Hope: More on why ID is not science. As long as God is included as one of the possibilities for a "higher intelligence", then we can never make a falsifiable prediction about anything It may do. That is because God is both omnipotent and unknowable. So if you said, for example, "If God made the universe, we would not expect it to be made of 99.99% nothing." (which it is.) Because for some reason unknown to us, God could have wanted a universe that's only .01% something, and 99.99% nothing. You can't say: "If God created all living creatures, we would not expect some of them to be carnivorous, and eat the others," because a cruel God might have wanted to create life just that way, for reasons unknown to us. You can't generate any specific prediction whatsoever from the hypothesis of an all-powerful, unknowable creator. That means that the hypothesis cannot be falsified, even theoretically, which means that is not science. There is no way to test it, and therefore no way to gather evidence in support of it. That doesn't mean that it's necessarily false, just that the qustion of its truth or false-ness is not a scientific question.
That is why ID does no research and does not publish. It's not because scientific journals refuse to publish them. It's because you can't research a non-specific hypothesis such as God.