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existence of god


God's existence can only be as we are willing to perceive it according to my belief. I also believe that many people perceive what they believe to be God and in reality it is not God. Some people must be wrong about what they perceive as God in them as what some people perceive as God inspires them to hate others which is not God or from God. My main sense of God is from my belief in Him and what I believe He stands for. What I feel of God is often only in the form of a gentle peacefulness.

Some people might ask if I do not feel Him often or strongly, why would I believe in Him. My answer is that the idea of Him makes sense to me. It also makes sense to me that I cannot feel Him to a greater degree in that if I did feel Him more I would no longer have a choice to not believe in Him and He would never take that choice away from me.


Well-Known Member
to me god is every kind of energy, keeping thing alive and altering things without ever being noticed


Please no sarcasm
If (you believe) there is a god, how do you perceive his existence in your life or in this world? Is it a feeling? Or does he materialize in any way shape or form?

I have felt his spirit. It motivates me to do good. It feels comforting, peaceful. It makes me feel closer to other people--to care about them more. Sometimes the feeling is intense, sort of like a feeling of sureness, no doubts.

I have had answers to my prayers, sometimes in sentences that come into my mind. I know they aren't my own thoughts, because they've come in words I don't use, and sometimes I've had to look up definitions in the dictionary. The sentences are always very brief, to the point.

I have been blessed by sudden (and I really mean sudden) comfort and loss of worry, at times of real stress and deep concern.

We are promised certain, specific blessings if we are obedient to certain commandments. The blessings always come. Sooner or later.

I know God is real.


God is always there for me to talk with. When I need answers God answers me when God wants to. And God comes to my aid when God wants to.


United in Love
If (you believe) there is a god, how do you perceive his existence in your life or in this world? Is it a feeling? Or does he materialize in any way shape or form?

I believe because He is here. It is a feeling. I know He exists because...well look around you. Can humans naturally create life? We can only do so much because God allows us to do so. He gave us the knowledge to live; however not to sin. He is here, He is Love and Love is the Truth.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
If (you believe) there is a god, how do you perceive his existence in your life or in this world? Is it a feeling? Or does he materialize in any way shape or form?
God is love. When ever I see love, I see God. Whenever I show love, I show God.


Peace be upon you.

Feelings about God varies at different stages of spiritual development.

1= In the beginning of Holy Quran it is said:
This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it; (it is) a guidance for the righteous, Who believe in the unseen and observe Prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them; And who believe in that which has been revealed to thee, and that which was revealed before thee, and they have firm faith in what is (yet) to come.It is they who follow the guidance of their Lord and it is they who sahll prosper. [chapter2, verses 3 to 6]

Hence, at the start of spiritual journey idea of believe in UNSEEN is mentioned which includes God .

2= Then remembrance of God, doing good acts and following the instructions revealed in the Book lift person's feeling about God.

For example, just after the verses about the benefits of holy month of fasting (Ramadan), God says:
And when My servants ask thee about Me, (say) I am near . I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me. So they should hearken to Me and believe in Me, that they may follow the right way. [ 2:187]

So going throught he spiritual exercises of fasting month ( which is comprised of fasting plus lots of remembering of God ), progress about feelings of God grows from "UNSEEN" TO "I AM NEAR".

3= The feelings of The blessed holy Prophet about God illumine the subject:

Say, My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are (all) for Allah. the Lord of the worlds. [6:163]


Verily, those who swear allegiance to thee indeed swear allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands. So whoever breaks (his oath), breaks (it) to his own loss; and whoever fulfils the covenant that he has made with Allah, He will surely give him a great reward.[48:11]

4= When one spiritually grows with Holy Quran, it makes the spiritual journey of a person from believe in UNSEEN to :
Say, He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Independent and Besought of all. He begets not, nor is He begotton; and there is none like unto Him. [ 3rd last chapter # 112 : verses 2 to 5]

5= All along the Quran various attributes of God are mentioned :
Allah -- there is no God but He, The Living, the self Subsisting and All-Sustaining. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is he that will intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them; and they encompasss nothing of His knowledge except what He pleases. His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth; and the care of them burdens Him not; and he is The High, the Great . [2:256]

6= Hence the effect upon one's heart and mind is feeling of His great Presence and the spiritual light seen through inner eyes.


Just me
Premium Member
God's existence can only be as we are willing to perceive it according to my belief. I also believe that many people perceive what they believe to be God and in reality it is not God. Some people must be wrong about what they perceive as God in them as what some people perceive as God inspires them to hate others which is not God or from God. My main sense of God is from my belief in Him and what I believe He stands for. What I feel of God is often only in the form of a gentle peacefulness.
In my view, the idea that 'what people perceive to be God is not God' is not only a good thing but the reason why everyone is right, and not wrong. We all perceive only what we perceive (willingness aside). Yes, a God that inspires hate would be a bad thing, as I perceive it, but that this one thing is "bad" doesn't make that other thing 'wrong"; else what you are saying is that what they perceive as God should be identical to what you perceive as God, even though we all perceive only what we perceive as God. Do you see?

Suffice it to say they perceive something entirely different.


In my view, the idea that 'what people perceive to be God is not God' is not only a good thing but the reason why everyone is right, and not wrong. We all perceive only what we perceive (willingness aside). Yes, a God that inspires hate would be a bad thing, as I perceive it, but that this one thing is "bad" doesn't make that other thing 'wrong"; else what you are saying is that what they perceive as God should be identical to what you perceive as God, even though we all perceive only what we perceive as God. Do you see?

Suffice it to say they perceive something entirely different.

I don't see what you are saying or if I do see, it does not make sense to me. I do not believe God is in reality exactly as I perceive Him or that people should perceive Him exactly as I perceive Him. I do believe that many peoples' perception of God is in reality very wrong or, in other words, their perception of Him differs greatly from how He actually is.

I will not respect someone's belief if it inspires what I see as hatred. I do value my opinion over the opinions of those who do not seek what I see as justice. Not everyone is right.


To answer the original question of this thread, Yes there is a God! I could give details, but I never will. For the curious, seek God for yourself. For those who are not curious, be content then.


Just me
Premium Member
I don't see what you are saying or if I do see, it does not make sense to me. I do not believe God is in reality exactly as I perceive Him or that people should perceive Him exactly as I perceive Him. I do believe that many peoples' perception of God is in reality very wrong or, in other words, their perception of Him differs greatly from how He actually is.

I will not respect someone's belief if it inspires what I see as hatred. I do value my opinion over the opinions of those who do not seek what I see as justice. Not everyone is right.
But what you perceive as God is undoubtedly what you perceive as God, no? :yes:

So for everyone. So their perception that is "wrong" is really just "different from yours". Not respecting it is your right; respecting it as "different" rather than "wrong" is, in my view, more correct. But then, that may be different for you.


Well-Known Member
But what you perceive as God is undoubtedly what you perceive as God, no? :yes:

So for everyone. So their perception that is "wrong" is really just "different from yours". Not respecting it is your right; respecting it as "different" rather than "wrong" is, in my view, more correct. But then, that may be different for you.

Relativism can only lead to the confusion that comes with politics and power. It is not conducive to personal growth or the evolution of the human species.


Just me
Premium Member
Relativism can only lead to the confusion that comes with politics and power. It is not conducive to personal growth of the evolution of the human species.
It leads to my own personal growth; and by extension, if we all grow personally then the human species grows personally.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how the denial of one’s current estate constitutes growth. There are no shortcuts. "The quickest way for a tadpole to become a frog is to live loyally each moment as a tadpole."


But what you perceive as God is undoubtedly what you perceive as God, no? :yes:

So for everyone. So their perception that is "wrong" is really just "different from yours". Not respecting it is your right; respecting it as "different" rather than "wrong" is, in my view, more correct. But then, that may be different for you.

What about reality outside of perception? Does it not exist? Someone is right. Whether or not we can know for certain who is right is another matter, but I believe it is beneficial to form conclusions as to the most likely scenarios.


Well-Known Member
What about reality outside of perception? Does it not exist? Someone is right. Whether or not we can know for certain who is right is another matter, but I believe it is beneficial to form conclusions as to the most likely scenarios.
Exactly, and doing so with denying the dualistic nature of our current estate. For how can it be benificial to have a monistic philosophy of life while experiencing it in terms of self and other?


New Member
I perceive God when I have peace in times of turmoil, I know He's there when I am by my self but am not alone. When He answers my prayers as I asked them and when He answers my prayers, but nothing like how I had asked Him, and when I reflect back I realize how thankful I am that He did not answer my prayer as I had asked because of how much more I gained by His answer. I see him more often in hindsight, as my mind is not always able to see His hand as it's moving.


Just me
Premium Member
Someone is right. Whether or not we can know for certain who is right is another matter, but I believe it is beneficial to form conclusions as to the most likely scenarios.
Either we cannot know for certain "who is right", which renders both meaningless in terms of right, or we can know for certain which is right --which renders both right, both being quite certain of their rightness in their own regard. :)