the lives of your people at School, and if you work, your family amd friends, you cannot help but rely on them, at least in some part, for food shelter and companionship.

in society you can never be your own master, in order to achieve this you would have to cut yourself off from everyone and go live in a cave.


Left Hand Path
But your existing in my life, in the lives of your people at School, and if you work, your family amd friends, you cannot help but rely on them, at least in some part, for food shelter and companionship.

in society you can never be your own master, in order to achieve this you would have to cut yourself off from everyone and go live in a cave.

If you knew me, maybe you would see, that I only depend on me. By master thyself I mean that only you can know who you truly are and no one else. You use this knowledge to overcome obsticles that others need help getting through.

Sure I rely on my father and my mom for food and shelter, but they arn't the masters of me, I am.

I am more a pariah of society, I could care less for what others really think, for I know who I am and what I am capable of.

I have my girlfriend and my cousin, and that is all I need for social standards.


Well-Known Member
If you knew me, maybe you would see, that I only depend on me. By master thyself I mean that only you can know who you truly are and no one else. You use this knowledge to overcome obsticles that others need help getting through.

Sure I rely on my father and my mom for food and shelter, but they arn't the masters of me, I am.

I am more a pariah of society, I could care less for what others really think, for I know who I am and what I am capable of.

I have my girlfriend and my cousin, and that is all I need for social standards.

well if your describing yourself like that then everyone is their own master, I know who I am I am perfectly comfortable with myself, and please define these obsticles, cause your really starting to sound like really people just going through life. I who i am and what im capable of as well, you sound like your merely reacting to the standards of society bth.


Left Hand Path
well if your describing yourself like that then everyone is their own master, I know who I am I am perfectly comfortable with myself, and please define these obsticles, cause your really starting to sound like really people just going through life. I who i am and what im capable of as well, you sound like your merely reacting to the standards of society bth.

The constant onslaught of life, and the damage it is capable of doing.

I am merely reacting to the standards of society, it just differs than most common ways people look at society.

I am no different than you, for we are childeren of the universe, of the same life blood and existence. Our philosophy may differ but we are the same.

And by the own master thing...it may take some more time for your complete understanding of what I mean.

I am my own redeemer, I live for no one, with no fears. I am not bound mentally by the restrictive chains of religious clamor. You can say the same, but then that makes you a heretic and a hipocrite.

Maybe you are more diestic than anything else. I wouldn't know, I am not going to judge and I honestly don't care.


Well-Known Member
The constant onslaught of life, and the damage it is capable of doing.

I am merely reacting to the standards of society, it just differs than most common ways people look at society.

I am no different than you, for we are childeren of the universe, of the same life blood and existence. Our philosophy may differ but we are the same.

And by the own master thing...it may take some more time for your complete understanding of what I mean.

I am my own redeemer, I live for no one, with no fears. I am not bound mentally by the restrictive chains of religious clamor. You can say the same, but then that makes you a heretic and a hipocrite.

Maybe you are more diestic than anything else. I wouldn't know, I am not going to judge and I honestly don't care.

well to be honest my faith states you are the one that is bound but anyway, thats not important thank you very much for your views.


Left Hand Path
well to be honest my faith states you are the one that is bound but anyway, thats not important thank you very much for your views.

Your faith is also one sided, and only see's one side of a single aspect of life, and restrains you from thinking in the way in which I do...

But no problem :D