I should have known you'd go back to the well of selectively quoting sources and making ridiculous assumptions based on uncertain terminology.
I merely gave back to you what you gave to me.....I selected the parts that demonstrate exactly what all articles on evolution do....there were so many!.....why do you all choose to gloss them over like it doesn't matter? Did you even read the article before you posted your link?
You honestly believe that admitting uncertainty or acknowledging difficulties in research is somehow scientists exposing evolution for the shame it is.
No I don't...what I believe is a shame is that scientists promote their theory as if it were established fact....you teach it to school aged children who then take it into adulthood with them but you never tell them that none of it is provable. If you ask the youth or even the teachers at universities if evolution is a proven fact, how many will say no? If you asked them to prove macro-evolution...how many could?
Here's an important question, Deeje: If evolution really were fundamentally based on a lie, why would scientists deliberately use uncertain terminology and admit the gaps and difficulty in their research?
Your argument makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense. Scientists value their standing in academia so they can't tell outright lies because someone would pull them up and they would lose credibility....so they substitute speculation and disguise it as truth by using the language of uncertainty. It isn't read that way though...is it? Most people don't even notice that they are being offered unsubstantiated guesswork instead of real facts. If you pick them up on it they refer to the uncertain terminology to show that they aren't really lying...just making suggestions about what "might have" happened...but inferring that it "must have". This theory is so much more than just a theory for scientists.....for many it means the death of God. If that has eternal ramifications, there is much to lose.
Tell me which of the following statements is more likely to come from a dishonest person:
"There is definitely a gold bar in the garage. But I won't show you, you'll have to take my word for it. But there absolutely, definitely is."
"There may be a gold bar in the garage. I've done some research which presents evidence of this, though my work is incomplete."
Tell me honestly, Deeje.
You honestly think that a question like that relates to what we are discussing? Either of those statement could come from an honest person under certain circumstances.
An honest scientist however would say..."this is what the theory of evolution leads us to believe....but we have no real evidence to prove that its true. Its all speculation at present but we hope to add more to substantiate it in the future".......Now, we know that this is not what scientists say at all. They present the "might have's" and the "could have's" of evolution as if they "must have".....there is the dishonesty. That is the issue for me.
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